World Prehistory S 2000 / Owen: The first farmers p. 1

World Prehistory: Class 8

The first farmers: Theories and Old World evidence

 Copyright Bruce Owen 2000

Why are archaeologists so obsessed with agriculture?

It is a recent change in the way humans have lived for most of their existence

starting roughly 11,000 years ago (9000 BC)

and even that only in a few places; it took a long time to be adopted in many other places
compare a maximum of 11,000 years of agriculture almost 30,000 years of the Upper Paleolithic (40,000 BP to 13,000 BP), not to mention the Middle Paleolithic

If you count the existence of “humans” since the appearance of Homo erectus, about 99.4% of the time that we have been on this planet, humans were foragers; only during the last 0.6% of our existence have some humans tried a different source of subsistence.

Even if you include only Homo sapiens, starting around 100,000 BP, fully 90% of our evolutionary history was as foragers.

so: farming is a very recent aberration for the human race.

we evolved biologically as foragers

that includes not only our bodies, but also our capacity for thought and planning

our propensities for social relations

and our emotions

More complex forms of society, including larger chiefdoms, states, and empires, only appeared after people started farming

in all the time that people were foragers, they never developed more complex, larger-scale societies

so there must be some connection between agriculture and complex society

Further evidence that agriculture was a necessary condition for the development of complex society:

in every known case in which a complex society arose on its own, without influence from one that already existed, it was based on agriculture

no large-scale, complex societies ever developed among foragers

nor among pastoralists (herders), except when they were part of a larger system that also included farmers who already had a complex society

there may be some exceptional cases in which maritime people (based on fishing and shellfish collecting) developed large, complex societies

but even these are debatable as to their “complexity” and whether or not agriculture also played a role

Some key ideas about agriculture

Agriculture = activities that artificially increase plant food yields.

from simply burning grassland to encourage the growth of seed-bearing grasses (this is often not even considered agriculture)

or scattering seeds in naturally wet areas

to plowing, sowing, weeding, irrigating, etc.

Domestication = genetic modification from the wild form to one that is more useful to people

domestication of plants

the wild plant evolves under human selection, intentional or not
later we will look more specifically at how wheat evolved under human selection
to the point that some actually become dependent on humans for planting (corn [maize] is an extreme case)

domestication of animals

may start with hunters who depend on a limited number of animal herds selecting which animals to kill in order to best maintain the herd
initially they would prefer to kill adult males and leave the young and females; later they might start intentionally leaving the “best” animals to reproduce
this “herd management” causes evolution and eventually domestication

Neolithic: two meanings

1. a stone tool technology that emphasizes grinding, rather than flaking (as in the Paleolithic)

This results in smoother, stronger, longer-lasting edges (although not as sharp)
good for axes needed to cut trees to clear farmland

2. more importantly for us, the period in which agriculture comes into use and is the main source of food

so called because in many places, ground-stone tools come into use at about the same time as agriculture becomes important
so they serve as a convenient short-hand marker and term for early agricultural periods around the globe

Agriculture provides more food per unit area of land, compared to foraging

That is, you get more food per acre by farming it than by collecting the wild foods on it

This allows more people to live in a given area
That is, it allows a higher density of people

Of course, it takes more labor to farm an acre of land than to collect the wild foods that are naturally there

This process of putting in more labor per acre to get more product per acre out is called “intensification”

agriculture is more “intensive” than foraging
in that it produces food more per acre, but requires more labor per acre to do so

agricultural practices themselves can be more or less “intensive”

just scattering seeds or diverting floodwaters to wet some land does not take much labor, and is not a very “intensive” form of agriculture
building and maintaining canals to irrigate the fields is more “intensive” than just depending on rainfall
because they are getting more crops per acre
at the cost of building and maintaining the canals

Is farming a good deal?

that is, if it takes twice as much labor to farm an acre, do you get twice as much food from that acre in return?

this question has been studied in numerous real, specific cases of foragers and farmers
most notably by Esther Boserup

the surprising, empirical answer is, in most cases: no!

In fact, agriculture usually requires more labor per unit of food produced than does foraging

That is, a farming family has to work more hours per year to provide its own food than a foraging family does

That is why modern (or recent) foragers like the !Kung prefer to forage rather than to farm

they were quite aware of the farmers who lived near them and the methods they used
but they could get the food they needed with less work by foraging
When Richard Lee asked the !Kung why they don't farm, one famous reply was “Why should we farm when there are so many mongongo nuts?”

but this only works as long as there aren’t too many people for the wild resources to support

when there is a lot of land per person, that is, a very low density of people
if there isn’t enough land (or there are too many people), foraging just can’t provide enough food
and farming (or herding animals) becomes the only alternative to hunger

This is counterintuitive to many people

we tend to assume that foragers live a hard life and are constantly on the brink of starvation

while we tend to assume that farmers have a comparatively stable, easy source of food

In fact, farmers generally work harder and have less free time than foragers.

Agriculture is a devil’s bargain

You get more food per acre

But you get less food per hour of work

In economic terms, agriculture increases the returns to land, but decreases the returns to labor

In a given area, agriculture can produce more food overall, and so feed more people

But they have to work harder than before to survive

There is an old idea that when people switched from foraging to farming, they escaped the pressures of a precarious existence and suddenly “had the time” to develop “civilized” features like art, literature, science, and technology

but now you know that it was quite the reverse

farmers have less free time than foragers

so we need some more sophisticated explanation for the development of complex society

Agriculture allows people settle in one place (become sedentary), and creates reasons for them to do so

It allows them to settle because

agriculture can provide enough food in a limited area that the food is not exhausted before the next season replenishes it

so people don’t have to move in order to get food

It encourages them to settle because

fields must be tilled, weeded, irrigated, harvested, etc., which requires people to be there at many different times during the year

harvests produce a lot of food at one time, which has to be stored for use over a longer period

staying near the stored food is easier than carrying it around

Under some circumstances, foragers can be sedentary or semi-sedentary, too

but this is not common, and usually involves extreme specialization on one or a few very productive wild resources in specially favored places

we will see that these special circumstances may have been keys to the initial development of agriculture in certain favored locations

agriculture, on the other hand, allows and encourages people to become sedentary in many different environments

Agriculture and sedentism tend to lead to population growth

They tend to increase fertility for biological reasons

Increased carbohydrate consumption from agricultural crops may keep body fat levels high enough to increase fertility (or at least not periodically reduce it)

foragers often get very lean during the season of scarcity (it varies in different regions), which reduces female fertility

this is an effect familiar to female runners and dancers

Less mobile mothers have fewer spontaneous abortions

Since the mother does not have to carry her infant around while foraging, sedentism makes it practical for a woman to have more than one infant at a time, allowing larger families

mothers are not forced to take measures to prevent having another infant while a previous one is still small

such as abstinence rules, contraceptive measures, induced abortions, or infanticide, all of which were practiced by at least some foragers

Less mobile mothers may wean children sooner; this shortens the period of reduced fertility due to lactation

They may wean earlier simply because the child is not always right in their arms or on their back, as it is for mobile foragers. This has the unintentional result of increasing fertility

They also may wean earlier with the intention of having more children for farm labor; many foragers are aware of the fertility-inhibiting effect of lactation

Agriculture also provides economic incentives to have more children

Farming creates a greater demand for labor, that is, kids to help with the work

Sedentism reduces the cost of having children, since the mother does not have to carry them around as much

So farmers tend to have large families, and the population tends to grow

Population growth makes the shift to agriculture almost irreversible

People shift to agriculture

Population grows beyond the capacity of the land to support by foraging

the people are locked in to higher yields and higher population density of agriculture

they can’t give up farming without causing hardship or starvation

So the shift to farming is to some extent a one-way change

there is no going back without unacceptable disaster

Agriculture and sedentism have surprising effects on nutrition and health

agriculture, especially in its early stages, often focuses on one or a small number of the most productive crops

this results in a less varied diet than foragers eat

and often poorer nutrition overall

more labor leads to more arthritis and other wear-and-tear ailments

living in permanent villages creates new problems of sanitation (waste disposal, insect infestation, etc.) that encourage disease

living in larger groups also aids the spread of epidemic diseases

overall, settled agricultural lifestyles typically increase biological stress on people

and often decrease lifespan

we already saw that agriculture and sedentism may increase fertility

so more children are produced, but they have a shorter life expectancy

in theory, these two trends could cancel each other out

but the observed pattern is that in most cases, the net effect is a population increase

Agriculture and sedentism have cultural effects, too:

Sedentism allows accumulation of material goods: storage of goods and food

foragers are mobile, so they can never accumulate many goods

so no forager can be much more wealthy than another

sedentary people are free to accumulate great piles of stuff

and some will accumulate more than others, for many different reasons

so sedentism allows the differentiation of people into richer and poorer

sedentism makes economic stratification possible

accumulation is not limited to a single generation, either; land and accumulated goods can be inherited, leading to wealthy, even aristocratic families

this does not occur among foragers, where each individual essentially starts fresh in building his or her status in society

Agriculture and sedentism allow the production and storage of surplus: food or other goods beyond the needs of the producer

surplus production is possible for at least some foragers, but transportation and storage problems make it difficult to take advantage of, and uncommon

surplus production makes it possible to support craftspeople and other specialists who do not produce all (or any) of their own food

like specialized potters, toolmakers, blacksmiths, doctors, administrators, soldiers, etc.

people who create apparently non-productive things like pyramids, palaces, temples, armies, costly artwork, etc.

why would anyone go to the trouble of producing a surplus?

why work harder than necessary, to produce more than you need?

to satisfy increasing wants

because you are obligated or forced to

the existence of surplus and people who don't produce all their own food creates a whole new arena for social arrangements that may become very complex. Consider:

does each farming family store and control its own surplus, or does some or all of it get stored in shared, communal, or other arrangements?

if there is pooled surplus, whoever administers it has real power

who puts in to the common pool?

who gets a share of the pooled surplus?

Agriculture allows larger groups to live together (hamlets and towns, vs. mobile bands)

people have to interact with a larger number of others

the kinship system becomes inadequate to structure interactions

since you can’t know and keep track of so many relationships

so people start using other criteria to determine how to interact with the people they encounter

such as social status, class, rank

this is the beginning of more complex social organization

greater likelihood of conflicts

because more people are interacting with each other

because people can’t defuse problems by simply moving away easily

encourages the development of institutions for conflict resolution (respected authorities, courts, etc.)

Settled people with goods are easier to raid, threaten, conquer, control, tax

unlike foragers, settled agriculturalists have land and goods that people may want to take by force

so raids or warfare become possible

and farmers may need to defend themselves

settled farmers are easier to coerce, because they are committed to stay in one place and have goods that can be taken from them

agricultural surplus makes it possible to support some people to carry out such coercion (a chief's thugs, armies, the IRS, etc.)

this vulnerability, surplus, and accumulation of wealth help make power hierarchies (complex society) possible

Agriculture and sedentism make these changes, many of which are steps towards complex society, possible.

But agriculture and/or sedentism do not cause society to become more complex; they just make that change possible, while among foragers it was not.

Some foragers specializing in unusually rich resources (like salmon on the northwest coast of the US, or acorns in California) were sedentary and lived in relatively large villages, even without agriculture

Yet none of these developed states or “civilizations”

Besides, settled farmers were around for thousands of years before larger towns and complex societies emerged

So sedentism, and even agriculture, are apparently necessary steps, but not sufficient ones, for the development of social complexity

What we want to know about the origins of agriculture

Basic facts

Where and when agriculture began

With what crops

Explanation: How and why did people start farming?

Why did agriculture seem like a good deal at the time?

Why did people start farming at certain places and times, and not others?

Basically, “Why farm when there are so many mongongo nuts?”

Invention vs. adoption

foragers are extremely knowledgeable about their environment

they understand how plants respond to water, regrow in burnt areas, how seeds work, how animal reproduce

the question is not so much “how and when did they figure out that they could manipulate plants”, since that is probably an easy insight that many foragers would have had

but rather “why did they actually start manipulating plants on a sufficient scale to provide more than a trivial part of their diet and cause the biological changes of domestication?”

What actually happened?

Places, dates, crops where agriculture may have started relatively independently