Planning Coordinator Gap Resolution Team (PC-GRT) Minutes 1

1.Welcome, Call to Order, Introductions

Lorissa Jones,Planning Coordinator Gap Resolution Team (PC-GRT)Chair, called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. on June 30, 2016. A quorum was present for the conducting of business. A list of attendees is attached as Exhibit A. Attendees were asked to introduce themselves.

2.Antitrust Policy

Steve Rueckert, WECC,read aloud the WECC Antitrust Policy statement.

3.What is the Gap Resolution Team

Ms. Jones and those in attendance discussed the purpose and goals of the PC-GRT and how the goals will be accomplished.

4.PC-GRT Charter Review and Discussion

Ms. Jones reviewed and revised the draft PC-GRT Charter with the group.

Action Item: Michael Dalebout, WECC, will providewritten endorsement and concurrence from WECC on the charter and implementation plan prior to the October 2016,Compliance Workshop.

Action Item: Mr. Rueckert and Mr. Daleboutwill create a member and correspondence distribution list for the PC-GRT.

Action Item: Mr. Rueckert and Chris Albrecht, WECC, will revise the PC-GRT Charter to include closed session language and scope of confidential information for business case to present to the WECC Board of Directors.

Action item:Mr. Albrechtwill provide a legal review of the PC-GRT Charter. Mr. Rueckert will send it back to PC-GRT. The goal for completion of this is two weeks.

5.Overall Schedule

Ms. Jones discussed the meeting schedule for future PC-GRT meetings. The group was tasked with identifying and creating initial project due dates.

Action item:BrittanyPower, WECC, will schedule meetings prior to PC-GRT meetings each month between Mr. Rueckert, Mr. Dalebout, Ms. Power, Ms. Jones, and the PC-GRT vice chair.

Action Item:Ms. Jones will revise the project schedule and distribute to the members of PC-GRT.

Action Item:Ms. Jones will send a list of future meeting dates, times,and locations to the members of PC-GRT.

Action Item:Mr. Rueckert will request a PC-GRT page be created on the WECC website to outline the members of the PC-GRT.

6.Communication and Outreach Efforts

Ms. Jones stated that the PC-GRT will report to the Planning Coordination Committee and at the Board meetings for the next six months. Planning efforts will be made to discuss items during the October 2016, Compliance Workshop.

The PC-GRT will review all presentations before they are given.

After presenting in the meetings noted above, the information will be summarized in the WECC Weekly Update.

7.PC-GRT Leadership

Ms. Jones requested volunteers for the vacant vice chair position.

8.Process Outline and Matrix—All

The group discussed and revised the Process Outline.

The PC-GRT Matrix template will be posted on the website for all to access.

Action Item: Ms. Jones will send an updated PC-GRT Matrix by July 8, 2016.

Action Item:Mr. Dalebout and Mr. Albrechtwill find out if and how the PC-GRT will report to NERC and FERC.


Ms. Jones adjourned the meetingat 3:40 p.m. without objection.

Exhibit A: Attendance List

Those in Attendance

Chris Albrecht...... Western Electricity Coordinating Council

Emily Bernath...... Western Electricity Coordinating Council

Craig Cameron...... Sacramento Municipal Utility District

Michael Dalebout...... Western Electricity Coordinating Council

Bill Dearing...... Northwest Public Power Association

Tom Green...... Xcel Energy

Jack Henry...... Siemens PT

Linda Jacobsen-Quinn...... Farmington Electric Utility System

Chris Janick...... Salt River Project

Lorissa Jones...... Bonneville Power Administration

Pete Jones...... Puget Sound Energy

Peter Mackin...... Utility System Efficiencies, Inc.

Leland McMillan...... Talen Montana, LLC

Israel Perez...... Salt River Project

Chris Pink...... Tri-State Generation and Transmission

Brittany Power...... Western Electricity Coordinating Council

Steve Rueckert...... Western Electricity Coordinating Council

Joseph Wilson...... Tacoma Power

Western Electricity Coordinating Council