Special Meeting
January 22, 2008
5:30 PM
A Special Meeting of the Corona Village Council was held on January 22, 2008 at 5:30 P.M. at Corona Village Hall, Corona, New Mexico.
Mayor Hignight
April Bailey
Sherrill Bradford
Terri Racher
Samuel Seely
Janet Verna
See attached list.
Turner Wilson
The Mayor called the meeting to order.
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Purchase Requisitions and Review of Purchase Vouchers
There were no purchase requisitions to approve.
The Council reviewed the Purchase Vouchers
There were no questions regarding the Purchase Vouchers.
Approval of Minutes
The Mayor asked to strike #4 on page three of the November 8, 2007 Minutes.
The Clerk noted the correction to the November 8, 2007 Minutes.
Councilor Racher made a motion to approve the Minutes for November 8, 2007, November 13, 2007 and November 27, 2007.
Councilor Seely seconded the motion.
Councilor Bradford noted that the “Employee Bonus” was an improper description.
A different description should have been used.
The Mayor made the suggestion that “December Incentive” would be a better description.
Councilor Racher offered to look into the situation and she would advise the Council on what the description should be used legally.
The Mayor called the vote.
The Clerk called the roll.
Councilor Seely: For
Councilor Racher: For
Councilor Bailey: For
Councilor Bradford: For
None opposed.
Motion Passed
Approval of Resolution #08-02 – Budget Adjustment
Councilor Bailey made a motion to approve Resolution #08-02.
Councilor Racher seconded the motion.
The Mayor reviewed the Budget Adjustments.
1. Fire Department - FEMA Grant - $47,617.00 Revenue Increase
2. Fire Department - FEMA Grant - $47,617.00 Expense Increase
3. Fire Department – Equipment Purchase - $8,899.00 Expense Increase
4. Solid Waste – New Dumpster Pad - $6897.00 Expense Increase
5. General Fund -Workman’s Compensation Premium – $7354.00 Expense Increase
6. General Fund - Vehicle Insurance -Added Bob Cat - $60.00 Expense Increase
The Mayor called the vote.
The Clerk called the roll.
Councilor Racher: For
Councilor Bradford: For
Councilor Bailey: For
Councilor Seely: For
None opposed.
Motion Passed.
Approval of Resolution #08-03 – Fixed Assets
The Mayor noted the Resolution would resolve a finding reported by the current auditor. The Mayor also stated the Village had no known policy for the management of Fixed Assets.
Councilor Bradford made a motion to approve Resolution #08-03 regarding Fixed Assets.
Councilor Racher seconded the motion.
Discussion followed regarding Ordinance #08-03.
The Council reviewed the depreciation schedule for each category.
Councilor Bradford asked what the status of the current list was.
The Clerk stated she was using the list from the previous auditor, and it was very accurate.
The Clerk stated the current auditor had plans to make only minor corrections.
The Mayor noted they had corrected the list the previous year for insurances purposes and felt comfortable that it was accurate.
The Mayor called the vote.
The Clerk called the roll.
Councilor Bradford: For
Councilor Seely: For
Councilor Racher: For
Councilor Bailey: For
None opposed.
Motion Passed.
Discussion/Approval of Ordinance #08-01 – Water Utility Deposits
The Mayor noted the Ordinance resolved a finding reported by the current auditor.
The Village had no known policy for the management of Water Utility Deposits.
Councilor Bailey made a motion to approve Ordinance #08-01.
Councilor Seely seconded the motion.
The Mayor summarized the specifics of the Ordinance. Water utility customers in good standing would receive a refund for their deposits, but renters were excluded from the policy.
Discussion followed regarding Ordinance #08-01
The Mayor noted the corrections that were made compared to the earlier document that was in the packet.
The Mayor called the vote.
The Clerk called the roll.
Councilor Racher: For
Councilor Bradford: For
Councilor Bailey: For
Councilor Seely: For
None opposed.
Motion Passed.
The Mayor stated the Ordinance would be posted for the next 15 days and the final vote would take place on February 12, 2008.
Discussion/Approval of Ordinance #08-02 – Natural Gas Deposits
The Mayor noted the Ordinance resolved a finding reported by the current auditor.
The Village had no known policy for the management of Natural Gas Utility Deposits.
The Clerk noted the document was identical to the previous Ordinance.
Councilor Bradford made a motion to approve Ordinance #08-02.
Councilor Seely seconded the motion.
The Mayor stated the document was written exactly like the previous Ordinance #08-01.
The Mayor called the vote.
The Clerk called the roll.
Councilor Seely: For
Councilor Racher: For
Councilor Bradford: For
Councilor Bailey: For
None opposed.
Motion Passed.
The Mayor stated the Ordinance would be posted for the next 15 days and the final vote would take place on February 12, 2008.
Selection/Approval of Precinct Board/Translators for Municipal Election
The Clerk reviewed the proposed list of precinct workers for the upcoming election to be held on March 4, 2008. She assured the Council that all the individuals on the list had already agreed to participate.
1. Jeanene Gibbs - Judge
2. Cathy Yancey - Clerk
3. Tessie Montano – Clerk/Translator
4. Leroy Pecheco – Alternate Clerk/Translator
5. Patsy Mulkey – Alternate Clerk/Translator
Councilor Racher made a motion to approve the precinct board/translators as listed for the municipal election to be held on March 4, 2008.
Councilor Bailey seconded the motion.
The Mayor called the vote.
The Clerk called the roll.
Councilor Bailey: For
Councilor Seely: For
Councilor Racher: For
Councilor Bradford: For
None opposed.
Motion Passed.
Discussion Items from the Mayor
Joe Mayhill: Mr. Mayhill presented the Veteran’s Plaque for the Cemetery. A ceremony with the Color Guard from Holloman AFB would be planned for Corona Days in July.
Joe Mayhill: Mr. Mayhill also announced there would be a Cemetery Clean Up Day scheduled sometime in March.
Capital Outlay: The Mayor stated he and the Clerk would attend the Municipal Day in Santa Fe on February 2, 2008 to lobby for the capital outlay requests.
Library Day: The Mayor stated the Clerk would attend the Library Day on January 24, 2008 in Santa Fe to lobby for SB 223 for funding support for Rural Libraries.
Re-appropriation: The Mayor stated he and the Clerk were working with Senator Adair to re-appropriate $90,000 of Village Hall renovation money so it could be spent on furnishings and equipment (software and computers) for the Library.
Wastewater Project: The Mayor stated they hoped to go out to bid in late March 2008.
Nuisance Ordinance: The Mayor asked the Council to schedule a day to work on the Nuisance Ordinance in March 2008.
Election on March 4th: The Mayor stated there were two open positions for the March election and two candidates had pledged to run for the positions.
The Mayor asked if there were any other questions from the community.
Glenda Sue James inquired about the scope of work for phase one of the Wastewater Project.
The Mayor stated the project would cover construction of the treatment plant, drip system for the athletic field and connections for Main Street and the east side of Franklin Street.
Joe Mayhill asked about the status of the Highway 54 Project.
The Mayor stated the money was still available, and he expected the project would go to bid in August 2008.
The Clerk stated Loretta Manning was working on the Village Safety Manual and in the near future there would be several policies ready to present to Council for approval.
The Clerk discussed the procedure for utilizing the grant money ($2,500.00) for Art in Public Places.
The Clerk stated there had been several inquiries about a sign for Taos Muncy.
The Mayor stated the Corona FFA would be making the sign.
Councilor Bailey made a motion to adjourn.
Councilor Seely seconded the motion.
The Mayor called the vote.
The Clerk called the roll.
Councilor Bailey: For
Councilor Racher: For
Councilor Bradford: For
Councilor Seely: For
None Opposed.
Motion Passed
William E. Hignight, Mayor Date
Janet L Verna, Clerk/Treasurer Date