Minutes of the meeting of Christow Parish Council held on Tuesday 5th March 2013 at 7.30pm in the School, Christow.
Present: Cllr. Archer, Chairman; Cllr.Orme, Cllr.Lee, Cllr. Key, Cllr.Cann, Cllr. Edwards; Cllr. Woods, and 7 members of the public.
1) Apologies For Absence: Cllr. Prowse: family illness. Apologies accepted by Council.
2) Declarations Of Interest: Councillors to declare any personal or prejudicial interest in any item on the agenda.
Cllr. Orme for item number 9 expenditure. Family member to receive a cheque.
3) Public Discussion - Opportunity for members of the public to ask questions and to raise issues.
A member of the public asked to speak on his planning application at the appropriate time.
4) Minutes – to approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 5th February 2013.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 5th February 2013 having been previously circulated to all councillors were approved and signed as correct by the chairman. All agreed by show of hands.
5) Grant Applications for 2013/2014 received at the Annual Parish Meeting held at 7pm 5th March 2013.
Two applications were received at the annual parish meeting.
a) Pre-school – a cost of £115 per unit for computer tablets, and would like 4 if possible. It is now a requirement for pre-school children to have access to computer skills. A correct application form has been completed and sent in with financial reports.
b) TVCH applied for a grant for a projector screen and sound system. They have not supplied their request on the proper form.
Cllr. Woods proposed the full amount be awarded to the pre-school of £460; seconded by Cllr. Lee; all in favour by show of hands.
Teign Valley Community Hall’s application to be considered at a later meeting when they have submitted their request on the proper form with suitable accounts. Clerk to advise the hall committee.
6) Tenders for grass cuts 2013/14 to be decided.
One tender received from our current contractor. Recreation field at £1660; Cemetary at £880; Allotments at £210; all exclusive of VAT. Tender accepted by all councillors by show of hands.
7) Planning Applications - Dartmoor National Park Authority has asked for comments from the Parish Council on the following planning applications:
a) 0005/13 Amended proposal for loft conversion with dormer to rear of property at Westering, Butts Lane, Christow
Standing orders suspended for applicant to speak.
Standing orders resumed.
Supported – Previous comments have been listened to and the balcony has been removed. All in favour by show of hands.
b) 0055/13 Proposed change of use from light industrial to pet crematorium including installation of new cremator and flue, to allow expansion of existing adjacent pet crematorium at Unit 4 Gidley’s Meadow, Christow.
Supported – already a crematorium in place. This would increase the capacity of the business.
8) Planning Decisions:
a) 0347/12 Construction of track and change of use land to mixed agricultural/domestic, Foxview.
Notice of Appeal – 0332/12 Appeal against refusal of full planning permission for detached open market
bungalow in garden land with integral garage, Greenacres, Butts Lane, Christow.
9) Expenditure: W.G. Clark & Son Repair gateway to recreation field £72.00
Teign Valley Community Hall – hire of rooms for council meetings 2013 £194.00
Vision ICT Ltd. Website hosting and support 2013/14 £240.00
Refund of half allotment fee to holder suffering from ill health. £12.50
Clerks salary February including tax refund £614.04
Get Mapping PLC – online parish map £48.00
SW Grounds Maintenance February grass cuts £163.00
AJ Orme Plant Hire – tarmac around new noticeboard £180.00
10) Income: Rag Bag Clothing £112.50
Bank Reconciliation and Statement: The Chairman had checked the invoices, paying-in book, cheque book and bank statement against the reconciliation statement at the agenda meeting with the clerk. Reconciliation and bank statement circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting. Councillors resolved to accept the accounts. Proposed by Cllr. Key, seconded by Cllr. Lee.
Clerk’s request to be delegate user on bank account in order to use internet to transfer monies between deposit and current accounts at Lloyds Bank PLC. All agreed by show of hands.
11) Clerk’s request for council to authorise annual salary increment from SCP21 to SCP22 with effect from 1st April 2013 as per contract of employment. Councillors resolved to authorise the salary increase; all agreed by show of hands.
12) Community Right to Bid – letter with explanatory booklets received from Teignbridge District Council. These were put in the circulation envelope.
13) Skatepark – update from meeting held on 2nd March 2013 regarding the formation of a Club.
A small turnout but quite positive. Those who came are keen to form a club and desperate for the skatepark to be completed. Agreed to have another meeting on 16th March in the Bowden room with the hope of more young people coming to form a club. This has been booked for 12 noon. One of the ramps has some damage and Playline will be coming to inspect this and issue a report. The Sport England funding window is currently open until the end of April. Cllr. Cann and a member of the committee are applying for a grant.
14) Teign Tennis Trust – advisory. The code on the recreation field has been changed in the hopes of keeping cars off the field and skate park area.
All Cllrs. to have the code and to undertake confidentiality to keep it to themselves.
15) Old Parish Noticeboard – it should now be removed from its site on the wall.
Cllr. Key to remove the glass door but otherwise it is staying there for the time being.
Regarding the new notice board, it was agreed to ask Dave Plummer if he could rout the letters Diamond Jubilee 2012 onto a piece of wood and affix it to the top of the board prior to a grand opening ceremony.
16) Christow News – update on April’s meeting agenda.
Society of Local Clerks conference attended by Clerk. Report written and circulated to councillors prior to this meeting with a list of questions. This report to be discussed at April’s meeting.
Clerk to report back on aboriculturists for the April’s meeting.
BMX track. Await report from Digley Associates.
Community Land Trust meeting chaired by Cllr. Woods. Plans for the housing should be submitted soon followed by a public meeting.
Items for Information
The next Council meeting is on Tuesday, 9th April 2013 at 7.30pm in the Bowden Room.
Meeting closed at 8.42pm
Signed…………………………………. Date……………………………….
APPENDIX A – Circulation Envelope
Community Southwest vote form.
SLCC Conference information in a separate envelope to be returned to the clerk complete please.