Southern Valley County Recreation District

Regular Meeting March 17, 2016

EOC Classroom, 110 West Spring Street Cascade, Idaho 83611

The meeting called to order by President Bob Zach at 1:00 PM Mountain Time.

Present: By roll call, Matt Bannon “not here” Bob Zach “here” Ben Wellington “here”

Rob Wold SVCRD Manager absent, Patty Wold and2 Citizens also present.

Minutes: Ben Wellington made a motion to accept the February 9, 2016 regular monthly meetingminutes as presented. Second by Bob Zach, approved all in favor.

Treasurer’s Report:The February 2016 financial reports were reviewed. Because of the absence of Rob Wold the list of monthly bills to be approved was not available. These will be included in the March Board meeting financials.Bob Zach presented the modified budget. Ben Wellington made a motion to approve the presented modified budget. Bob Zach second, approved all in favor.

Manager’s Report: Patty Wold gave a manager’s report for the month of February 2016, giving an overview of SVCRD programs and related meetings. Rob’s written report is available in the SVCRD record book available in the SVCRD office.

Old Business:Aquatic and Fitness Complex Construction update. Ben Wellington presented pricing for purchasing flag poles for the new facility. A donation was made to purchase the commercial dryer needed for the new facility and Ben Wellington shared that an anonymous donor was also going to donate funds to purchase the commercial washing machine.

Calendar Update:

SVCRD Regular Monthly Meeting Tuesday April 12, 2016at 1:00 PM in the EOC Classroom.

Meeting Adjourned: Having no other SVCRD business, Ben Wellington motioned to adjourn,Bob Zachsecond, all in favor.Meeting adjourned 1:44 PM. Following the meeting, the public was invited for a tour of the new facility.

Respectfully Submitted, ______

Rob Wold, Manager Date

Approved by, ______Bob Zach, President/Treasurer Date