Hi Everyone!
I wanted to say thanks for signing up for the 2018 (12th annual) Frozen Otter. Many of you have participated before, but a good number of you are out for the first time. PLEASE review the following information.
Important Racer Information
1. Frozen Otter Participant Guide -
2. Required Gear -
Also, if you haven't read Jeremy's account from two years ago, Istronglyrecommend reading it as it highlightshow quickly you can get into trouble out there. (
As far as the forecast goes, it's looking like we will be far from the threshold for the extreme weather gear. We will make the call closer to the race as forecasts change quite a bit. Please arrange for your gear ahead of time so you don't have to scramble at the last minute.
EARLY CHECK-IN- It looks like we will be able to facilitate early check-in again this year. We're looking at 4:00-6:30 Friday at the Mauthe Shelter and possibly in the evening at an alternate local establishment (we’ll leave a note on the shelter and try to post on Facebook). If there is any way for you to check in early, you will be pleased you did when you see the backup in the morning! This will also give you an opportunity to get yourWISCONSIN STATE PARK PASSearly instead of waiting in line the following morning.
Waivers- Please try to print and sign your waivers ahead of time. It definitely helps speed up the check-in process.
Gear Check- All required gear WILL be checked as part of check-in.Be sure to bring it up to the shelterso you don't have to go back to your car and get it!
Water- As usual, we will be providing water on the course at the established checkpoints. Water is available at other locations along the trail via year round pumps (they don’t taste great, I’m not going to lie). PLEASE start with water for the first leg. We calculate the amount of water needed and when we start filling people’s water bladders before the start it may take away from water that’s really needed later on.
Bib Transfers- You will be able to transfer bibs until a couple days before the race, HOWEVER, shirts are now ordered, so sizes are locked down. If we have extra after everyone has checked in you can request a different size.
Frozen Otter Training Group- If you aren't aware, there is an active Facebook group with a lot of veteran racers and great information. Check it out!
That’s it for now. Keep an eye on your inbox for possible additional communications.