Chapter Eighteen Test
Please study your Powerpoint slides!
The format of this exam will be:
Multiple Choice
Document Based Questions
Short Answer Questions
To do well on this exam, you must study:
Your Power point slides and question sheets
Your structured class notes
To do well on this exam, you must be able to understand and explain:
How did railroads play a role in the growth of industry?
What were some improvements in railroads?
What were the accomplishments of Cornelius Vanderbilt?
What were rebates and pooling?
How did railroads fuel the economy?
What did Henry Bessemer discover?
What was a telegraph?
What were the accomplishments of Andrew Carnegie and David D. Rockefeller?
What are the definitions of the words, monopoly, corporation, free enterprise system, and entrepreneur?
What are a corporation, stockholder, investment, and a dividend?
What was the Sherman Antitrust Act?
What is a patent?
What is pollution?
What is a mail order catalog?
What is mass production?
Know the following famous inventors and their inventions:
Alexander Graham Bell
Thomas Edison
Gustavus Swift
Elijah McCoy
Jan Matzeliger
George Eastman
Christopher Sholes
George Pullman
Henry Ford
The Wright Brothers
Granville T. Woods
Mother Jones
What were the conditions in factories?
What were the Knights of Labor and American Federation of Labor?
How were people treated in factories?
How did prejudice trouble African inventors?
What is a strike? What happened at the Pullman Strike?
What is the defination of the term, immigrant?
What caused people to leave their homes? In the late 1800’s?
What disease spread rapidly to immigrants on ships?
What were the conditions on the ships for the immigrants traveling to the U.S.A.?
What statue became the symbol for freedom in the United States?
What was the purpose of Ellis Island?
What is an ethnic group?
What is the definition of term, assimilation?
What is a nativist?
What was the Chinese Exclusion Act?
What is urbanization?
Why did the African-Americans move to the cities?
What was city life like?
What is a slum and tenement?
What are a skyscraper, traffic jam, and subway?
How did electricity solve many of the cities problems?
Who opened up the first nine story department store?
What is yellow journalism? Name two famous yellow Journalists.
Who was Nellie Bly? What is a mental hospital?
What was vaudeville?
Who was the first African American to graduate Harvard Law School?
Who was Scott Joplin? What was Scott Joplin’s famous music called?
Who wrote the Stars and Stripes Forever?
What was the most popular sport in the nation? What is the name of the first African American baseball team?
Who invented the sport basketball?
What bureau built schools for African-Americans and white students.?
What was school life like in the 1800’s?
What were American’s reading in the 1800’s?
Who was the most popular author in the 1800’s.?
What novels did Mark Twain write?
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