What can I find in Chapter Resources?

  • Administrative resources
  • Paddling Resources
  • Safety Resources
  • National Clinic Resources
  • Health Resources

Where are the Chapter Resources?

Regional Coordinators: Who do I contact?

Regional coordinators are knowledgeable chapter resources put in place to help you handle all the complexities of running a chapter!

You may want to consult your regional coordinator for issues and questions within your chapter regarding leadership, conflict, safety, volunteer recruitment/management, veteran recruitment/management etc.

SE Region: Bill Finger -

  • Atlanta, Johnson City, Chattanooga, Nashville, Asheville, Raleigh, Charlotte, Winston Salem, Columbia

Rockies Region: Ryan Keyes -

  • Denver, Grand Junction, Colorado Springs, Salt Lake, Ft Collins, Boise

Central USA Region: Coordinator position open

  • Indiana State, Lexington, Fort Campbell, NE Ohio, NW Indiana, St. Louis.

Northern Central USA: Ken Braband-

  • Milwaukee, Cincinnati, Green Bay, Minneapolis, Battle Creek

Greater DC and VA Area: Lance Sharp -

  • DC VA, UMD, Fredericksburg, VA Beach, Fort Belvoir, Richmond, Blue Ridge

NW Region: Nicole LeBlanc -

  • Portland, Seattle VA, Spokane

Texas Oklahoma Region: Ben Kvanli-

  • Oklahoma City, Tulsa, San Antonio, Houston

Florida Region: Todd Bishop-

  • St. Augustine, Gainesville, Fort Myers, Orlando, Tampa

Mid Atlantic: Lance Sharp -

  • SE Pennsylvania, Susquehanna Valley, Coatesville, Shepherdstown, Pittsburg, Ohiopyle, Lehigh Valley

North East Region: Tom Kersey -

  • NEHSA, Maine, Northport and Western NY/Buffalo

Western: Rachael Ward -

  • San Diego, Palo Alto, Reno

National Staff: Who do I contact?


  • Starting a chapter
  • VA equipment needs- These requests for what you would like go to Dave, not Michelle. Once they are approved by Dave, he will communicate them to Michelle
  • Guidance on Veteran/Volunteer recruitment
  • Other chapter needs (Ex. Changing chapter leadership)


  • Chapter Balances – Ask your regional coordinator first
  • Once your VA requests are approved by Dave, Michelle needs other information such as sizes, style, shipping address etc.
  • Certificates of Insurance
  • Bills – payments for event costs, pool fees etc.


  • Creation of marketing materials specific to your chapter (Ex. Event flyer)
  • Website- Adding resources, chapter pages, pictures, videos etc
  • Testimonials
  • Swag needs
  • Help/materials applying to smaller grants
  • Fundraising/ social media advice


  • Reimbursements: Please fill out payment request form found on the resources page
  • Vehicle insurance needs: Proof of insurance, copy of cards etc.
  • Tech needs: ORS login and assistance. An ORS tutorial can be found on the chapter resources page