Syllabus: Earth/Space Science Team 8B
Instructor / Kahealani S. David / E-mail /Phone / (808) 305-1289 / Room / D-1
In 8th grade, the curriculum is designed to continue with scientific investigation and scientific inquiry. The content will cover astronomy, waves, geology, weather & climate, oceanography and some ecology and biological change.
- Regular class attendance
- Participation in all class activities
- Come to class PREPARED to learn
- Abide by Classroom Rules, Team Rules, School Rules, HABS and TRIBES agreements at all times
- A POSITIVE attitude
School Supplies (needed daily):
- MMS planner
- Pen/Pencil
- Paper
- Manila folder (will remain in the classroom)
- Composition notebook (will remain in the classroom)
- Written Assignments
- Thinking Maps
- Research Papers & Projects
- Laboratory Investigations
- Assessment Tasks/Quizzes/Tests
Course Content Plan:
TOPICS / HCPS III Benchmarks addressed:Quarter 1:
- Lab Safety & Skills
- Scientific Investigation
- Astronomy
8.7.1, 8.8.9, 8.8.3
Quarter 2:
- Astronomy
- Waves
8.8.11, 8.8.8, 8.8.10, 8.8.12, 8.6.3, 8.6.1
Quarter 3:
- Geology
8.6.2, 8.8.5, 8.8.1, 8.8.2
Quarter 4:
- Weather & Climate
- Oceanography
- Ecology & Biological Change
8.8.4, 8.8.6, 8.8.7, 8.5.1
Scores on assignments will be given using the Standards four-level achievement ratings. See Rubrics on <>]:
- 4 = Exceeds Proficiency
- 3 = Proficient
- 2 = Approaching Proficiency
- 1 = Novice
- 0 = No Evidence
Final grades for the mid-quarters, quarters, semesters, and year will be based on total points scored on:
- scores on Research Papers & Projects, Laboratory Investigations, Assessment Tasks/Quizzes/Tests (reflecting a greater percent of overall grade)
- scores on all other assignments (reflecting a smaller percent of overall grade)
- all assigned a letter grade using a 88%=A / 75%=B / 50%=C / 30%=D scale).
Revisions and Re-Takes:
- REVISIONS are acceptable for non-worksheet assignments if a) the work was completed on time and b) the score was a 0, 1 or 2 (less than proficient)
- RE-TAKES on quizzes/tests are available if the score was less than a 3 (less than proficient)
- REVISIONS and RE-TAKES will score no higher than a proficient score
- Revisions must be completed OUTSIDE of class time—before or after school
Late Work:
Late work is HIGHLY DISCOURAGED. For late work to be accepted, students are to complete a late work form which includes the following:
- Assignment
- Reasons why assignment was late
- Student's plan for improvement
- Student signature
- Parent signature
- This letter should then be attached to the late assignment and submitted. Forms are AVAILABLE from the instructor and/or the school website.
Study Help/Tutoring:
I will be available to students during the following times:
- BEFORE SCHOOL: Tuesday and Thursday 7:45 AM-8:25 AM
- AFTER SCHOOL: Tuesday and Thursday 2:45 PM-3:30 PM
- LUNCH: Tuesday and Thursday
- Please see me if you need to schedule a time outside of that specified above
- PLANNER: Primary form of communication. All assignments, announcements, frequent grade checks and school-to-home communication are recorded here. Planners are checked daily.
- PHONE: 305-1289
- JUPITERGRADES: Grades will be updated every 2 weeks.
- MOANALUA MIDDLE SCHOOL HOMEPAGE: check announcements, homework assignments, class notes/documents and other school related information here.