Chapter Eighteen Test

Please study your Powerpoint slides!

The format of this exam will be:

Multiple Choice

Document Based Questions

Short Answer Questions

To do well on this exam, you must study:

Your Power point slides and question sheets

Your structured class notes

To do well on this exam, you must be able to understand and explain:

How did railroads play a role in the growth of industry?

What were some improvements in railroads?

What were the accomplishments of Cornelius Vanderbilt?

What were rebates and pooling?

How did railroads fuel the economy?

What did Henry Bessemer discover?

What was a telegraph?

What were the accomplishments of Andrew Carnegie and David D. Rockefeller?

What are the definitions of the words, monopoly, corporation, free enterprise system, and entrepreneur?

What are a corporation, stockholder, investment, and a dividend?

What was the Sherman Antitrust Act?

What is a patent?

What is pollution?

What is a mail order catalog?

What is mass production?

Know the following famous inventors and their inventions:

Alexander Graham Bell

Thomas Edison

Gustavus Swift

Elijah McCoy

Jan Matzeliger

George Eastman

Christopher Sholes

George Pullman

Henry Ford

The Wright Brothers

Granville T. Woods

Mother Jones

What were the conditions in factories?

What were the Knights of Labor and American Federation of Labor?

How were people treated in factories?

How did prejudice trouble African inventors?

What is a strike? What happened at the Pullman Strike?

What is the defination of the term, immigrant?

What caused people to leave their homes? In the late 1800’s?

What disease spread rapidly to immigrants on ships?

What were the conditions on the ships for the immigrants traveling to the U.S.A.?

What statue became the symbol for freedom in the United States?

What was the purpose of Ellis Island?

What is an ethnic group?

What is the definition of term, assimilation?

What is a nativist?

What was the Chinese Exclusion Act?

What is urbanization?

Why did the African-Americans move to the cities?

What was city life like?

What is a slum and tenement?

What are a skyscraper, traffic jam, and subway?

How did electricity solve many of the cities problems?

Who opened up the first nine story department store?

What is yellow journalism? Name two famous yellow Journalists.

Who was Nellie Bly? What is a mental hospital?

What was vaudeville?

Who was the first African American to graduate Harvard Law School?

Who was Scott Joplin? What was Scott Joplin’s famous music called?

Who wrote the Stars and Stripes Forever?

What was the most popular sport in the nation? What is the name of the first African American baseball team?

Who invented the sport basketball?

What bureau built schools for African-Americans and white students.?

What was school life like in the 1800’s?

What were American’s reading in the 1800’s?

Who was the most popular author in the 1800’s.?

What novels did Mark Twain write?

Extra Help:

Friday’s after school or by appointment, see a Mr. Zindman