On The Eve of Revolution

Ch.18 Sec.1 p. 573

I. The Old Order


A.  French class system

1.  First Estate – Catholic clergy

a. Bishops

b. Abbots

c.  Priests

2.  Second Estate

a. High leaders in government and military

b. Nobility

3.  Third Estate – Everybody else

a. Doctors

b. Merchants

c.  Artisans

d.  Peasants

B.  The estates determined a person’s legal rights and status

II. Growing Unrest




A.  Third Estate began to call for change

1.  Unhappy with the tax system

2.  Wanted more political power

B. Louis XVI


1.  Became king of France in 1774

2.  Married to Marie Antoinette


3.  Supported the American revolution, which put France into deeper debt

III. Call to Revolt

A. Problems

1. The third estate wanted social equality

2. First and second estates wanted to keep their privileges

3. The third estate decided to act. They focused on a Parisian prison called the Bastille

B. Fall of the Bastille

1. Many people felt the Bastille symbolized the injustices of the monarchy

2. On July 14th, 1789, a huge mob surrounded the Bastille in an attempt to steal weapons



3. The storming of the Bastille released a wave of violence throughout France called the Great Fear