Dear friends,
Below are the minutes from the ARF section meeting in Lisbon.
First I would like to thank the previous chair Professor Christian Putensen and the previous deputy Professor Claude Guerin for their superb work in the section.
Second, I am looking forward to cooperating with you all and particularly the new deputy Professor Giorgio Conti.
Best wishes
Anders Larsson
Minutes from the ARF section meeting September 23, 2008
1.The chairman, Professor Christian Putensen welcomed all participants and regretted that due totechnical reasons the invitation to the meeting was late.
2. Professor Micheal Quintel pointed out that it essential that the members of the ARF section try to collaborate in a common, multi-center based research project, if the section should continue to have any impact in the ESICM. The same consideration was advanced by Professor Paolo Pelosi.
Therefore I suggested that Paolo Pmight propose a common project together with Micheal Q that the active members of the section could elaborate further.
3. Professor Guerin reported from the Scientific Committee meeting and Christian P from the Congress Committee meeting. The program for the Vienna congress was almost finalised and only small changes can be done. The postgraduate course on COPD had unfortunately only few attendees, mostly because of a competing course in Portugal, and it will therefore not be repeated at next congress. However, it might be possible to get another postgraduate course approved and
professors Manu Malbrain, Hermann Wrigge, Theodoros Vassilakopoulos together with the new deputy chair professor Giorgio Conti will work out a proposal for a course inVienna.
4. Professor Jordi Mancebo suggested that a chat- site for the ARF could be open at the ESICM home-site and I promised to investigate whether this was possible.
4. I introduced myself. As a new chairman I will try to increase the dialogue with ARF members and also try to get the cooperation with the office easier- so the email system works better. I am open to every suggestion improving the ARF section and increasing its impact within the ESICM. I believe that it is the members’ united efforts that could make a difference.
6. The participants thanked Christian P for his excellent work as chairman and the meeting was ended.
At the pen
Anders Larsson
Chairman of the ARF section
Anders Larsson MD DMsc DEAA
Professor in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine
Dept of Anaesthesia and intensive Care Medicine North Jutland
Aalborg Hospital- Århus University Hospital
Hobro vej 18-22
DK-9100 Aalborg
Tel +4599323537
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