Keheley Elementary supply lists 2016/2017


Kindergarten:(no labels except headphones)

4 boxes 8 count crayola small crayons
4 boxes 16 packcrayola crayons
8 ct markers, classic colors, Crayola or Mr. Sketchy
Expo dry erase markers 8 pk (bright colors)
2 packages colored pencils
2 tissue boxes 160 count
3-2 pocket folders w/ brads(yellow/blue/green)plastic, no design
1 package eraser caps and 1 pkg pink pearl block erasers
2 composition notebooks
1 moist disinfecting wipes
1 box gallon and 1 box quart sized sealable storage bags
20 Elmers purple glue stickslarge size
headphone set-(no earbuds) label with name
1 pair 5 inch blunt scissors

Boys-1 pk index cards (100 3X5 white)

Girls-Hand sanitizer

1st grade

2 boxes of crayons

Colored Pencils

4 count pack Dry Erase Markers

5” Blunt scissors

20 small washable Elmer’s glue sticks

1 box 24 count #2 sharpened pencils

2 pink jumbo erasers

1 vinyl zipper pencil pouch

4 spiral notebooks (red, blue, green, yellow (Wide ruled)

1 of each plastic pocket folder - yellow, purple, green

3 boxes of tissues

Over the head headphone set

1 pack of pencil top erasers

1 red plastic pocket folder- with prongs

1 Highlighter

1 box plastic baggies (BOYS-sandwich, GIRLS-gallon size)

GIRLS-1 bottle hand sanitizer/BOYS-1 cont. Clorox Wipe

1 chair pocket (available at Lakeshore Learning)**Will also be available at School Store & Sneak-a-Peek

2nd grade

12 count full-length colored pencils

2 packages of pencil top erasers

10 washable glue sticks

1 box of 24 count crayons

5” blunt scissors

2 black Sharpie markers

2 yellow highlighters

2 boxes of tissues

1 antibacterial wipes 50 count tub

2 dozen no.2 pencils(sharpened)

4 dry erase markers

1 hand sanitizer

1 pencil box or pencil pouch

1 set of headphones

3 two-pocket plastic folders (red, yellow, and blue)

3 spiral notebooks wide ruled (red, yellow, green)

1 two-subject notebook wide ruled (blue)

1 pack of wide ruled notebook paper

1 box plastic baggies (BOYS-sandwich, GIRLS-gallon size)

1 package of 3x5 index cards

3rd grade

1 composition notebook

1 box of 24 count crayons

4 spiral notebooks (1 sub Wide Rule 70 count asst. colors)

1 Five Star plastic cover spiral notebook- 1 subject

1 Plastic expandable folder organize

1-Filler paper Wide Rule 200 count

2 boxes of No. 2 sharpened pencils

1-12 count colored pencils

1 box of markers

1 Highlighter 2 red pens

10-20 washable glue sticks

1 black Sharpie

1 red plastic pocket folder- with prongs

3 boxes of tissues 2 containers of Clorox Wipes

1 pair of scissors 4-8 black dry erase markers

Earbud Headphones

Soprano Recorder

1 pencil bag –NOT box

Pencil cap or jumbo erasers pkg.

Handheld pencil sharpener

Boys- Paper Towel Roll/ Girls-Purex hand sanitizer

Boys-sandwich Ziploc/ Girls – gallon size Ziploc

4th Grade

(QTY 1) college ruled 3 subj spiral notebook (Plastic cover)

(QTY 3) 1 subject spiral notebooks (Paper cover)

(QTY 2) College ruled notebook paper

(QTY 2) 2 pocket folders (with or without prongs- any colors)

(QTY 1) 2 pocket, pronged, PLASTIC RED folder

(QTY 2) 12 count colored pencils

(QTY 2) boxes of tissues

(QTY 2) different colored highlighters

1 dozen pencils

Package eraser caps

Handheld sharpener (with a cover to catch shavings)

2 small or 1 lg. Clorox/Lysol wipes

1 box of 24 Count Crayons

4-8 Expo dry erase markers (Large or chisel tip)

8-10 Glue Sticks

2 colored pens for correcting (not black)

1 pair of scissors

1 black Sharpie

1 pencil/supply pouch

2 packs of 3x3 post-it notes

4x6 OR 3x5 index cards

GIRLS- small bag of candy / BOYS- hand sanitizer

5th Grade

3 College ruled LG 1 subj spiral notebooks(Plastic Cover)

2 Composition Notebooks

2 packs Filler paper – college ruled or wide ruled 200 count

2 Lg different colored highlighters

2 boxes of 12 count no. 2 pencils

2 colored pens for correcting

1 pack 3x5 index cards1 pack 4x6 index cards

1 box of colored pencils

3 boxes of tissues

8-10 glue sticks8 dry erase markers

1 pair of scissors

1 black Sharpie

1 pencil/supply pouch1 box of crayons – 24 ct.

4 – 2 pocket (folders with prongs – any color)

1 3-ring binder (1/5-2”) (optional for organization)

5 Tab dividers – (write-on tabs best) (opt for organization)

1 pkg any size Ziploc bags

GIRLS-1 bottle hand sanitizer/BOYS-1 cont. Clorox Wipe