Sing Over Me Cindy Cruse-Ratcliff | Israel Houghton | Meleasa Houghton
Sing over me songs of deliverance
Lord cover me with Your mighty hand
Sing over me God of the second chance
Sing over me once again
Once again I'm drawing near to worship
As You're drawing me
Once again You lift my head and lift my heart
To heights unseen
In a moment I am in Your presence
Everything is clear
As I hear heaven's melody
as You begin to
TAG: Once again, once again, once again
(over choir) DUET: Sing over me Your melody
Say once again I am Your friend
Sing over me Your melody
Say once again I am Your friend
…Sing over me, sing over me, sing over me once again
once again!
CCLI Song #4194275
© 2003 Integrity's Praise! Music | Lakewood Ministries Music | My Other Publishing Company
Cindy Cruse-Ratcliff | Israel Houghton | Meleasa Houghton
For use solely with the SongSelect Terms of Use. All rights Reserved.
CCLI License #2626675