(September 2004)
I. ADDRESS: Office
Department of Accounting and Management Information System
Lerner College of Business and Economics, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware19716 Office phone: (302) 8316890; Fax 302-831-4676
E-mail - ;
Home 7 Spring Water Way, Newark, Delaware 19711
(302) 3683351
Ph.D.SyracuseUniversity, 1979; Major: Accounting, Minor: Finance and Economics
M.B.ASyracuseUniversity, 1971 (GPA 3.84/4); Major: Finance
M.S. SyracuseUniversity, 1971 (GPA 4/4);Major: Accounting
B. Com. Haile Selassie I University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1966 (with distinction)
¨Certified Management Accountant (CMA), 1980 (inactive)
¨Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), 1984 (inactive)
Certified Public Accountant (CPA), 1985, Delaware (inactive)
1990- present, Professor of Accounting,University of Delaware.
2000 – present, Advanced Fellow, Institute to Transform Undergraduate Education, UD.
19831990, Associate Professor of Accounting, University of Delaware.
19781983, Assistant Professor of Accounting, University of Delaware.
- W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc., Newark, DE - involved in assessing the internal control system, reconciliations, and conducting CPE workshops to accounting professionals. During my sabbatical year ( September 2003- May 2004).
- The Siegfried Group, LLP. Involved in a variety of accounting, auditing, review, and compilation activities; internal inspection, and miscellaneous consulting activities in the financial reporting area, and conducting CPE programs, 1999 – 2003; summer 2004.
- Coopers and Lybrand, General Audit Staff, while on sabbatical leave from the University of Delaware. 19841985.
- E. I. duPont de Nemours & Co., Inc., 1981 to 1984, consulting Professional Development Program in Management Accounting, a program designed to develop managerial accounting skills leading to the Certificate in Management Accounting (CMA).
- Test Developer and Reviewer In Principle of Accounting, The Chauncey Group International, Princeton, New Jersey, Summer 2002.
- AICPA CPA Exam Developer and Reviewer, Fall 2002.
- 2003 Student Choice Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award.
- Member, External Auditor Selection Committee, New Castle County, Delaware, Spring 2003.
- Chair, Pedagogy Committee, Teaching & Curriculum Section of the American Accounting Association. 2002-2003.
- Fellow, Center for Advanced Studies, University of Delaware, 1995-96
- 1991 Innovation in Business Education Award, from the Middle Atlantic Association of Colleges of Business Administration.
- University of Delaware Excellence-in-Teaching Award, 1989.
- Dean's nominee for a State Professor of the Year Competition, sponsored by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), 1988, Certificate of Recognition.
- Outstanding Teaching Award, Department of Accounting, College of Business and Economics, University of Delaware, 1988, and 1980.
Undergraduate Program
/Graduate Program
- Advance Accounting
- Auditing
- Cost Accounting
- Intermediate Accounting I
- Intermediate Accounting II
- Introduction to Financial Accounting
- Introduction to Managerial Accounting.
- Financial Reporting and Analysis.
- Management Accounting.
- Contemporary Issues in Accounting.
VII. SERVICE ACTIVITIES - Some of the major ones:
- Member, Member, Faculty Welfare and Privileges Committee of the Faculty Senate, 1999 – 2003.
- Chair, President's Commission to Promote Racial and Cultural Diversity at the University of Delaware, 1994-1998.
- University Grand Marshall, 1994-present
- President, Mid-Atlantic Region of the American Accounting Association. 1988-1989.
- Chairperson, Association of Eritrean Professionals and Academics for Development (AEPAD), 1997-98.
- President, Eritrean Accounting Association, 1996-98.
- Program Director, 1989 Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Accounting Association.
- Member, Editorial Board, ACCOUNTING HORIZONS, 1997-2000.
VIII. PUBLICATIONS : Two books, and over 40 journal and proceedings articles.
Recent Publications (For detailed list of publications refer to Long Version – Vita)
- “Application of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Accounting”, The Accounting Educator, The Newsletter of the Teaching and Curriculum Section of AAA, Vol. XII No. 2, Winter 2003.
- Book Chapter: “Wireless Laptop Computers in a Problem-Based Learning Classroom.” With Paul Hyde. Title of book, Faculty Development Strategies That Work, by David G. Brown, editor, Spring 2003.
- Book Review, ALVIN A. ARENS, RANDAL J. ELDER and MARK S. BEASLEY, Auditing and Assurance Services: An Integrated Approach., Ninth Edition (Upper Saddle River, NJ, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2003, pp. xx, 765), Issues in Accounting Education,
- “Focusing on Constructive Thoughts: The Pull-Push Strategy.” March 12, 2003. The article was published in several Eritrean websites.
Recent Presentations:
- A CPE Session on: “Analysis of the Current GAAP and the FASB Proposed Accounting for Equity Based Compensation,” at the Siegfried Group, Wilmington, DE, August 26, 2004.
- “Creating a Deeper Learning Environment using Group-Based Active Interactive Collaborative Learning,” presented at the 2004 International Conference on Problem-Based Learning, Cancun, Mexico, June 2004.
- “A Historical Retrospective of the Sarbanes-Oxley 2002 Act, and a Discussion of Some of It’s Relevant Provisions,” presented at a Breakfast Forum, a program sponsored by Ajilon for Accounting and Financial professionals at the W Hotel, NY, NY, March 31, 2004.
- A CPE Session on “The Application of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Accounting Education,” with Phil Cottell, Ohio Region 2003 AAA Meeting, May 2003.
- “Application of WebCT as a Course Management Tool in Accounting Education,” at the WebCT Conference sponsored by DrexelUniversity, Philadelphia, PA, May 2003.
- “The Enron Debacle and the Fall of Andersen.” presented at the Elkton Rotary Club, December 2002.
- " Introducing Technology-Mediated Undergraduate and Graduated Distance Learning in Eritrea: a Critical Appraisal of the Benefits and Challenges," with Amanuel Melles, at the Eritrean Studies Association Conference, Asmara, Eritrea, July 25, 2001