This is simply a format to work to. It will ensure that all (or nearly all) requirements are considered. There may be nothing to enter in some of the headings. Keep entries short and simple.
Project: / Carry out maintenance / service call to DSG High St / Centre store Cat 1.
Method Statement Prepared By: / Paul Boon
Site Address: / See Attached Works Request
Intended area that works are to be carried out (Where on-site) / Centre roof area.
Within clients sales and staff areas.
Method Statement No.: / MSDSG 01 002
Revision: / 1
Scope of Works: / Introduce oneself to store manager.
Seek work permits from centre management.
Gain access to roof top mounted plant.
Maintain / Service plant.
Gain access to sales area and goods/staff areas.
Maintain / Service water heaters extract and supply fans.
Clear site, returning all permits.
Access / Egress: / See Attached Works Request / Parking is to be agreed with shopping centre management.
Lighting: / These works to be undertaken will be completed within daylight hours.
Plant and Equipment used: /
  • Vacuum Cleaner.
  • Electrical test/Ammeter.
  • Hand tools.
  • Liquid cleaner dispensers.

Materials used: /
  • Oxygen free nitrogen.
  • Hydro-foam.
  • Hydro-coil.

Sequence of Tasks: / Description of Task / Risk Assessment
1 / Introduce yourself to manager on-site; seek roof and works permit from centre management.
2 / Locate roof top plant.
3 / Complete site specific risk assessment.
4 / Isolate the Condensing unit. / RADSG 02 001C
CoSHH Hydrofoam
CoSHH Nitrogen
5 / Remove access panels from unit.
6 / Clean the unit both internally and externally using coil cleaning agents.
7 / Utilising Nitrogen, blow debris from within condenser coils.
8 / Re-instate power to unit, Record operational performance of the unit. If the unit has to be left unattended ensure no electrical or rotating parts are exposed (replace covers)
9 / Reinstate access panels.
10 / Bag and remove redundant maintenance consumable from centre demise.
11 / Access the evaporator (s) located with the sales area ceiling. / RADSG 02 001B
12 / Remove fascia and filters.
13 / Utilising vacuum clean filter media (off sales floor).
14 / Utilising garden sprayer and Hydro-coil, clean evaporator coil. / CoSHH Hydrocoil
15 / Reinstate all panels and record operational performance of unit.
16 / Clean generally sales area equipment.
17 / Check and record operation of door heaters.
18 / Access store staff and amenity areas. / RADSG 02 001A
19 / Clean amenities extract fans, record operation / defects.
20 / Record operation/defects and condition of all amenities water heaters.
21 / Clean and test run amenities panel heaters.
22 / Liaise with store manager relaying defects, any Health and Safety information.
23 / Sign out of store.
24 / Return all keys and permits to centre management.
Risks and Controls: / Rotating machinery / All equipment will be isolated before opened.
Pressurised Systems / PPE Issued and to be worn at all times (Goggles, Gloves). Only inert gasses will be discharged. Burns referred to are freeze burns, explosions refer to pipes fracturing under pressure.
Use of chemicals / Refrigerant gasses will remain contained. Nitrogen Hydro-foam & Hydro-coil. PPE issued and to be worn (Goggles & Gloves). See attached CoSHH. Works in ventilated area.
Public Contact / Only applicable to sales area, where these works will be timed to avoid public contact, otherwise barriers are available should the on-site R/A deem them necessary.
Working at height / Access ladders are required to visually inspect and record operation of over door heaters. Roof works are not within 5.0M of roof edge.
Tripping hazard / Centre roof has low level gas pipe work and other trip hazards, attending engineer to exercise care.
Asbestos Report / Clear
Technical Information: / N/A
Emergency Arrangements: / 999 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY.
See attached works request form
Training: / Attending engineers are competent to carry out the tasks asked of them.
Attending engineers have proven electrical competence.
Supervision: / Paul Boon
Pulse Services Ltd, Webbs Close, Wells, Somerset. BA5 3HJ
01649 670838
07971 538983
Housekeeping and Waste Removal Procedure / All debris will be bagged and placed in our client’s bins.
Risk/COSHH/Noise/Manual Handling Assessments
COSHH Assessments:
List substances to be used and attach relevant COSHH assessments and material safety data sheets
Risk Assessments:List tasks and attach relevant risk assessments / RADSG 02 001A Cleaning of sales area equipment
RADSG 02 001B Maintaining / Servicing / Cleaning of amenities equipment.
RADSG 02 001C Roof Areas – Maintaining / Servicing roof top plant
BES Asbestos Risk Assessment
Manual Handling Assessments: / N/A at this time.
Noise Assessments: / N/A
Date of compilation: / 21/09/2005

MSDSG 01 002