St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Vestry Meeting
July 18, 2017
In attendance: Peter Chamberlain (Senior Warden), Hollie Groves (Junior Warden), Kathy Gordon (Treasurer), Mike Litchfield, Anne Martz, Sue Dauer, Mary Ann Bryan, Dave Trietsch, Catherine Cox, Larry Wilson, Jim Walker, Kati Arp (Interim Clerk)
Absent: Mother Anne Emry (Rector), Fr. Zac Harmon (Curate).
Catherine Cox lead with opening prayer at 6:35 p.m.
The 6/20/17 vestry minutes were approved after amending the attendance by Dave Trietsch, as he was present.
Rector’s Report: No report
Curate Report: Father Zac was not present but sent Peter a text stating he was offered a position in New Hampshire as a Vicar and he accepted.
Treasurers Report: The overall parish net for the month of June 2017 was a net surplus of $36,486 reducing the year-to-date deficit to ($14,001). This included a monthly operating deficit of ($12,511) and year-to-date net operating deficit of ($41,139). The operating deficit is approaching the budgeted annual deficit of ($56,606) and we will need to be diligent to avoid exceeding this deficit by year-end. Summer is typically a slower time and December is always a bright month; so we do expect this drop, but also expect some recovery by year-end.
Included in Operations: Pledge revenue collected is at 98.5% (including prepaid pledges of $8,235 brought in during January); contributions are 61% of budget; special contributions are at 105% of budget due to Easter Week collections of $5,680; and facility use is 73% of budget. Operating programs: Children’s/Youth Formation is under-budget $3,939 and Music Operations is over-budget $4,312. Utilities are over-budget $2,379. Insurance/Unemployment Claims remain under-budget at $10,522 due to payment of only $2,928 in unemployment claims out of a $22,000 annual budget.
Our real estate investments are performing well with a positive $56,681 net year-to-date. The renovation on the Goulet Building continues and we have drawn $121,200 on our construction loan for that purpose.
We received $19,615 in Woodmansee trust income during June. These funds are added to our Maintenance Reserve when received. We have $116,000 in the account (including only $5,000 of “Raise the Roof” funds received) as of June 30th.
Our investments are yielding a 15% rate of return as annualized from six months of activity (January thru June), net of fees. This is largely due to our year-to-date unrealized gain of $227,274 that continues to increase under strong market performance.
There was discussion about the Legacy account and what interest rate we. Went over the history of the Goulet gift and that St. Paul’s loaned the Goulet Building $100,000 which they are paying back and we don’t have to pay DPA on unless we use the monies for operations.
Finance Committee would like to appoint Chris Bogdanow as a new member-at-large. She is willing to be on the committee. Need Vestry approval. She was already approved as a candidate but need to make it a formal appointment.
Motion: Mike Litchfield made a motion that St. Paul’s approve the appointment of Chris Bogdanow as a member-at-large on the Finance Committee. Jim Walker seconded. Motion approved unanimously
SPARK Camp: Sue Dauer reported that SPARK camp had 22 campers this year. The campers learned about Australia. There were a lot of good counselors, teachers, and guest speakers.
Old Business: Peter wanted to remind committee members to not forget to submit their monthly Committee Reports.
Vestry Call Lists: Hollie is the only one that has returned her call list to Vestry. Peter asked all members to turn in their call lists to Kati so she can update database with outdated or new numbers. Many had called but hadn’t turned their sheets into Kati. The call is just to let parishioners know that we are reaching out, not asking for anything at this time. Just checking in with them.
Roof Update: Peter wore the rain hat and gave an announcement about the roof fund on Sunday. After the service, someone came up to him and gave him $1,000. There are parishioners that Peter called that have pledged $70,300 for the roof. There are already four families that have donated $3,000 for the matched funds to be met by St. Paul’s.
Hollie has set up people to talk on Sunday’s wearing the rain hat.
First letter was sent out with Mother Anne’s picture. Next letter with Fr. Zac’s picture will go out August 3 or 4th as Fr. Zac’s last day will be August 6th and Peter would like people to receive it before he is gone. The last letter will go out a few weeks after that and will have Paul’s picture in it.
Property Committee: Hollie reported that Property Committee was ok with term limits. So, three of them said they would go off as they have been on a long time; Andy Leisinger, Chuck Chamberlain, and Gary Brandt in 2018. Scott Nielson’s term would end in 2019 and Neale Quinzel in 2020. It was felt that Neale should stay on for five years until 2022. Peter also asked Hollie to ask the three willing to go off if one of them would be willing to stay for another year for the history they have and can pass on to new members. Hollie will ask them.
John Bauer presented the new wording for the By-Laws for Property Committee which states:
5.1 Standing Committees
- 5.1.2 The Property Committee shall be a Standing Committee of the Vestry. The committee shall recommend for approval 4 to 6 members for presentation to the Vestry for approval. The committee shall select a chair and secretary each year. The committee shall meet monthly at a time and place agreed to by the committee members. The members will serve terms of no longer than 5 years on a rotating basis. No committee member shall be appointed to serve consecutive terms. The Vestry may appoint the committee members to terms less than five years to ensure all members terms do not expire in any one year. Members of the committee must have made a current pledge in his/her own name to the financial support of our Parish for at least six months preceding their appointment to be eligible to serve on the committee. The Committee shall be responsible for the following:
- Providing the Vestry, every six months, a prioritized list of necessary repairs, remodeling, renovations and maintenance. Such list shall include timeline for completion of work and estimated costs, if possible.
- Monitoring and overseeing the Vestry approved repairs, remodeling, renovations and maintenance of all church property, in coordination with the Parish Administrator and Junior Warden
- Annually recording and updating the Parish’s property inventory
The committee shall solicit, if possible, three bids from qualified third parties to perform any repairs, remodeling, renovations and maintenance. All repairs, remodeling, renovations and maintenance recommended by the committee must be presented to the Vestry for approval prior to initiation.
Motion: Jim Walker made a motion that St. Paul’s approve the revision in its By-Laws for the Property Committee as stated by John Bauer in revision 5.1.2. Sue Dauer seconded. Motion approved unanimously
Window Repair: Peter had asked Kati to contact Jim Knepler from the Goulet Building for the name of the contractor who did the window repair for the Goulet Building and see if they would give us a bid for the Stained Glass window repair in the Southside of the choir loft in the Sanctuary. Kati got them to come and look and they said after some researching they wouldn’t be able to do that. Kati asked then that Stayton Wood Windows bid for $5,550 be approved.
Motion: Jim Walker made a motion that St. Paul’s approve the bid from Stayton Wood Windows for $5,550 for the window repair to be paid from the Maintenance Reserve fund. Larry Wilson seconded. Motion approved unanimously
New Business: Mother Anne asked Peter to ask Vestry what they thought about imprinting on the cover of the bulletin the wording that was used when Bishop Robinson was here. It said:
As followers of Christ, who calls us to reconciliation and wholeness, we welcome all who are seeking God.
Believing that all are one in Christ Jesus, we offer an intentional welcome to members of the LGBT+ community, as well as persons of every race or economic status. We affirm our respect for the dignity of every human being. We pledge that we will strive to live as a reconciling people, in our life together and in our outreach to the world.
There was discussion. It was felt that it should be re-written and the first line in the second paragraph should be removed. Kati will pass on the Vestry’s recommendation to Mother Anne.
Facility Use for Eclipse: Fr. Martin Elfert asked if a group from his church could use the facility during the eclipse. They would like to stay overnight. There was discussion and it was decided that church groups would be welcome but not the public. Kati is to inform Fr. Martin that they are welcome but that once they are here in the building they are not to go in and out. They are to stay until morning. Kati is to find out the ages and make sure they are following Safe Church Training guidelines if they stay.
Curate Letter of Agreement: Kati presented the Letter of Agreement between St. Paul’s and Andrew McQuery the new hire for the Curate position that Fr. Zac is leaving. Peter signed that the Vestry reviewed the agreement on July 18, 2017.
Health Insurance Policy: (Kati was excused for this discussion). The Vestry discussed in detail the financial impact of providing health/dental insurance to all eligible employees and their eligible dependents. In addition, the Vestry discussed the importance of providing quality employee benefits to our valuable employees while satisfying guidelines within the Diocese's.
The Vestry approved to pay 100% of all eligible employees’ medical/dental for them as employees. In addition, the Vestry approved to pay for 50% of employees’ eligible dependents and if those eligible dependents choose to opt out, then St. Paul's will provide those same dollars to the employee, as taxable income, to be used as they wish. (i.e., to purchase health insurance on their own)
Motion: Sue Dauer made a motion that St. Paul’s approve the revised health insurance policy for employees and their spouse and/or family. Larry Wilson seconded. Motion approved unanimously
Meeting adjourned
Submitted by
Kati Arp
Interim Clerk