Developed by Nansy Pyrini
Ellinogermaniki Agogi
1. Lessons’ Title:The WeatherOlympic Education[1]
2. Grade: All grades
3. Date: .
4. Other Grade Present: All grades may be present
5. Subject:History, Geography, Science, Language, Social Studies, Physical Education, Sport Science
6. Teaching Chapters of the Curriculum:
A Grade: B.2 Changes in the weather
B Grade:
Sports: Yesterday and this day
Myths about the Olympic Games
Fair Play
Exercise – Play – Joy – Dream
B.2 Changes in the weather
C Grade:B.5 We learn about the weather
D Grade:
Athletics and Education in Ancient Greece
The Olympic Games: Yesterday and Today
Exercise – Play – Joy – Dream with ancient and modern games
The Athlete
Olympic Games – Athens 2004B.2 The Weather and the Climate
E Grade: A.3 The Weather and the Climate
F Grade:A.1; 5. The Climate and the Earth Flora
History of sports
Contemporary Olympic History
Athens 2004 – A new challenge
Paralympic Games
Social and Moral Messages
7. Teaching Teaching Objectives:
The participation of the youth in the ancient Greek and up-to-date Olympic Tradition
The participation of the youth in the Olympic Culture as it appears a) in space, infrastructure, and nature, b) in participation, c) in the body, d) in kinesis, e) in game, f) in contest, g) in principles, h) in scene, i) in meaning, j) in dialogue
Social Skills
The development of communication among athletes, coaches, referees, contestants, reporters, spectators as well as among people from different nations and cultural backgrounds
The development of the individual skills and talents
The growth of the youth by the ideals of fair, good, just, honest and free
Bodily/Kinesthetic Skills
The growth of bodily/kinesthetic skills and of the individual athletic talents of the youth
The initiation in unfamiliar Olympic Sports
The understanding of the aesthetic value of the art that is inspired by the Olympic Games and athletics in general
The knowledge of the ancient Greek and contemporary Olympic Tradition and Olympic Culture
The development of critical thinking towards negative social phenomena such as violence, racism, xenophobia etc
check books
8. Expected Results: check books8. Teaching Methodology
Multiple Intelligences Approach
Cooperative Groups (assign to groups specific activities/tasks)
Discussion groups (either in sub-groups or the whole class)
More details on teaching methodologies can be found at
9. Required Time and Teaching Timetable:
The proposed activity is for one didactical hour (45 min.)2 teaching hours (2 x 45 min).
8. Prerequisite knowledge of students:
Grades A and B
Basic Concepts: sport, game, myth, equality, reliance, change, time, space, Athens 2004
Grades C and D
Basic Concepts: athletics, game, Olympic games, athlete, Athens 2004
Grades E and F
Basic Concepts: fair-play, Olympic-Games, rule, communication, cooperation, interactivity, athlete, Athens 2004
A Grade: None
B Grade: To understand the concepts: weather, day and season
To understand that the weather changes
C Grade: To know and to understand that the weather changes from day to day, from time to time and from place to place
D Grade: To know what weather is
To know and to understand that the weather changes from time to time and from place to place
To know that the weather varies from place to place
E Grade: To understand the difference between the concept ‘weather’ and the concept ‘climate’
F Grade: To understand the difference between the concept ‘weather’ and the concept ‘climate’
To know and to understand about the climate zones
9. Required Educational Material:
Required Equipment: PC, Internet Access (if available, not necessary), Video Projector, Globe
-Web addresses:
Olympic Education in Greek, English and French
Educational games, material, ideas about activities etc in Greek
Lesson Plan that can be adjusted for grades A, B, C and D.
Lesson Plan that can be adjusted for grades D, E and F.
Lesson Plan that can be adjusted for grades D, E and F.
Educational Activity under the title “Weather Forecast”, in Greek
Suitable for grades D, E and F.
-Printed material:
Olympic Writing Book (6-9 years of age) in Greek
Olympic Writing Book (10-12 years of age) in Greek
Available from
Climate maps, Stories about the weather
10. Short Description of the subject to be taught:
The Olympic Games: history of the games, modern games, stories about the games, the sports, paralympic games, Olympic ideal, fair play, Olympic Games and environment.
The general idea check books
11. Steps for teaching the subject:
The teacher:
may introduce the subject to the students asking some questions in order to record their prior knowledge on the subject
groups the students
hands out the writing books
gives instructions on how to work on the worksheets
The groups of students present their work. Discussion follows.
The students may continue their work on the writing book as homework.
First teaching hour (45 min) flexible time
The teacher:
1.presents the subject to the children (5 min.)
2.examines children’s previous knowledge on the subject (15 min.)
3.classifies the children into working groups
4.assigns activities to the working groups
5.assigns specific tasks / roles to each one of the students (10 min.)
6.guides and supports working groups by: (15 min.)
providing examples on how children should cooperate,
providing additional information if needed
suggesting learning strategies,
answering to questions,
troubleshooting, etc.
Children may continue their work at home if homework is to be assigned or if students volunteer to do so.
Second teaching hour (45 min) flexible time
Children complete their activities and present the results of their collaborative work (20 min.)
Discussion follows (25 min.)
- Notes to the Teacher:
It is not necessary to work on all work sheets of the writing book. The teacher may choose, according to the specific theme/s and objectives that he/she will set, the appropriate worksheets. The teacher should also consider students prior knowledge, skills and interests for choosing the worksheets.
In terms of the teaching steps:
1.Make sure that children have the previous knowledge necessary for working on their tasks.
If they do not, you may use peer tutoring techniques.
2.Try to encourage students to express their conceptions and beliefs.
Using peer tutoring techniques helps children to express themselves and misconceptions will come up.
BUT monitor the process so as misconceptions will not be transferred to other students as a result of the peer tutoring approach.
The curriculums of grades A, B and C focus on weather changes and of grades D, E and F on the difference between the concepts “weather” and “climate”. This could be used as a criterion for grouping students.
3.Before assigning tasks and roles to the students consider students’ interests, developmental and individual differences, learning styles, skills and previous knowledge.
4.Make sure that the activities accomodate the cultural background of all students. If necessary, give students time to adjust to new cultural elements.
5.Make sure that students transfer the known learning strategies to the new subject/activity/task and that they develop their own strategies.
6.Let the children try to resolve problematic situations themselves before giving them a solution to the problem.
- Resources
On Multiple Intelligences Approach
Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple Intelligences: The theory in practice. New York: Basic Books.
Gardner, H. (1993). Creating Minds: An anatomy of creativity seen through the lives of Freud, Einstein, Picasso, Stravinsky, Eliot, Graham, and Gandhi. New York: Basic Books.
Gardner, H. (1991). The Unschooled Mind: How children think and how schools should teach. New York: Basic Books.
On the Olympic Games
Athens 2004
Project within the framework of Olympic Education about the historical development of the Olympic Sports in Greek
Project within the framework of Olympic Education about the Ancient Asklepieia in Greek
The teacher may use any kind of rating scale (for instance: excellent, good, fair, poor).
1.Evaluate the lesson in terms of
Evaluation in terms of: / Group A / Group BStudent 1 / Student 2 / Student 1 / Student 2
students’ engagement
interactivity in the group
activating previous knowledge
reconstructing previous knowledge (if applicable)
effective use of learning strategies
self-evaluation/monitoring processes
the levels of understanding new knowledge
students’ motivation
Note for the teacher:
Although rating gives an idea about the learning process/results keeping notes about students’ behavior might be more helpful in terms of reacting upon students’ behavior to improve it according to the teaching/learning objectives of the lesson.
Other questions for the teacher
1.2. What was your general impression of the class?
2.3. What specific problems occur during the lesson?
3.4. How would you consider it as successful?
4.5. What changes would you make in the teaching of this module?
5.6. What other comments do you have?
[1] Olympic Education (in Greece) is a program aiming at growing the bodily, psychic and mental abilities of students and developing their attitudes by the Olympic ideal.
Teachers may decide how much time they will spend on such activities. The activities can be interdisciplinary so teachers would exploit the principles and ideas deriving from the program in different occasions. The proposed lesson plan describes in general themes, objectives and methodology that could be adjusted to many different activities.