(September 2004)

I. ADDRESS: Office

Department of Accounting and Management Information System

Lerner College of Business and Economics, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware19716 Office phone: (302) 8316890; Fax 302-831-4676

E-mail - ;


Home 7 Spring Water Way, Newark, Delaware 19711

(302) 3683351


Ph.D.SyracuseUniversity, 1979; Major: Accounting, Minor: Finance and Economics

M.B.ASyracuseUniversity, 1971 (GPA 3.84/4); Major: Finance

M.S. SyracuseUniversity, 1971 (GPA 4/4);Major: Accounting

B. Com. Haile Selassie I University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1966 (with distinction)


¨Certified Management Accountant (CMA), 1980 (inactive)

¨Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), 1984 (inactive)

Certified Public Accountant (CPA), 1985, Delaware (inactive)


1990- present, Professor of Accounting,University of Delaware.

2000 – present, Advanced Fellow, Institute to Transform Undergraduate Education, UD.

19831990, Associate Professor of Accounting, University of Delaware.

19781983, Assistant Professor of Accounting, University of Delaware.


  • W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc., Newark, DE - involved in assessing the internal control system, reconciliations, and conducting CPE workshops to accounting professionals. During my sabbatical year ( September 2003- May 2004).
  • The Siegfried Group, LLP. Involved in a variety of accounting, auditing, review, and compilation activities; internal inspection, and miscellaneous consulting activities in the financial reporting area, and conducting CPE programs, 1999 – 2003; summer 2004.
  • Coopers and Lybrand, General Audit Staff, while on sabbatical leave from the University of Delaware. 19841985.
  • E. I. duPont de Nemours & Co., Inc., 1981 to 1984, consulting Professional Development Program in Management Accounting, a program designed to develop managerial accounting skills leading to the Certificate in Management Accounting (CMA).
  • Test Developer and Reviewer In Principle of Accounting, The Chauncey Group International, Princeton, New Jersey, Summer 2002.
  • AICPA CPA Exam Developer and Reviewer, Fall 2002.


  • 2003 Student Choice Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award.
  • Member, External Auditor Selection Committee, New Castle County, Delaware, Spring 2003.
  • Chair, Pedagogy Committee, Teaching & Curriculum Section of the American Accounting Association. 2002-2003.
  • Fellow, Center for Advanced Studies, University of Delaware, 1995-96
  • 1991 Innovation in Business Education Award, from the Middle Atlantic Association of Colleges of Business Administration.
  • University of Delaware Excellence-in-Teaching Award, 1989.
  • Dean's nominee for a State Professor of the Year Competition, sponsored by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), 1988, Certificate of Recognition.
  • Outstanding Teaching Award, Department of Accounting, College of Business and Economics, University of Delaware, 1988, and 1980.


Undergraduate Program


Graduate Program

  1. Advance Accounting
  2. Auditing
  3. Cost Accounting
  4. Intermediate Accounting I
  5. Intermediate Accounting II
  6. Introduction to Financial Accounting
  7. Introduction to Managerial Accounting.
8. International Accounting /
  1. Financial Reporting and Analysis.
  2. Management Accounting.
  3. Contemporary Issues in Accounting.
4. International Accounting

VII. SERVICE ACTIVITIES - Some of the major ones:

  • Member, Member, Faculty Welfare and Privileges Committee of the Faculty Senate, 1999 – 2003.
  • Chair, President's Commission to Promote Racial and Cultural Diversity at the University of Delaware, 1994-1998.
  • University Grand Marshall, 1994-present
  • President, Mid-Atlantic Region of the American Accounting Association. 1988-1989.
  • Chairperson, Association of Eritrean Professionals and Academics for Development (AEPAD), 1997-98.
  • President, Eritrean Accounting Association, 1996-98.
  • Program Director, 1989 Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Accounting Association.
  • Member, Editorial Board, ACCOUNTING HORIZONS, 1997-2000.

VIII. PUBLICATIONS : Two books, and over 40 journal and proceedings articles.

Recent Publications (For detailed list of publications refer to Long Version – Vita)

  1. “Application of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Accounting”, The Accounting Educator, The Newsletter of the Teaching and Curriculum Section of AAA, Vol. XII No. 2, Winter 2003.
  2. Book Chapter: “Wireless Laptop Computers in a Problem-Based Learning Classroom.” With Paul Hyde. Title of book, Faculty Development Strategies That Work, by David G. Brown, editor, Spring 2003.
  3. Book Review, ALVIN A. ARENS, RANDAL J. ELDER and MARK S. BEASLEY, Auditing and Assurance Services: An Integrated Approach., Ninth Edition (Upper Saddle River, NJ, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2003, pp. xx, 765), Issues in Accounting Education,
  4. “Focusing on Constructive Thoughts: The Pull-Push Strategy.” March 12, 2003. The article was published in several Eritrean websites.

Recent Presentations:

  • A CPE Session on: “Analysis of the Current GAAP and the FASB Proposed Accounting for Equity Based Compensation,” at the Siegfried Group, Wilmington, DE, August 26, 2004.
  • “Creating a Deeper Learning Environment using Group-Based Active Interactive Collaborative Learning,” presented at the 2004 International Conference on Problem-Based Learning, Cancun, Mexico, June 2004.
  • “A Historical Retrospective of the Sarbanes-Oxley 2002 Act, and a Discussion of Some of It’s Relevant Provisions,” presented at a Breakfast Forum, a program sponsored by Ajilon for Accounting and Financial professionals at the W Hotel, NY, NY, March 31, 2004.
  • A CPE Session on “The Application of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Accounting Education,” with Phil Cottell, Ohio Region 2003 AAA Meeting, May 2003.
  • “Application of WebCT as a Course Management Tool in Accounting Education,” at the WebCT Conference sponsored by DrexelUniversity, Philadelphia, PA, May 2003.
  • “The Enron Debacle and the Fall of Andersen.” presented at the Elkton Rotary Club, December 2002.
  • " Introducing Technology-Mediated Undergraduate and Graduated Distance Learning in Eritrea: a Critical Appraisal of the Benefits and Challenges," with Amanuel Melles, at the Eritrean Studies Association Conference, Asmara, Eritrea, July 25, 2001