Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
Parish Council Meeting
August 21, 2016
1. Call to order: Meeting called to order by President Sydney Langford at 7PM. Father Paul Christy led in a Memorial prayer for the father of Jim Riley and offered a reflection from Philokalia.
Members present: Joanna Biliouris, Greg Delage, Steve Flaherty, Maria Hicks, Connie Kledaras, Sydney Langford, Bob Lyford, Harry Nicholos, Pavlos Pavlides, Jim Riley, Mary Wehbie. Mary Winstead.
Members absent: Jimmy Ellison, Anna Kouba, Costa Panagos.
2. Reading of Minutes: Mary Wehbie sent electronically in advance of the meeting. Correction to minutes presented. Motion to approve as amended by Harry Nicholos. Second Jim Riley. Motion carried.
3. Treasurer’s report: Bob Lyford
Bob presented the budget. He reviewed P/L Statement, pointing out the following: Stewardship was $21,700. This figure is below budget by $21,000. Expensed remain relatively on budget. Of note is an increase in Earthlink fees. A loyalty discount has been discontinued, resulting in higher charges. Ministries expenses are relatively low. Many ministries have not used allocated money to date. Additional expenses were incurred to repair Father’s auto after hit and run. Balance sheet reviewed. Full report attached.
4. Festival Update: Joanna Biliouris.
Joanna reported that a festival budget meeting has not been held since the last Parish Council meeting. Parish Council has not been made aware of any unusual expenses. Several barriers that are used between booths in the festival were damaged in the basement flooding. They will need to be replaced.
Dwight and his son helped the driver navigate and load and unload trucks. Parish Council thanks them for their assistance.
Advertising update:
· Yard signs are available to advertise for the festival. Anyone who lives in a visible area is encouraged to pick one up and place it in their yard.
· Billboard is up on Glenwood Ave.
· Festival is reported in “Out and About” newsletter.
· Bumper: A 30 second spot will run repeatedly.
· Reporter from Walter Magazine and News and Observer will be present at church on Aug 30 during baking to prepare article with pictures and interviews. Other interviews are being conducted with statewide and Cary Magazines.
· 101.5 radio station will have 25 more spots during morning the show. Festival ads will sponsor traffic updates.
· News and Observer Newspaper corner sticker will appear on 46,000 newspapers at a cost of $1500.
· New 14 Carolina will conduct interviews.
· Marketing cost down with increased exposure, not including billboard.
Father would like to have banners downtown but Hopscotch Music Festival has taken these spots.
App cost $3000 used by under 1000 people. It was not a good value for number of people using it.
Festival ad book: $ 25,900 final amount raised. Local printer will print cheaper, faster with no shipping cost.
5. Phone System Update: Wiring for the new system will start tomorrow. Phones will be installed within one week.
6. Fence update: Fence has been ordered and will be installed.
7. Basement flooding update: Everything has been pulled out of the basement and damaged items have been discarded. Water went behind items doing additional damage. Mold is growing already. Michael LaSorsa is checking insurance to see if we are covered for this damage. Cost to remove mold is $4685.15. The church may have to do this repair if not covered by insurance.
Motion to remove the mold at proposed cost by Harry Nicholos. Second by Steve Flaherty. Motion carried.
8. Painting church: Chris Pappas will reach out to painting company to have painting completed.
9. Father’s comments: St. Nicholas Shrine Brunch will be held this Sunday. A program for the event has been prepared by Francesca Panagos. Money raised in midst of many other requests and commitments is admirable. Father expressed his spiritual pride and gratitude. Donations will be in 3rd highest amount raised in the Metropolis. He will present a video about St. Nicholas Shrine in church and loop the video during brunch.
Father asked the Council for suggestions to welcome and get to know new members: Suggestions were placing pictures and welcome note in Dialogist, or perhaps a new member dinner.
He looks forward to the Clergy, Laity, Choir Conference in 2017.
He will be sending outreach letters to churches in the community inviting them to the festival.
He asks for submissions to Dialogist.
Be the Match will be present at the festival to offer screening for those in need of bone marrow transplant. They will be at church on September 25.
10. New business:
For those on duty on festival Sunday, services start earlier and the attendance is lower than normal. 3 Parish Council members should be enough.
Kleenex has been placed under candle stand. Please place in pews prior to funerals and viewings.
Organist has been well received by the choir. A job description for choir director has been written and will be posted. No choir on Labor Day week-end or festival weekend.
11. Motion to adjourn at 7:40PM by Connie Kledaras.