“Sparky” Memorial Scholarship Application

In Loving Memory of Adam Sparks

A Scholarship Fund of the Allegan County Community Foundation

Adam David Sparks attended Gilkey Elementary, Plainwell Middle School and graduated from Plainwell High School in 1981. As his friends will attest, “Sparky” was one of those rare individuals who could make you forget any trouble that you had. He always seemed to know what to say and do to make every minute with him a fun and memorable one. You only had to meet Sparky once to feel as if you had known him forever. Simply put, he was one of the best friends you could ever have. A tragic car accident on September 28, 2005 took Adam’s life at the age of 24. This scholarship was established by friends whose lives were changed forever because of the life of Adam Sparks. A $1,500 scholarship will be awarded to one recipient annually “who embodies the love, fun, and laughter that was Sparky”. Sparky firmly believed that “everyone deserves a second chance”.

The scholarship is to be used to defray college costs (tuition, books, room/board) in the student’s freshman year. Scholarships are not renewable.


§  Applicants must be a Plainwell High School senior

§  Applicants of all GPA levels are encouraged to apply

§  Applicants must intend to be a full time college/trade school student


1.  Applications can be downloaded from the Allegan County Community Foundation website at: www.alleganfoundation.org or emailed, send request to: .

2.  Include 1 (one) official copy of your high school transcripts.

3.  Include 1 (one) letter of reference/recommendation from a friend; not family, teacher or employer.

4.  Please enter the last 4 digits of your social security number on each page of the application. Your name should appear on the application cover sheet only.

5.  The top two applicants will be required to participate in an interview on April 16th. The friend who wrote the letter of recommendation must attend as well.

6.  Please read and follow the directions on the application. Completed applications are due in the Foundation office by March 1st. No email applications will be accepted; applications must be mailed or delivered to:

Allegan County Community Foundation

Attn: Sparky Memorial Scholarship

524 Marshall St.

Allegan, MI 49010

“Sparky” Memorial Scholarship Application

A scholarship fund of the Allegan County Community Foundation


Application must be typed. To download application from website, go to: www.alleganfoundation.org. To request by email, send request to .


Name: (last, first, middle)

Permanent Address: (street, city, zip)

Telephone: Cell Phone #:

Male: Female: Date of Birth:


(Applicant resides with)



Schools under consideration: (1)


Acceptance Status - school #1: ( ) Accepted ( ) Pending ( ) Enrolled

Acceptance Status - school #2: ( ) Accepted ( ) Pending ( ) Enrolled

Are your parents: (check one) married divorced deceased

How will your schooling be paid for? (Of the total cost of school, how much will be provided by you? your family? financial aid? student loans?)

If you have your college student ID, please provide #:

Curriculum you intend to major in:

I certify that all the statements and information provided in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.


Signature Date

Last four digits of social security number:

Last four digits of social security number:

Please answer the following essay questions (insert answers after each question and keep each answer to one page or less):

Please share your personal and educational goals.

Tell us what kind of friend you are.


Last four digits of social security number:

Please provide the following information.

1. List your participation and/or membership in school-related or extra-curricular groups (clubs, student government, band, sports, church, etc.), leadership positions held, the approximate number of hours you participated and the grade you were in when you participated.

Activity / Position / Hours participated / Grade
EXAMPLE: Choir / Participant / 2 hours/wk; 25 weeks / 10,11,12

2.  List any work experience you may have. Include employer, job responsibilities, dates of employment and approximate number of hours worked per week.

Employer / Responsibilities / Dates of Employment / Hours worked
per week
EXAMPLE: Meijers / Cashier / 2/13/2005 – 9/1/2005 / 4-6

3.  List other scholarships or grants you have applied for and designate each as “received” or “pending.”

Scholarship/Grants Applied For / Received or Pending
EXAMPLE: Margaret Allen Scholarship / pending

Last four digits of social security number:

4. List your community service involvement. Identify the organization, task, amount of hours spent on the task, the frequency of the task and when you performed this community service.

Organization / Task / Hours spent / Frequency / When
EXAMPLE: American Red Cross / Blood drive / 3 / Two times / March 2004 and 2005


* Include 1 (one) official copy of your high school transcripts.

* Include 1 (one) letter of reference from someone other than a family or faculty member.

* Sign application prior to submitting.

* Submit 6 copies, 3 hole-punched of your completed application.

* Do not staple; paperclips and clamps only. No binders or folders.

* Deadline for submission: March 1st


* Choose a friend who knows you well. Ask them to answer the following question: “What makes the applicant so special that you want to hang around him/her.”


* The top 2 candidates will be interviewed with the friend who wrote the recommendation. Please hold the evening of April 16th in case you are a finalist. Your friend must be present for the interview.


2008 Sparky Scholarship Application