Monday, December 21, 2015 5:00 P.M.
Mayor Scholtes called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M.
Councilmembers Gaylord, Huisman, Brod, Erichsrud, Cassem and Mayor Scholtes were present. Staff members present: City Administrator Timothy Ibisch, City Attorney David Frundt and City Engineer Wes Brown.
Quorum present.
Mayor Scholtes led the pledge of allegiance.
Public Present: Gregg Scheid, Dar Holmseth, Lori Nauman, Cindy Lyon, Steve Frank, Steve Brown, Dave Kittleson, Troy Timmerman, Chris Gack, Michele Hard and FCDC Director Tim Clawson.
At this time Mayor Scholtes addressed Chris Gack request for partial waiver of assessment for the property located at 125 North Grove Street. Gack reported that he recently purchased the property and said that he is in the process of looking into mold removal, roof repair, cost of renting a dumpster and revamping the building. Gack asked for 2/3 of the assessment amount that he paid when he purchased the property that would amount to $3,751.00. Scholtes was pleased that the building was going back on the tax roll and was in favor of helping out if the City could. Ibisch asked if Gack planned to demolish or remodel. Gack reported that he is remodeling the building and is trying to do most of the work himself. Gack goal to moving into the building with his insurance business was May 1, 2016.
Motion by Huisman, second by Gaylord approving the reimbursement of assessment amount of $3,751.00 for the property located at 125 North Grove Street parcel number R-21.200.8270. The motion passed unanimously.
At this time Mayor Scholtes addressed Steve Brown representing the Fire Relief Association request for retirement allowance increase. Brown explained that the Fire Relief has not has an increase in over 3 years. The request is to increase the amount from $1,850.00 to $2,050.00. Scholtes reported that he understands that the money comes out the Fire Relief’s fund. The City is not actually putting more money into the fund it is that the Fire Relief will get paid more if they have more money available. Brown reported that the Relief Association is vested for even more money but they are not looking for a large amount. Gaylord noted that the Fire Department does a fantastic job and made the following motion.
Motion by Gaylord, second by Huisman to approve the request of the Fire Relief increase from $1,850.00 to $2,050.00 for 3 years. The increase reflects a 3.6% increase or a $66.33 per year raise. The motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Huisman, second by Gaylord approving the minutes from the Work Session and Council Meeting of Monday, December 7, 2015 and the Special Council Meeting of Thursday, December 17, 2015. The motion was approved unanimously.
There were no licenses or permits at this time.
LMC Correspondence.
MN Office of the State Auditor.
Mayor Scholtes addressed the Steve Frank trail/easement issue. Ibisch reported that this has been discussed at the Street Committee level and staff has made recommendations but there continues to be issues with regard to the area for fencing and possible placement of class 2 gravel to utilize a 5 foot wide compacted gravel pathway along the south edge of Steve Frank property. This will allow the City to have a safe route through the area for kids from the ball fields to the swimming pool. Ibisch asked for Council’s consideration whether to install fencing or if Council chooses not to do anything at this time. Frank was present and his concern was the fence post on the edge of his driveway. Ibisch reported that the Public Works had the area surveyed and the placement of the post was found to be in the proper spot. Frank argued that one sign on one side should be enough. Scholtes discussed that the City is proposing a 5 foot walkway and fencing the area with a privacy fence on both sides of the walkway. Once the fence is up the sign could be mounted off the edge of the fence. Scholtes noted that there is a 10 foot easement area and the City would use a 5 foot area between the fences centered in the middle leaving 2½ feet on each side of the fence as leeway. Scholtes reported that a letter from Jason and Stephanie Stine indicates that they are in favor of a fence. Scholtes asked Frank if he was in favor of a shorter fence or a taller privacy fence. Frank did not want the fence right on the property line.
Dave Kittleson asked if the trail is both a walking and bike trail and no motor vehicles. Ibisch noted that the area is strictly walking and bicycle trail. Troy Timmerman felt that if the trail is maintained it can enhance the neighborhood which sounds like a good plan.
Mayor Scholtes addressed safety as being his biggest concern and not have anything blocking the trail for safety. Scholtes added that snow mobiles will not be allowed or any motorized vehicles.
Motion by Gaylord, second by Cassem to approve a 5 foot wide pathway trail bordered by a fencing on the vacated 15th Street easement area between Moore and Galbraith Street. The motion passed unanimously.
City Attorney David Frundt had no report at this time.
Brown reported that the Council discussed and sent back to the Street Committee on Wednesday, December for additional discussion regarding the bump outs on Main Street between 7th and 5th Street. The Street Committee supported the color crosswalk concept that would cover Main Street crosswalks from 4th Street to 9th Street. Brown added that this can be done at a later date. The Street Committee wanted to keep the bump out design as a matter of pedestrian safety and to help with the ADA design compliance on the corners.
Brown reported that the Post Office corner is a major concern with slop and ADA compliance. The Street Committee discussed not doing bump outs on the north side of Main Street and 5th Street. The south side of 7th and including 7th Street would not have bump outs. There will be a 6 inch vertical change on the curb elevation in order to get the ped-ramp to be compliant and that would mean re-sloping all the way across the street significantly to meet the ADA compliance code. Brown noted that with the bump-out there is a 3 inch vertical change that is needed and without the bump-out there is a 6 inch vertical change on the curb elevation in order to get the ped ramp to be compliant. This means the slope would have to go all the way across the street significantly. Scholtes discussed the corner by the Post Office with the proposal not to put anything on the north side. Brown reported that the drop off for the mail does create a challenge so there will be some reconfiguring to make it all work. Scholtes asked if there were any other issues with the bump outs. Brown noted that all the others are easier to accommodate because the grades are flatter.
Scholtes asked if there was a depth set for the bump outs. Brown reported that the drawing is 7½ feet. Brown reported that there is really no set number for a bump out and they can be as deep as the parking stall which is 18 feet or as short as Council wants. Brown noted that if they are less than 5 feet there is no point in having them. Brown reported that he discussed with Public Works Director Holland about potentially having a drop down curb all around the bump out so the snow plow would move around them easier. Scholtes said that if cars can drive over them what is the point of putting them there. Brown noted that there is a visual difference in the road surface, the bump out and curb alignment along with the proposed color concrete within the bump out.
Brod reported that with the bump outs we will be able to do the ADA compliance on the corner. Brod noted that even though the area is within 2 blocks, it will set those 2 blocks apart.
Scholtes expressed concern over the delivery trucks accessing the businesses in particular the Rainbow Food Coop. Scholtes noted that the Coop will have to direct that truck down Nicollet Street to turn and come up on 6th Street. Huisman asked if there will be an entrance to the back of the Coop now that the Light and Water tore the building down off 6th Street. Brown reported that there will be a walkway area between the buildings but a fence will be going up to protect the big transformer.
Scholtes reported that he spoke with Tim Stoner from the Light and Water Department about hanging planters off the light poles. Stoner indicated that the base would need to be bigger to accommodate the extra load. Huisman was not in favor of a larger base.
Erichsrud was in favor of enhancing the green space on Main Street such as adding planter. Chamber Director Cindy Lyon was present and asked who would be watering the planters. Lyon added that the watering of the planters is becoming a problem finding willing people to water. Ibisch noted that would be something that would be addressed as the project progresses and the plants will be of a much lower maintenance. Erichsrud reported that his discussion from the public is why can’t we just keep it functional or straight but make it look nice such as utilizing the green space more. Erichsrud reported that everyone he has talked with want to know how the snow removal will work. Erichsrud noted that Holland assured him that they can do it but it will just take a bit longer. Gaylord asked Brown to explain the sidewalk situation if we did not have bump outs. Brown reported that some of the things that can be done at the front of the buildings with the walk in order to get ped ramps to work is to bring the face of the sidewalk down to the ped ramp which exposes part of the front of the store building. Brown reported that the sidewalk has to match up with each business doorway so in order to get to the elevation needed for the ped ramp is to bring the sidewalk down leaving some of the store front exposed in order to meet the elevations needed. Brown noted that there is not much cost difference with or without the bump outs. What the bump out does is to give more length of area to flatten the slope and complete the ADA Compliant sidewalk and ped ramp area.
Dar Holmseth expressed her approval of the bump out design is helpful and safer for people crossing the street. The more character our main street has the more people who will be using the downtown. Holmseth noted that being respectful of everyone using downtown is important. Dave Kittleson noted that from a committee standpoint that the bump out recommendation from the Street Committee needs to be regarded. Kittleson did not think that the Street Committee would have come back with the bump out recommendation for the 2nd time if they did not believe strongly that the bump outs would work they would not have given the recommendation. Michele Hard noted that her concern was that if cars drive over the bump out will they deteriorate. Kittleson asked if the bump out is less durable than the surface of the road. Brown reported that the street pavement is about 8 inches thick and the sidewalk pavement is typically 4 inches thick. Brown added that if the curb is cut down then a semi-trailer could drive up over it. The corner section could be made thicker to prevent any deteriorating. Hard asked if the 4 way stop signs will remain. Brown noted there will be no changes with the stop signs. Scholtes continued to struggle with the bump out concept. Scholtes agreed that doing something different to make our down town attractive and look uniform instead of piecing Main Street we would be better off.
Huisman noted that this reconstruction is a once in a generation opportunity to beautify our Main Street. Huisman noted that he would hope that the recommendation of the Street Committee would be honored and taken seriously and as a Council can have a vision and not accept the minimum. Our downtown needs to be a destination and we need to do something different and make our downtown transformed. The emphasis on the pedestrians needs to be taken more seriously and create a safer area. The truck traffic will find their way. Huisman noted that Armon’s letter emphasized an economic benefit to Main Street for the beautification of the 2 block area on Main Street.
Erichsrud reported that the people that he has talked with are not in favor of the bump out but want Main Street to look good. Erichsrud noted that he spoke with a Businessman from Fairmont and he said that the bump outs on Main Street in Fairmont was the worst thing they ever did. Erichsrud said that he was looking at what the citizens want for our Main Street and the comments he has received has been negative to the bump outs. Brod reported that the Street Committee gave their recommendation to install bump outs on a 3 to 2 vote plus a letter from Gary Armon noting he was in favor of the bump outs. Brod noted that the Street Committee discussed changing them on 5th Street and 7th Street to flatten them out for the benefit of snow removal. Brod wondered for the 10 times a year of snow removal if it was really worth changing for a few extra hours of work. If we want to set Blue Earth apart from other cities then we need to make the change and add the bump out to our downtown to make it special. Gaylord compared the bump outs to the round abouts and noted that People did not want the round abouts but now that we are using them they aren’t so bad. Gaylord suspects that people will like the bump outs once they are installed.
Scholtes discussed brought discussion forward with discussion of respecting the Committee’s input but recognizing that the Council has the final vote and taking everything into consideration for the betterment of City. Scholtes wanted to bring everything together and make Main Street look nice with the color concrete from 4th to 9th Street. Scholtes reported that Council came together with the angle parking and parallel parking to make the ADA compliance work and having narrow sidewalks.