Central Cougar’s Bulletin
October 12, 2017
Math with Muffins
Please join your child’s class for fun, math-filled activities on Wednesday, Oct 18th!
Mrs. Annette: 8:05
Ms. Blair: 8:05
Ms. Blomberg: 8:45
Mr. Johnson: 8:45
Mrs. Willard: 9:15
Mrs. Larsen: 12:15
Ms. Bundermann: 1:45
Mrs. Ryan: 1:45
Mrs. Mensen: 2:00
Mrs. Brandt: 2:15
Mrs. Jensen: 2:15
Mrs. Wendland: 2:15
Please see the flyer included in today’s Thursday Packet for classroom details.
Bemidji First City Lions Club is collecting gently used shoes for Soles4Souls during the month of October. Soles4Souls is a charity that collects new and used shoes and redistributes them through direct donations to people in need. Recently several boxes have been shipped to help the hurricane victims. Some of the shoes are sent to other countries, such as Haiti, where children are not allowed to attend school if they do not have a pair of shoes. Please help bring hope, health and happiness to children around the globe through a gift of a pair of shoes. All shoe sizes are acceptable. Thank you for your donation.
Look for the blue collection box located by our Central News bulletin board. We will be collecting shoes through the end of the month.
After School Enrichment –
After School Enrichment (formerly known as 21st Century) will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays this year. Please remember that the program will not be held on days before a school break. There will be no After School Enrichment on Wednesday, Oct. 18.
There is no busing, so parents/guardians are responsible for transporting their children.
Only students who have referral letters returned may participate.
If you have not already done so, please return all permission slips as soon as possible!
Volunteers Needed!
If you are interested in helping out with the upcoming Book Fair, please contact Mrs. Lipscy in the media center.
She can be reached at or 333-3220.
Q: Is it too cold to go outside for recess?
A: Not yet – read on…
Students play outside for recess before school starts in the morning
and at lunchtime as long as the temperature is 0 degrees or above and the
wind-chill is -5 or warmer. We have had some frosty days, but it is still
warm enough to go outside for recess. Please come prepared – stay warm –
bring coats to school every day (hats and mittens may be needed on some of the colder October days, too)!
If your child was 4 by Sept 1st, you may qualify for FREE preschool!
Busing is available from Central School
Breakfast & Lunch are included
Classes are held Tuesdays, Thursdays & alternating Fridays at Paul Bunyan Elementary
For details: Contact Alicia Samson
218-969-3766 or 333-8334
Or stop by Community Education, located at 1420 Beltrami Ave NW
Food Service Reminder!The PINK Free & Reduced Application for the 2017-18 school year are due! (A new form must be filled out every year.)
If you have not already done so, please fill out and turn in your form.
If we have not yet received your application, meals will return to full price on Monday, Oct 16th.
October 18 – Math with Muffins
October 19 - 20– NO SCHOOL – MEA
November 1 – 4th & 5th graders attend “Hunchback of Notre Dame” preview
November 5 -- Daylight Savings Time Ends – “fall back” one hour
November 6-9 -- Book Fair
November 9 - 10 – NO SCHOOL – Conferences
November 10 – End of term 1
November 23 – 24 – NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break