Session Scheduling RDA Plenary 6

September 2015

(Version July 17 0834)

BREAKOUT 1, Sept. 23, 11:00
IG RDA/CODATA Materials Data, Infrastructure & Interoperability: Foundation for Establishing a Working Group on the International Materials Resource Registry (IMMR)
Joint meeting of IG Metadata, IG Biodiversity Data Integration & IG Marine Data Harmonization
BoF on International Access to Sensitive Social and Economic Microdata
WG RDA/WDS Publishing Data Workflows
BoF on Agile Curation - Part 2
BoF on Convergences in Archives, Records Management, and Research Data Curation
BoF on Journal Research Data Policies
IG PID: Persistent identifiers (PIDs) in research data management: People, Places, and Things
IG RDA/WDS Certification of Digital Repositories: Get inspired! Examples of national and international certification activities.
BREAKOUT 2, Sept. 23, 13:30
Bof on Research data for climate change adaptation services
WG RDA/WDS Publishing Data Bibliometrics: Moving from information gathering to recommendations
Joint Meeting of IG Data Rescue, IG Geospatial, IG Big Data Analytics, IG Domain Repositories & IG Libraries for Research Data
IG Data Fabric 1: State of Data Fabric Discussion and Next Steps
WG Data Citation
BoF on Combining solid/fluid Earth model results to build reliable three-dimensional Earth description
Technical Advisory Board: Meet the TAB
BREAKOUT 3, Sept. 23, 15:30
IG Biodiversity Data Integration
IG Data Fabric 2: State of Data Fabric Discussion and Next Steps
BoF on PID Collections
Joint meeting of IG RDA/WDS Publishing Data Cost Recovery for Data Centres &
IG Domain Repositories
WG Data Description Registry Interoperability (DDRI): RD-Switchboard and Interoperability Between Research Data Registries
BoF on Chemical Data Interest Group Discussion
BoF on Blockchain-based PIDs
IG Education and Training on handling of research data
BREAKOUT 4, Sept. 24, 11:00
IG Quality of Urban Life: Progress and Next Steps for Quality of Urban Life Indicators
IG Libraries for Research Data: Developing and Adapting to Research Data Policies in Libraries
Joint meeting of IG Development of cloud computing capacity and education in developing world research &
IG Data for Development
Bof on Data Cultures, Practices, and Ethics
BoF on Data Packages
BoF on Big Health Data
WG Brokering Governance
Joint meeting of IG Preservation e-Infrastructure, IG Active Data Management Plans & IG RDA/WDS Certification of Digital Repositories
BREAKOUT 5, Sept. 24, 13:30
IG Federated Identity Management
BoF on Earth System Science data management
Joint meeting of IG Geospatial &
IG Big Data Analytics
BoF on RDA Working Group for Data Security and Trust (WGDST)
WG Metadata Standards Catalog
Joint meeting of IG Libraries for Research Data, IG Long tail of research data & IG Repository Platforms for Research Data
IG Research Data Provenance
BoF on Improve sharing of water resource data globally
WG Data Description Registry Interoperability (DDRI): RD-Switchboard: Content Providers' Workshop
BREAKOUT 6, Sept. 24, 15:30
Joint meeting of IG Metadata, WG Metadata Standards Catalog & WG BioSharing Registry: Connecting data policies, standards & databases in life sciences
BoF on Open Formats for Instrument Data Output
BoF on Persistently Linking Physical Samples with Data and Publications: A Matter of Reproducible Science
WG Repository Audit and Certification DSA–WDS Partnership: Outcomes
IG Vocabulary Services
IG Research data needs of the Photon and Neutron Science community: Open Science and policies for Large User Facilities
WG RDA/WDS Publishing Data Services: Towards a universal, open literature-data cross-linking service – tell us your needs!
BoF on Data Typing
BoF on Volumetric Imaging Services (VIS)
BREAKOUT 7, Sept. 25, 9:30
IG Brokering
IG RDA/CODATA Legal Interoperability
Joint meeting of IG Domain Repositories, IG Libraries for Research Data, IG Long tail of research data &
IG National Data Services: Building Connections between Libraries, Discipline Repositories and Data Services
Joint meeting of IG Metadata & IG Data Fabric
BoF on Advancing data-driven research through the Data Commons
BoF on Public Sector Information
Joint meeting of IG Agriculture Data Interest Group (IGAD) &
WG Wheat Data Interoperability: Working Groups in the Context of RDA Agricultural Data: What is next?
IG Digital Practices in History and Ethnography: Spring/Summer 2015 Updates and Working Group Initiative
BoF on Unified Quality-of-Service and Data-Lifecycle Definitions for Data Storage and Access
BREAKOUT 8, Sept. 25, 11:30
IG Agriculture Data Interest Group (IGAD): Results of the IGAD Pre-Meeting RDA P6: moving forward
IG Data Fabric 3: Towards a Harmonized Solution for Repository Registry System
Joint meeting of IG ELIXIR Bridging Force & WG BioSharing Registry: Life Sciences and Sensitive Data
BoF on Big Data and the Zero Trust Model
IG Data Foundations and Terminology
BoF on Controlled Vocabulary and Ontology Service
IG National Data Services
WG RDA/CODATA Summer Schools in Data Science and Cloud Computing in the Developing World: Update on progress on the development of the Summer Schools programmes
Joint meeting of IG Marine Data Harmonization & WG Data Citation
BREAKOUT 9, Sept. 25, 14:00
IG Ethics and Social Aspects of Data
Joint meeting of IG Domain Repositories, IG Agriculture Data Interest Group (IGAD), IG Metabolomics Data Interoperability, IG RDA/CODATA Materials Data, Infrastructure & Interoperability & WG Wheat Data Interoperability
BoF on Data Mobility with Climate
BoF on Site oriented research
IG Repository Platforms for Research Data
IG Big Data Analytics
Joint meeting of IG RDA/WDS Publishing Data, WG RDA/WDS Publishing Data Services, WG Data Description Registry Interoperability (DDRI), WG RDA/WDS Publishing Data Bibliometrics & WG RDA/WDS Publishing Data Workflows
IG Reproducibility
Joint meeting of IG Metadata, IG Data in Context, IG Research Data Provenance & WG Metadata Standards Catalog