IEEE 1450.3-D06 commentsDave Gallagher
1)Page 5 3.1 Definitions
States: Additional terminology specific to this standard is found in Annex A
Problem: Annex A contains TRC example for Sentry 200
2)Page 5 3.1 Definitions
Refers to IEEE Std 100-1996, not found in IEEE Standards DataBase
3)Page 7 Note 2
States: There are 64 timing sets available for each channel.
Problems: definition of Timing sets and Channel, these terms are not clear what you are referring to, channel is a common term used by test engineers, but the term timing sets are used differently by different people. (This is what started me ion the search for definitions on terms.)
4)Page 7 Note 3
6th line “the driver states…” Capitalize the T
5) Page 7 Note 3
States: This tester’s data channel can support input/output state switch prior pattern execution
Change to: This tester’s data channel can support input/output state switch, prior to pattern execution
6)Page 8 5.2 TRC Used
States: “It might also might represent…”
7)Page 11 5.3 TRC Used For Resource Reporting
States: “Th LS245 test pattern…”
Change to” “The …”
8)Page 14 Note 1
States: “as long as it it bounded by the…”
Change to: “as long as it is bounded by the …”
9)Page 14 Note 3
Ponderance: This states that the resource statement, defines the order of the labels to be found labeling the patterns. The example leaves you with some questions…. Label L1 is used multiple times, as is label 13. Also, for every pattern there is a label, does it have to be labeled? What if a pattern needs a label for one “Resource” and not for another, how is that sorted, if only one label is included in the “<…>”. Is this for the first resource listed or the second? I will reserve this till later on in the syntax explanation.
10)Page 14 5..4.2 Example of Resource….
States: (2nd Paragraph) “This example is different that the previous….”
Change to: “This example is different than the previous…”
11)Page 18 6.1 Additional Reserved Words
States: Table 1
??? shouldn’t this be Table 2 ?
12) Page 19 7. Statement Structure and Organization
States: (2nd Paragraph) “no special requirements for sequence of blocks”
??? So a block does not have to be defined before it is used? Is that what this is trying to say.
13)Page 21 7.3 TRC Usage For Pattern Reporting
States: “or a separate file”
?? are we allowed to make recommendations? (I.e. “or a separate file, though this is not recommended.”
Overstepping the bounds here?… Makes sense to keep with pattern, and imbedding it in the pattern file would insure this.
14)Page 21 7.3 TRC Usage For Pattern Reporting
question: the question asked is should the original patter name be imbedded?
Answer: yes, but files can be renamed, that is why I would make the previous recommendation.
15)Page 21 7.4 TRC Usage For Tester Targeting
??? this has to be annotated to the pattern, not a separate file like the previous? Inconsistent!
16)Page 22 8.1 STIL Syntax
??? EXT_NAME will this allow multiple EXT_NAMEs, TRC and CTI ?
can these both be included in a single file. It seems to me that the current way would preclude this.
17)Page 26 12.1 TRC Syntax (9) usage
are Constraints and PatternReport mutually exclusive?
18)Page 26 12.1 TRC Syntax (10) & (11)
states: Either method of describing waveforms may be used as appropriate to a given ATE system
??? This sounds like they are mutually exclusive, but not actually stated as such. The example (page 27) would lead one to believe they are not mutually exclusive.
19)Page 28 13.1 TRC SignalCharacteristics – Syntax (4) MaxScanMemory
Previously stated in this document, you talked of two type of scan memory, and there is nothing defined here to specify the type of memory, xxx behind a pin, or a heap style for all scan. Did I miss something?
20)Page 28 13.1 TRC SignalCharacteristics – Syntax (8) MaxVectorMemory
??? what is the ppurpose, as a limitation to pattern size / amount of memory behind a pin, or as a informational message to let the user know that there will be multiple vector memory loads. If the latter, should that be included here?
21)Page 42 18.2 TRC PatternCharacteristicsz Example
Line # 353 MaxVectors 5_000_000;
?? 5_000_000 isn’t that supposed to be an interger_expr ?