MEMO TO: PCoRP Member Chief Clerks, Risk Managers, Producers
FROM: Greg Cunningham, PCoRP Loss Control Specialist
DATE: May 14, 2007
SUBJECT: New PCoRP Fraud Hotline
Dear PCoRP Members:
As you know, theft, embezzlement and other crime hurts us all in many ways, and especially when it occurs in a public agency. Over the past several years the Pennsylvania Counties Risk Pool (PCoRP) has seen crime claims increase significantly, and some of the losses have been for large amounts of money – sometimes more than the $600,000 covered by PCoRP. Through our loss control trainings we have seen solid evidence that provide a method for employees to anonymously reported suspected embezzlement is one of the best ways to stop or reduce this type of loss.
Therefore, we are pleased to announce a new service through which your employees can report, on a discreet basis, knowledge of or suspicion of embezzlement, theft or any other crime, occurring in their county or entity that they are not comfortable reporting directly to management. The PCoRP board has discussed this matter at length and determined this as the best course of action to ensure these concerns are reported and any potential losses may be averted or reduced.
PCoRP has chosen Employee Relations Network (ERN) to administer the program, which will be known as the PCoRP Fraud Hotline. ERN’s program is sponsored by the National Association of Counties (NACo) and is used by many other counties and several county insurance pools.
You will receive an email from ERN providing your member name and password. If you have not received your member name and password by the end of May, please contact Greg Cunningham at PCoRP (), immediately. Greg will be the CCAP staff member responsible for coordinating this new program.
ERN will be providing you with Fraud Hotline posters for your various worksites and wallet cards for distribution to your employees. The posters and wallet cards contain the toll-free Hotline number and an Identification code that is exclusive to your county or entity. Should you require more posters or wallet cards, simply contact Employee Relations, Inc at (800) 716-7773 ext 112 or 104, or by email to , and tell them what you need.
Here’s how the program works. Employees and officials can report concerns, anonymously if they wish, to the PCoRP/ERN Fraud Hotline at (800) 813-5990, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. All calls will be handled discreetly and a confidential report will be forwarded to a member of senior management. The operator will ask callers for the Identification Code, their department name and location, and some basic information to help management look into the concern.
Each PCoRP member will be asked to designate a member of senior management to be the recipient of the email notice indicating a report has been made. The email will contain a link to ERN’s secure website, where the member will find a transcription of the report.
Employee awareness of this program will be crucial to its success. ERN will provide a draft letter for you to distribute to your employees, along with the wallet cards. We recommend putting this on your official letterhead and ensure that every employee receives a copy along with a wallet card. New hires should be given the letter and wallet card in their new hire packet. Wallet cards should be retrieved from employees upon termination of employment, and if in good condition, reissued to new employees. Posters should be placed in conspicuous locations at your various worksites.
Hotline operators are available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Operators ask questions of callers and transcribe their answers. They do not give advice or express opinions! You will be notified via email immediately after a report is issued. The reports can be viewed and/or printed from your secure member’s site when you log in with your ERN member name and password.
It is extremely important for you to protect and not share your password. Please note that your password will expire and need to be changed every 90 days. If you have any questions about the Hotline or need any assistance, please contact Employee Relations at the above number(s) during normal business hours, Pacific Coast time, or contact Greg Cunningham at CCAP (800-895-9039).
Should you have any questions regarding this new service please don’t hesitate to contact me, Thank You.
Greg Cunningham
Loss Control Specialist, CCAP
800-895-9038 ext. 3369