Developmental Disabilities Advisory Council Meeting Minutes
November 13, 2017@ 105 South Garden Avenue Newport, WA 99156
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by David Odell at 12:05p.m.
Board Members: ☐Roger Enyeart ☐Yvonne Enyeart ☒Mary Sterling ☒Denise Masters ☐Ramona Mateer
☒Renee Masters ☒Judy Malby ☒David Odell
Support: Annabelle Payne, Kelly Alliger, Jim Chermak
Public: Steve Kiss, County Commissioner
Excused: Ramona Mateer,
Unexcused: Roger Enyeart, Yvonne Enyeart
Review of Minutes: Minutes were approved by Mary Sterling and Judy Malby seconded the motion.
- Community Education & Outreach
- David and Annabelle met with the County Commissioners
- Newport School District Wellness Fair
- David Odell, Renee Masters and Rob Thompson managed the DD Advisory Booth. A picture of the table with David & Annabelle was in the Grizzly Newsletter. Very positive feedback received. A sign up sheet for folks who stopped by the table, expressing an interest in either the Advisory Board and/or DD information in general. Over 20 names noted.
- Recruitment
- List for follow-up contact
- David will email those that provided email addresses to see what their interest is. Annabelle will help David draft an email to send out
- Mary will call those that only provided phone numbers
- Recruitment Strategies
- Meeting up North – board feels it’s worthwhile to schedule a meeting, in the spring or summer, advertise well, do a lunch, possibly at the school or Ione Community Center
- State Audit – no major findings, some of their requests aren’t feasible for us
- They want clients to work 20 hours per week but often clients are not interested in working this many hours, or employment places do not offer; the county in general has high unemployment and/or underemployment challenges
- 2018 Request ForProposal (RFP) – the DDA contract requires submission of a RFP at minimum, every 4 years. There was no response to the 2014 RFP. Annabelle has spoken with Stevens county and Career Paths in the past and was told that the small volume of clients served was not enough to entice. Annabelle has been informed that SL Start, in Spokane may be interested in serving rural areas.
- Annabelle asked if the Council would be interested in the RFP vetting process, should there be applications submitted. Members indicated an interest.
- DDA Update – Rob Thompson not available
- Membership Process –
- If a member states they want to quit, it was decided that a letter will be sent for confirmation
- Attendance
- Bylaws state must attend 1 meeting a year or they can be voted out.
- Proposed to adopt a 2-strike rule – if someone has 2 unexcused absences they can be voted out
- Members are expected to “call ahead” if you can’t make a meeting
- If absent and no call, then a board member will contact that person
- Motion for Termination to be added to the Bylaws
- “Courtesy is key. We ask for a call if you can’t make it. If you don’t attend and haven’t called, the Chair will contact you. If you have 2 unexcused absences, then you will receive a termination letter.”
- Mary Sterling approved the motion and Judy Malbyseconded.
- Job Fair – start planning, Judy will contact Lori Sandaine (DD Employment Manager for Stevens County) for consultation
- Trades Fair – in March, Mary will follow-up to see if we can get involved
- Strategic Planning
- Recruitment
- Anti-stigma campaign
- Display pictures of our DD clients working at their jobs and atcommunity events
- Collage of our clients being community members
- Have client’s family write down how people relate to their DD relative and display with collage
- NOTE: Important to have signed media release from individuals before using their pictures
- Mary shared about Pre-ETS (Pre-Employment Transition Services) – A Rural Resources program with the schools
- Ages 16-21 enrolled in high school with a 504 or an IEP
- Students get 55 hours paid work experience and pre-employment activities
- The next meeting is scheduled for February 12, 2018 at the Counseling Building from 12-1:30pm.
ADJOURNED: 1:02 p.m.