Montgomery High School Ag Mechanics
Instructor: Larry Abke
2017-2018 Course Syllabus
Course Description:
To be prepared for careers in agricultural power, structural, and technical systems, students need to attain academic skills and knowledge; acquire technical knowledge and skills related to power, structural, and technical agricultural systems and the industry; and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, industry certifications, and industry expectations. To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer knowledge and skills and technologies in a variety of settings. This course is designed to develop an understanding of agricultural mechanics as it relates to safety and skills in tool operation, electrical wiring, plumbing, carpentry, fencing, concrete, and metal working techniques.
This course is designed to provide students with entry-level job skills in the agricultural mechanics industry.
Guidelines for success
It takes Pride, Responsibility, Integrity, Dedication, and Effort to be successful!!
· Do your best inside and outside of the classroom
· Cooperate with others
· Treat everyone, including yourself, with respect
· Have fun and learn
· Cell Phones will remain off while in shop.
If a student is on their phone in class or in the shop the phone will be taken up.
· ALL MISD rules must be followed
· Be respectful to others and their property at all times
· Arrive on time and ready to participate
· Bring materials needed to every class period
(PPE, notebooks, paper, writing utensils, assignments etc.)
· Listen attentively and follow directions carefully
· Help keep the environment clean and organized
· NO food or drinks are allowed in the shop areas.
Safety is a must and students will be required to follow ALL safety rules at ALL times and failure to do so will result in disciplinary action. Failure to follow the safety rules can result in minor abrasions, sever injuries, and possible death.
Students are expected to have a positive attitude and to use their class time wisely. Students are expected to be responsible, prompt, and hardworking. Good attendance is a must. Perfect attendance is encouraged.
You will be responsible for having the following supplies every day at the beginning of class:
· Pen/Pencil
· Proper clothing for lab activities EVERYDAY
(PPE- Long sleeve shirt, blue jeans without holes, or coveralls and closed toe shoes)
Ø Daily work/quizzes/participation – 33%
Ø Safety and employee relations – 33%
Ø Exams/labs/projects – 34%
Late Assignments:
Refer to MISD Handbook.
Refer to MISD Handbook.
Proper MLA Heading:
For each assignment, written or typed, students are required to use the official MLA style heading in the upper left-hand corner of the paper. Failure to have this heading may result in a deduction of 10 points from any assignment. Word processed or typed assignments should be double-spaced. The heading should look like the following example:
*Mr. Abke reserves the right to enforce any and all of MISD rules and policies outlined in the student handbook & student code of conduct. They also reserves the right to make any changes in this syllabus as deemed necessary
Participation Grade Scale
100 = accomplish work that is assigned thoroughly and take the initiative to help others or go above and beyond
90 = accomplish work that is assigned thoroughly
80 = accomplish work assigned
70 = partially finish work that is assigned
60 = spend more time talking to friends that doing assignment
50 = doing very little work, having bad conduct, or bad attitude
0 = doing nothing
I expect EVERYONE to receive 100’s for participation grades.