OUR VISION ISNA is the recognized leader for nurses and professional nursing practice in Indiana.

OUR VALUES Advocacy, collaboration, education, facilitation, information, and leadership

OUR MISSION ISNA works through its members to promote and influence quality nursing and health care.

September 12, 2014


Present: Jeni Embree, President; Diana Sullivan, Vice President; Ella Harmeyer, Treasurer; Michael Fights, Secretary; Emily Edwards, Director; Angela Hickman, Director; Vicki Johnson-Poynter, Director; Heather Savage-Maierle, Graduate Director; Gingy Harshey-Meade, Chief Executive Officer; Blayne Miley, Director Policy and Advocacy; and Marla Holbrook, Office Manager

Absent with Notice: Barb Kelly, Past President

CALL TO ORDER: President Jennifer Embree called the meeting to order at 11:37 am. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by the members. There was a moment of silence for members who have passed in the last year and for those serving our country around the world.

Michael Fights, secretary was asked to verify if a quorum existed. A quorum of 39 members was necessary to conduct business, 29 members were present. Business will consist of presentation of information.

INTRODUCTIONS: Introductions were made of the Board of Director officers and directors: Jeni Embree, President; Diana Sullivan, Vice President; Ella Harmeyer, Treasurer; Michael Fights, Secretary; Emily Edwards, Director; Angela Hickman, Director; Vicki Johnson-Poynter, Director; Heather Savage-Maierle, Graduate Director; staff of ISNA, Gingy Harshey-Meade, Chief Executive Officer; Blayne Miley, Director Policy and Advocacy; and Marla Holbrook, Office Manager; Glenna Shelby, ISNA lobbyist from the LegisGroup Public Affairs; and ISNAP staff, Chuck Lindquist, Program Director and Robin Riebsomer, ISNAP Intake Coordinator; and Past President Ella Harmeyer from 2007 to 2009. Student nurses in attendance were asked to stand and be acknowledged. President’s Report – Jennifer Embree, President, gave her report to the members present. Jennifer has been attending meetings around Indiana and with Gingy.

II. Secretary’s Report

Michael Fights, Secretary, gave the secretary’s report. Minutes of the Board of Directors’ meetings can be found on our website, under the

“Members’ Only” section.

III. Treasurer’s Report –

Ella Harmeyer, Treasurer, gave the treasurer’s report. ISNA employs the SIKICH CPA Group to prepare our monthly operating statements, general ledgers and bank account reconciliations of incomes and expenses. The Board of Directors receives a copy of each monthly statement. The most recent financial statements are reviewed at each Board meeting. Another division of SIKICH prepares our federal and state Not-for-Profit Corporation Reports (Federal 990 and 990T, Indianan IT-35R and IT-20NP); and the Marion County Non-Residential Real Estate. All of the ISNA’s financial reports are posted on the ISNA’s website under the “Members’ Only’ section.

IV. CEO Report – Gingy Harshey-Meade, CEO

A.  Membership Update

The members have increased to 13. The increase in membership is attributed by Blayne’s activities around the state giving lectures to nurses and student nurses. We have ANA members here to present a new pilot program to increase our membership. It is called “Member Get a Member”. There is a benefit for each member who recruits members.

B.  New Website

The new website for ISNA,, was presented with the new look.

C.  ANA Update

Gingy was elected as the new ANA Treasurer at the ANA Membership Assembly in June.


A. PAC Board

The PAC Board representatives are Terry Holland and Blayne Miley, Director of Policy and Advocacy. Terry Holland made a request for donations to continue the work of their committee with the legislatures.

B. Director of Policy and Advocacy Report – Blayne Miley, Director of Policy and Advocacy

Blayne and Glenna Shelby, Lobbyist, from LegisGroup Public Affairs gave a report on the upcoming legislation to be taking place and items they will be watching.

VI. Organizational Affiliates

A.  Public Health Nurses report presented by Lynn Maitlen.

VII. Adjournment at 12:25 pm.


Next Board Meeting December 12, 2014, Indianapolis

MOTION TABLE -- ISNA Board of Directors Conference Call

June 6, 2014

Agenda Item / Maker of motion/
second / Motion / Action
1. Consent Agenda / Michael – First
Ella - Seconded / a.  I move the Board approve the
consent agenda items. / Passed
2. Approve Minutes for March / Ella – First
Michael - Seconded / a. I move the Board approve the minutes as submitted. / Passed
3. Treasurer’s Report / Michael – First
Diana - Second / a. I move the Board approve the January and February, 2014 Financials / Passed
5. Strategic Plan / Angie – First
Ella - Second / a. I move to adopt the new strategic plan for the next two years with the suggested changes. / Passed
6. Articles of Incorporation / Mike – First
Angie - Second / a. I move to adopt the new Articles of Incorporation for the Indiana Nurses Foundation. / Passed