Shambles Termly Newsletter –May 2004page 1 of 2
“Shambles”Newsletter: May 2004
Designed to support International Schools in S.E.Asia
This paper copy of the termly Shambles newsletter is a one pageedited summaryof highlights of the original online version at the order and design is different to facilitate easier reading …. and if you are reading this on paper then, of course, the links are not active. … feedback is always appreciated.
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Chris Smith
Chris Smith
Online version with live hyperlinks at
‘Word’ version at
Shambles Termly Newsletter –May 2004page 1 of 2
'The Education Project Asia" is a consultancy designed to offer support to International Schools in S.E.Asia ... especially in the area of integration of ICT across the curriculum.
Subject Departments + Careers/Nurses
The modifications on the Shambles website continues in response to feedback received .... the latest additions are for School Counsellors/careers staff, nurses and Headteachers
| Headteacher | Nurse | Counsellors/Careers |
| Mathematics | English | Science | ICT | Geog |
|History | Religious Education | Art | D & T | Music |
|Mod Foreign Langs | P.E. | SEN | ESL |
|The School Library | ICT Technicians Room |
The Olympics
When the next newsletter is published the Olympics and Paralympics will be over ... fortunately Shambles has a list of relevant links to help for lessons, homework and research.
Olympic Games 13-29 August 2004 and Paralympic Games, 17-28 September 2004
School Website Competitions
Recently I accepted invitations to be a judge in two different annual events which involve students working as teams with the end result being a website.
International Schools Cyberfair2004: Now in its 9th year, CyberFair has been described as the largest educational event of its kind ever held on the Internet
Thinkquest: Competitions start every six months, in April and October and they have an online library of over 5,000 websites created by students, including award-winning entries.
Go to the online newsletter for details of projects from schools in Taiwan & Singapore
School Calendar 2004-2005
Download an A3 school 2004-05 calendar for printing
Battle of the Books (BOB)
Battle of the Books is a program that encourages reading by all students at the primary and middle school levels .... a report from Hong Kong
SchoolNet Global Project
Following on from one of the themes in the last newsletter“schools sharing with each other”
The SchoolNet Global project started in 1998 in the UK. Since then over half a million young people, aged 4 to 18 have been involved. Many have recorded their thoughts and feelings about life in the 21st Century, on over 54,000 web pages. They write about their own lives, homes, interests, wild ideas, hopes and dreams and how they will make the world a better place.
Virtual Education Fair10 May–16 May 2004
Want to study abroad? Find everything you need at the Virtual Education Fair, the world’s largest FREE online education event - request information from schools, colleges and universities from around the world.
Outdoor Education Centre in Thailand
Maekok River Village Outdoor Education Centre provides opportunities for fieldwork, outdoor activities and community service – all in one centre, and surrounded by the stunning scenery of northern Thailand.
Leadership links on Shambles
Leadership Online Course
New online distance learning course from the University of London starting September 2004
National Standards for Head teachers
Int. Schools Websites - Showcased
The United NationsInternationalSchool of Hanoi
The 'College Counseling' webpageis designed "to help students seek the best tertiary educational experience based on their individual needs." The page is well laid out and easy to navigate and I suspect is an excellent resource to support the work of the College Counselor, Ms. Christina Powers.
South IslandSchool (Hong Kong)
From a single webpage to a complete site ... South IslandSchool(Hong Kong) 1,000+ students age range 11-18. Webmaster (& Head of Faculty) is Nick Villeperieux.
This site is unique, it often breaks the rules for consistency in design ... but for some strange reason it all seems to work ... when you click on a link you just don't know what the next experience is going to be. The site is 'content rich', 'fun', 'interactive', 'functional' and focused very much on 'teaching and learning'.
Advertising on Shambles
'Shambles' is a free service because of sponsorship and advertising ... your support would be appreciated - email me for more details if
This newsletter is also available for sponsorship.
TV & Internet Usage: A Parents Guide
A recent report from the (USA) National PTA and Cable in the Classroom organisations provides advice and tools to parents and caregivers to help manage their children's use of TV, the Internet and other media.
FOBISSEA Games & Music Camp
The 2004 FOBISSEA Primary Games 7th to 11th June are hosted, next month, at St.Christophers International Primary School in Penang. This is designed as an annual event and this year is expecting over 700 students and teachers from 17 schools as well as over 300 parents to attend.
A second FOBISSEA event will be a 'Music Camp' on 14th November hosted by the BritishSchool - SeoulForeignSchool ... for more details contact Daniel Knight sicDepartmentSeoulForeignBritishSchool.
CEA Summer courses 2004 for International School Teachers
The pace of change in UK education is unrelenting; education and school improvement continue to be high on the agenda of the UK Government.
If you have been away from the UK for a year or more, there is a real danger that you will have lost touch with your profession.
If you want to stay in touch, why not sign up for CEA’s Staying in Touch courses, taking place in Cambridge in July and August 2004?
Interactive Whiteboards
I.W.B. area on Shambles
A School Online Radio Station
I noticed recently that The International Christian School of Seoul are announcing they are to start broadcasting their own school internet radio station. "ICS Seoul has the finest sounds for the soul"
Back to School Activities
OK so the start of nextterm seems a long way away … but these resources will help.
Online Conference for Librarians
ASLA Online Conference: Constructing communities of learning and literacy which will be held 15-31 May, 2004. The first Australian School Library Association (ASLA) Online conference aims to provide current thinking, practice and discussion in knowledge management, information literacy, information and communication technology, and evidence-based practice within an online digital learning community.
Chris Smith
Online version with live hyperlinks at
‘Word’ version at