Victor Valley College Associated Student Body

ASB Council

Meeting: August 4, 2011


Opening Business:

1.0  – Meeting was called to order at 6:28 p.m.

2.0  – Roll Call
Present: President Dustin, Vice President Brosowske, Treasurer Ballard, Secretary Connaghan, Executive Senator Cervantes, Senator Baran, Senator Pishchanetskiy, Senator Del Valle, Senator Medina, Senator Cruz-Hernandez, Senator Alvarez, Senator Kulasxa, Senator Gempler, Senator Wasinger and Senator Tirado.
Absent: Foundation Representative Stacy, Senator Brooks and Senator Delgadillo.
Guests: Kaylene Dipley, Ken Knoechel, Luis Calel, Daniel Bedolla, Angela Perdomo and Erika Covarrubias.

3.0 – Agenda for the August 4th meeting was approved. MSC (Connaghan/Ballard)

4.0 – Minutes for the July 28th meeting were approved. MSC (Brosowske/Tirado)

5.0 – Public Forum:
5.1 – Kaylene Dipley: Is planning to apply for the Industrial Sciences and Logistics Senator. She is here to view an ASB meeting.
5.2 – Angela Perdomo: She works in the Auxiliary Services Office. She is very impressed with the Council and is looking forward to seeing what we as a council can accomplish.

Active Business:

6.0 – Unfinished Business
6.1 – Fundraising: Executive Senator Cervantes requested clarification and asked if Council will be spending money or just fundraising? Senator Tirado stated that Fantastic Fundraising is a 50% profit, council puts nothing down and we have an opportunity to raise $500 off of 500 cards. We can offer discounts to ASB card holders. Senator Tirado abstained. MSC (Brosowske/Kulasxa)
6.2 – Welcome Week: Senator Baran reported that the committee has three different events planned over the course of three-four months to promote Council more through out the year. They are requesting $1,000 which is a considerably lower amount then previous years. Senator Cruz stated that a few of the itemized costs were rounded to give the committee a cushion in case taxes or shipping prices were more. Senator Tirado suggested we get clubs involved to help avoid some of the fees/costs. At this time there was a motion to amend item 6.2 to say “Welcome Week NTE funds of $1,000”. MSC (Brosowske/Ballard) seeing no discussion, amendment passed. Senator Alvarez asked of the committee calculated this to the last bit or if it was just an estimate. Senator Cruz-Hernandez clarified that this is to help start off Welcome Week for set up. The committee may come back to the council for more funding for Fall semester events. Senator Gempler feels it would be better if the committee broke it down for each specific event. For the sake of the minutes and council they should be separate especially if the committee might be asking for more funding. Senator Gempler also asked if it was necessary for the Council to make a decision today. Senator Baran stated that Welcome Week starts August 27th and in order to get the supplies needed it has to happen now. At this time there was a motion to amend item 6.2 to say “Phase One Fall semester events NTE $1,000”. MSC (Connaghan/Ballard) at this time there was another motion to amend item 6.2 to say “Fall semester events NTE $1,000 to include supplies being used on more than just one event”. MSC (Ballard/Brosowske) Senator Tirado stated that is tricky, it means all events would be under the same $1,000. Council discussed the ladder amendment; they felt it was too wordy. Motion failed. Council discussed ‘Phase One’ amendment and felt the phases will help; it’s a good choice of words. Motion passed.

7.0 – New Business
7.1 – Cling Signs: These are for the Council’s for discount lists. Secretary Connaghan stated if the Council’s goal is to get 100 discounts, why were 300 ordered? Senator Alvarez clarified that it was previously discussed with Advisor Sewell; he felt it necessary to take action as soon as possible. Senator Cervantes clarified that the extra window clings are to be placed around campus to get students familiar with them. MSC (Brosowske/Connaghan)
7.2 – Acceptance of Senator Chloe Brook’s resignation: President Dustin read Senator Brook’s letter of resignation. There was no discussion. MSC (Cervantes/Brosowske)
7.3 – 9/11 Memorial Ceremony Video and Flags: At this time there was a motion to amend item 7.3 to say “9/11 Memorial Ceremony video NTE $20”. MSC (Cervantes/Brosowske) the flags have been removed because there is a possibility that Walgreens will donate them. Senator Kulasxa asked if council will have enough time to order flags if they are unable to do it. Senator Wasinger stated that once we are done using the flags there is a possibility to donate them to Veterans Club. MSC (Connaghan/Cervantes)
7.4 – Back to School Event: Item removed from agenda. MSC (Brosowske/Ballard)

At 8:02 pm, council broke for a ten (10) minute recess.

At 8:12 pm, council resumed orders.

8.0 – President Dustin’s Forum: This is something that we have to get together; this Council needs to get on the same page. Side talk is not something I want to hear from you guys. We are a team; we are working on one common thing and need to get on board with each other. There is no I in team; it is all of us working together and having each others back. Today was a little intense. I will work on myself to make myself better and I ask you to do the same towards a common purpose.
Vice President Brosowske’s Forum: The ASACC outline has been written. Faculty Administration Committee is not meeting right now because it’s not in their contract. Walgreens General Manager might be able to donate the flags for 9/11 Ceremony.

9.0 – Council’s Forum
9.1 – Senator Baran: She’s been working on Welcome Week.
9.2 – Senator Kulasxa: She received a list of her departments this week; will be contacting each chair of those departments to let them know she is their ASB rep. She will not be here for two weeks due to a family function and will give Executive Senator Cervantes a list of contacts; leaving August 15, coming back August 26. She is very proud the people on council, it is a little frustrating; we all have feelings.
9.3 – Secretary Connaghan: NTR.
9.4 – Treasurer Ballard: Despite the negativity, to get right back into the gear like we did it’s pretty awesome. She would like the Council to think about Big Bear and the motivation. Auxiliary Services was not able to do ID Cards because they ran out of toner. She has no financial reports due to conflicts in timing with Sharon Wright. She will be in office next week. Purchase Orders can be turned in at anytime, she is usually here until 4:30/5:30 pm.
9.5 – Executive Senator Cervantes: Next week each Senator’s department head report’s are due before the meeting. She asked that everyone grab their agenda and to please read the quote at the end of the agenda. Keep in mind who we are doing this for.
9.6 – Senator Pishchanetskiy: There is nothing really going on in the Athletics Department. He spoke with Treasurer Ballard; they are trying to put together a rally for the Athletics Department. He comes from large family, today we as a council acted like a large family. The key word there is ‘Family’; let’s learn to work with each other.
9.7 – Senator Gempler: Last week there was Executive meeting for SSCCC, they are setting up committees and will pick them this weekend. She will e-mail Council the committee information as soon as she gets it. She’s been working on her ‘Did you know’ campaign, personal goal is for 200 comments/facts and right now she has fifty (50).
9.8 – Senator Tirado: Made a few calls for discount list, you may notice we’ve received oe from Los Alazones in Apple Valley, Minnesota. She has also spoken with President Dustin about filling in as the ICC Senator until a new one is found.
9.9 – Senator Alvarez: He apologizes for his attitude; that is not really who he is. He’s been updating the website and will also be updating the ASB Council application. If you have not taken your pictures, please do so.
9.10 – Senator Medina: She’s been working on the flyer for the Art competition; she’s hoping to have it done before RamRage to start promoting it.
9.11 – Senator Del Valle: Monday he will be meeting with the Vice President to discuss internships in the city.
9.12 – Senator Cruz-Hernandez: As Senator Tirado mentioned she’s also been getting discounts for the discount list; she’s received one for Round Table Pizza in Apple Valley and will make it a point to contact the Minnesota discount to get more clarification.
9.13 – Senator Wasinger: She’s e-mailed Keppler Speakers; as soon as that is finished she will put it on the agenda for speaker prices and funding. She’s spoken with the Victorian Ladies Society, they will be at the 9/11 Memorial Event in their Patriotic gowns. She expects a measure of professionalism of all council members.

10.0 – Advisor Sewell’s Forum: Were you hold your meetings at is not relevant; other than it is in the city of Victorville, you do your notice correctly, and they way you practice your meetings stays the same. Continue to practice the little things; people will see how you work together. It is not important that you like each other; it’s that you respect each other and work with each other. That you work with each other towards common goals. You’ve done something that has been recognized by the faculty and Board of Trustee’s that they would like to mimic. They would like to get people who don’t like each other to complete goals like we’ve done. They have not done what you’ve done. Your goals are entering into conversations on were and how to spend money on jobs and internships; your Internships goal is discussed a lot. Out of respect for yourself, address any confusion or issues with council members outside of the meetings. As you get back to school here are a few things to remember, you have a 9/11 Ceremony on the agenda; 200 uniformed students will be there. The Fire Department, Police Department, Faculty and Nursing are all on board. There will be support there. The blood drive people have been contacted, the will be there. You’ve established something that you have great credibility and support. Senator Baran and Senator Cruz-Hernandez have created a good Welcome Week that is cost friendly. Be considerate of each other and provide each other the leeway to do what you need to do. As we move forward keep in mind your goals; it makes it real simple. If you walk by students in front of the Foundation office and don’t say hi you shouldn’t be on this Council. Take a notebook, after tonight maybe night week do what President Dustin does and jot down their concerns/questions/comments. One thing that may prop up is some questions for a survey starting August 27th. Two things will be on it; one is what student’s feelings are on health center, two, if they would be willing to pay the mandatory fee. Another survey question would be if students are in support of on campus housing. Both have relevance; you’ve got the avenue to get it. Make your contact when your class starts. Take advantage of it. It’s your network for when you grow older. You never know which current student will be a lawyer or win the lottery. Whatever you put in you get back; what you commit yourself to happens.

11.0 – Financial Reports: Not too much has changed. Council has not brought in a lot of money; nor have they spent a lot of money.

12.0 – Committee Reports: Senator Cruz-Hernandez reported that Senator Delgadillo had a meeting with Tim Isbell regarding the Podcast’s. They’ve knocked a few things out regarding the logistics and what he can do and what he requires from council.

13.0 – Foundation Reports: Expected moving date is August 15th.

Concluding Business:

14.0 – The meeting adjourned at 8:21 pm. The next meeting will be August 11th at 6 pm.

Minutes for August 4, 2011 MeetingPage 3