Name: ______Class: ______Date: ______

United States History Chapter 1 Test


Indicate whether the statement is true or false.(2 points each, 20 points total)

____ 1. Europeans enslaved Africans, but Africans did not enslave one another.

____ 2. Christopher Columbus was the first European to arrive in the Americas.

____ 3. Scientific evidence indicates that the earliest Americans probably came from Asia.

____ 4. The Middle Ages began in Europe.

____ 5. During the Middle Ages, serfs could not leave their manor without permission, but they could be sold to another noble.

____ 6. The earliest empire to emerge in West Africa was Ghana.

____ 7. On his first voyage, Christopher Columbus probably made his first landing on what is today Cuba.

____ 8. The continent of America was named after an explorer named Amerigo.

____ 9. The Caravel was a ship used by Europeans, so they could travel directly into the wind.

____ 10. The Northwest Passage involved the transportation of Africans into slavery.

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.(2 points each 42points total)

____ 11. The West African empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai prospered by trading

a. / gold and silver. / c. / gold and obsidian.
b. / copper and obsidian. / d. / gold and salt.

____ 12. The Renaissance was

a. / a Crusade to the New World.
b. / a rebirth of feudalism, in which kings gave estates to nobles in exchange for loyalty and military support.
c. / a period of economic decline.
d. / a period of renewed interest in the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome.

____ 13. When Columbus landed in the Bahamas, where did he think he was?

a. / China / c. / the Indies
b. / America / d. / Cuba

____ 14. After contact with Europeans, millions of Native Americans died because

a. / the Europeans killed them to take their gold.
b. / they had no immunity to European diseases.
c. / they could not survive in the harsh areas where Europeans required them to live.
d. / the Europeans killed off the buffalo, their main source of food.

____ 15. What major advantage did the Spanish have over the Native Americans in Mexico?

a. / wealth / c. / guns
b. / agricultural knowledge / d. / abundance of food

____ 16. Scientists determine how old objects are through

a. / radiocalcium dating. / c. / radiocarbon dating.
b. / microwave dating. / d. / DNA dating.

____ 17.

/ What effects logically resulted from the cause shown in the diagram?
a. / Effect 1: a surplus of food; Effect 2: better pay for field workers
b. / Effect 1: increased trade; Effect 2: freedom for many serfs
c. / Effect 1: increased trade; Effect 2: the revival of the Roman Empire
d. / Effect 1: a surplus of food; Effect 2: increased trade

____ 18. As kingdoms unified in the mid-1400s, what four strong western European states emerged?

a. / Portugal, Spain, England, and France
b. / Portugal, Spain, England, and Germany
c. / Spain, England, France, and Germany
d. / Spain, England, France, and Italy

____ 19. The astrolabe navigational device determines direction, latitude, and local time by using the position of the

a. / sun. / c. / North Star.
b. / magnetic north. / d. / moon.

____ 20. Which country financed Columbus’s voyage across the Atlantic in 1492?

a. / Portugal / c. / Italy
b. / England / d. / Spain

____ 21. One of the first crops that Native Americans grew to make bread was

a. / wheat. / c. / beans.
b. / squash. / d. / maize.

Directions: Look at the timeline below. Answer questions 22-27 based on the Timeline.

____ 22.

/ What is the proper order in which the following cultures arose, according to the time line?
a. / Cahokians, Mayans, early Mesoamericans
b. / Mayans, early Mesoamericans, Hohokams
c. / Hohokams, early Mesoamericans, Cahokians
d. / early Mesoamericans, Mayans, Hohokams

____ 23.

/ According to the time line, what culture arrived in the Southwest of North America in the 1500s?
a. / Cahokia / c. / Hohokam
b. / Navajo / d. / Mayan

____ 24.

/ When did Christopher Columbus land in America, according to this time line?
a. / 1420 / c. / 1492
b. / 1450 / d. / 1500

____ 25.

/ According to the time line, when did Muhammed begin teaching the ideas of Islam?
a. / A.D. 610 / c. / 1240
b. / A.D. 400 / d. / 1450

____ 26.

/ What was one cause that encouraged Europeans to explore the Americas, according to the image above?
a. / Improved ship designs and navigational instruments make exploration easier.
b. / Native American civilizations are devastated by warfare and disease.
c. / The Columbian Exchange alters the world’s ecosystems and cultures.
d. / The plantation economy expands slavery throughout the Americas.

____ 27.

/ According to this graphic, one of the effects of Europeans exploring the Americas was
a. / new wealth for monarchies from taxes.
b. / a desire for Asian spices, silks, and other goods.
c. / new navigational instruments.
d. / Spanish, French, and English settlements in the Americas.
Directions: Read the quote below. Answer question 28 based on the quote.
“The people kept coming down to the beach, calling to us and giving thanks to God. Some brought us water, some food; others seeing that I did not wish to go ashore, swam out to us. . . . One old man climbed into the boat, and the others, men and women, kept shouting. ‘Come and see the men who have come from Heaven; bring them food and drink.’” —Christopher Columbus

____ 28.

/ According to this quote, the islanders responded to Columbus’s arrival by
a. / giving him gold. / c. / resisting his arrival with soldiers.
b. / providing hospitality. / d. / trying to arrest him
“In the sands of that country [Ghana] is gold, treasure inexpressible. . . . Merchants trade with salt for it, taking the salt on camels from the salt mines.” —Abu Hamid al-Andalusi

____ 29.

/ According to al-Andalusi, what was Ghana’s most valuable natural resource?
a. / gold / c. / camels
b. / salt / d. / sand

____ 30.

/ According to the map, which one of the following cities is not on the route from Taodini to Bilma?
a. / Agades / c. / Ghat
b. / Timbuktu / d. / Sebka

____ 31.

/ According to the time line, when did Pope Urban II launch the Crusades?
a. / 1095 / c. / 1230
b. / 1200 / d. / 1365


Match each statement with the correct item below.(1 point each, 8 points total)

a. / Vasco de Balboa / f. / Ferdinand Magellan
b. / Francisco Pizarro / g. / vaqueros
c. / Leif Ericsson / h. / Juan Ponce de Leon
d. / caravels / i. / Vikings
e. / Vasco da Gama / j. / Claudius Ptolemy

____ 32. Norse people.

____ 33. drew maps of a round world, complete with lines of longitude and latitude.

____ 34. gave the Pacific Ocean its name after reaching it by sailing around the tip of South America.

____ 35. Portuguese ships.

____ 36. gave Florida its name and claimed it for Spain.

____ 37. after hacking his way across Central America, became the first European known to gaze upon the Pacific Ocean.

____ 38. explored the coast of Labrador and may have spent a winter in Newfoundland.

____ 39. found a water route to Asia around the tip of Africa.

Short Answer Answer question 39 based on the information you have read. Answer question 40 based on information you have learned in class. Make sure that you answer both questions in complete sentences. (5 points each, 10 total)

“The people kept coming down to the beach, calling to us and giving thanks to God. Some brought us water, some food; others seeing that I did not wish to go ashore, swam out to us. . . One old man climbed into the boat, and the others, men and women, kept shouting. ‘Come and see the men who have come from Heaven; bring them food and drink.’”
—Christopher Columbus


/ What kind of first impressions did Columbus and his men seem to make on the island people, judging by the above quotation?
Use 3 examples from the text to support your answer.

40. How did gold and sugar change slavery in West Africa?

Use everything you have learned about the Europeans and the Africans to answer this question. Write two ways gold and sugar has changed slavery in West Africa.



Answer the following question in a paragraph. A paragraph should be a minimum of 5 sentences long. Make sure that you include an opening sentence before you write down the answer to the Essay question. Read the quote below and answer the question that follows the quote. In order to receive a perfect score make sure you give information from the text in order to support you reasoning. (20 points Total)

“While the Spaniards were in Tlaxcala, a great plague broke out here in Tenochtitlán. . . . The illness was so dreadful that no one could walk or move. . . . If they did move their bodies, they screamed with pain.”
—anonymous Aztec quoted in The Broken Spears: The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico


Explain how Cortés’s small army was able to defeat the Aztec forces, as evidenced by this quotation.

United States History Chapter 1

Answer Section


1. ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Learn more about this question in The American Republic Since 1877, page 23, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit this book's Online Learning Center at NAT: NCSS.II.B| NCSS.II.C

2. ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Learn more about this question in The American Republic Since 1877, page 24, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 3. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 3, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit this book's Online Learning Center at NAT: NCSS.II.C

3. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: E

REF: Learn more about this question in The American Republic Since 1877, page 13, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 1. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 1, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit this book's Online Learning Center at NAT: NCSS.III.H| NCSS.III.I

4. ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: C

REF: Learn more about this question in The American Republic Since 1877, page 19, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit this book's Online Learning Center at NAT: NCSS.V.A| NCSS.V.G

5. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Learn more about this question in The American Republic Since 1877, page 22, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit this book's Online Learning Center at NAT: NCSS.II.C

6. ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Learn more about this question in The American Republic Since 1877, page 25, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 3. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 3, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit this book's Online Learning Center at NAT: NCSS.III.H

7. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: E

REF: Learn more about this question in The American Republic Since 1877, page 27, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 3. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 3, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit this book's Online Learning Center at NAT: NCSS.IV.E


8. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: A

REF: Learn more about this question in The American Republic Since 1877, page 21, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit this book's Online Learning Center at NAT: NCSS.VII.A| NCSS.VII.E

9. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: E

REF: Learn more about this question in The American Republic Since 1877, page 20, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 2. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 2, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit this book's Online Learning Center at NAT: NCSS.I.C| NCSS.II.C

10. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: E

REF: Learn more about this question in The American Republic Since 1877, page 25, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 3. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 3, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit this book's Online Learning Center at NAT: NCSS.III.I

11. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: E

REF: Learn more about this question in The American Republic Since 1877, page 28, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Chapter 1, Section 3. For additional practice, complete Chapter 1, Section 3, of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit this book's Online Learning Center at NAT: NCSS.II.B| NCSS.III.I