Cat Dissection
Skinned (2-3 days)
Ringed dissection guide
Day 1
Equipment-tray, newspaper, blunt probe, tweezers, sharp probe
Prepare your tray by lining it with newspapers.
Take the cat to the sink and cut open the bag. Rinse off the cat and throw the bag into the trash.
Directional terms-be familiar with all terms in this section.
Cranial, caudal, dorsal, ventral, lateral, medial, proximal & distal
External features-mouth, vibrissae, external nares, eye, auricle, brachium, femur, pes
Features of the face-auricle, eye, external nares, vibrissae, mouth
Salivary glands-parotid gland, submaxillary gland, lymph node
Muscular system-masseter, temporalis, clavotrapezius, spinotrapezius, latissimus dorsi, gluteus maximus, gastronemius, biceps, satorius, external oblique, triceps, sternomastoid
Skeletal system-know all parts of the vertebral column, scapula, axis, atlas, hyoid, clavicle, humerus, ulna, radius, phlanges, metacarpals, carpals, sternum, ribs, costal cartilage, femur, patella, tibia, fibula, phlanges of foot, metatarsals, tarsals, ischium, ilium
Day 2
Equipment-all dissecting equipment (including scalpels) Please pick up large scissors
Opening the body cavity: The Digestive System
Make a cut with your scissors (blunt edge inside the cut) from the anus to the end of the sternum. From the sternum cut laterally along the caudal edge of the rib cage. Make lateral cuts until the body wall flaps are low enough to view the abdominal cavity.
Locate the-diaphragm, liver, gall bladder, stomach, small intestine, spleen, large intestine, pancreas, greater omentum. Make sure you know the function of each of the organs
Make a cut from the diaphragm to the top of the thoracic cavity. Cut to the right or left of the sternum—through the ribs.
Locate the-lungs, heart, thymus
Use the scalpel to expose the trachea, and larynx
Lift the intestines out of the cat and to the side.
Locate the-kidneys, bladder, ovaries or testis, urethra, ureter, uterus (if female). Make sure you locate the organs on the OPPOSITE sex of the cat you have to dissect.
Circulatory system-arteries are red, veins are blue
Locate the-vena cava, aorta, subclavian, brachial, caudal, iliac hepatic, jugular, carotid, splenic, femoral, gastric arteries and veins
Pack everything back into your cat and close the flaps. Get a clean bag. Tag and bag your cat…. STUDY!!!