®G. Vorsunov . Copyright 2010.THREAD ID 1-70JF6Y.
Gennady Vorsunov’s biologically active films (BAF).
Purpose and mechanism of action, practical experience, description, application, list of BAF created to date.
WHAT IS BAF: BAF is fundamentally new, real, highly effective, easy-to-use, inexpensive, accessible to everyone, many options for practical implementation, technique for maintaining good physiological and mental health, ensuring a long and harmonious Life in many of its manifestations. In many ways, the effectiveness of BAF already exceeds all existing methods of maintaining health and a harmonious life and has no counterparts. The mechanism of action is simple and easily understood by people who are open to innovations; the closed minded can stop reading here and end their acquaintance with BAF. All your objections are already known, but you have a right to your opinion. Sorry, but please remember that the processes of perceiving the world and evolution are continuous, and that is why many things that seemed unreal or fantastic yesterday, that have broken known laws and have been persecuted have become a reality today. A classic example is the development of the laser, described by the Russian science fiction writer A. Belyaev. It is also pertinent to remember that there was a time when the sun was believed to revolve around the earth, and the Inquisition burned those who refuted it at the stake. In our time Pope John Paul II apologized for these deeds. Great Honor and praise to him and Eternal Memory!
Today BAF is an objective reality, i.e., a reality that does not depend on subjective Human opinion, EASILY!!! confirmable by practical experience, bearing great benefit for people and needing large-scale implementation.
Biologically active films have been developed to harmonize all processes that make up Life itself, as a whole and in part, to ensure good physiological and mental health and active longevity. (One of the ideas used in creating BAF has been patented by G.V. Vorsunov in Germany).
In essence, BAF are a source of a biologically active field that arises and propagates in space when BAF are transmitted on any screen (movie theater, television, computer, cell phone screens and so on) and
carry a message of harmony, love, beauty and renewal with a specific formulation of the task to be accomplished using the fields of a specific film. (For example, to harmonize the condition of the heart or liver, etc.). A BAF field acts on the biological field of a live organism (the existence of fields in biosystems was discovered in 1940) and shifts it from a disharmonious state corresponding to a sick organism to a harmonious one corresponding to a healthy organism, and just like a thread in a needle follows the needle, so the organism changes its state from sick to healthy, tracking the change of state of its own biological field.
This mechanism of action of fields generated by BAF on live organisms agrees well with the results of wave genetics experiments of Dr. Peter Garjaev (Assistant Science Director of the University of Toronto, Canada) and with many other experiments of well-known scientists. For example, the experiments of Dr. K.G. Korotkov, D. Eng., St. Petersburg State Technical University, Russia, studying the effect of human consciousness on the structure of water have shown that water changes its structure under the influence of the consciousness of a person up to 8000 km away from the water samples.
Experiments of Professor M. Emoto of Japan studying the effect on information on the state of water prove that water changes its structure under the influence of information proportional to its content. Since the human organism consists mainly of water, Professor Emoto worked out an ingeniously simple scheme describing the principle of the effect of information on live organisms. It looks this this: information acts on water contained in an organism. Then, under the influence of the information, the water changes its structure proportional to the content of the information and as a natural consequence of this, changes its state and the entire organism. (You can find out about the work of the above-mentioned scientists by entering their last names and initials in any Internet search engine).
All of the foregoing shows that there is nothing supernatural or miraculous about the fact that BAF can be created and used to effectively influence the state of health and maintain it at a good level. On the contrary, it’s all amazingly simple. The most important and difficult task in the process of creating BAF is to give the BAF fields effective power sufficient to reliably shift the organism of MOST !!! users from a disharmonious state (sickness) to a harmonious state (health) for the widest possible range of problems. Vorsunov’s BAF are up to this task, but there is no limit to perfection and work on improving
the effectiveness of BAF has been going on continuously for many years. Therefore, Vorsunov’s BAF made only a year or two ago are less effective that those made in 2010. And naturally, over time, even more effective BAF versions than those available today will appear.
(The numbers of the films employed by the user are shown in brackets).
Practical use of Vorsunov’s BAF began in 2000, and since then hundreds of BAF versions have been created, the range of problems they are aimed at solving has expanded, their effectiveness has been constantly improving and practical experience has been accumulated. Volunteers living in Russia, Israel, China and other countries are BAF users. Almost 100% of BAF users are people who have or have had difficult chronic or acute health problems and who have not been helped by any kind of medicine.
Practice has shown that BAF are amazingly effective at helping children in many ways and people of all age groups with diverse cardiovascular problems, including rehabilitation after heart attacks. Nearly
100% of BAF users were able to fully or partially rid themselves of cardiovascular problems (BAF2+5+21+1). One user no longer needed a pacemaker (a woman over 70 who had already survived two heart attacks in a row). This is a very important case, because it gives hope that some people who need a pacemaker today will no longer need one after using BAF. It is also very possible that BAF will help some patients avoid the need for a heart transplant. The overall effectiveness of BAF in solving heart problems is so high that we can predict that large-scale implementation of BAF for this purpose, starting with ambulances and intensive care units and ending with use at home and at work, will free the heart from its sad legacy as the number one killer. At the same time, of course, users completely stop or greatly reduce their intake of the medications they have been taking regularly for many years and which in themselves are harmful to the organism, are expensive and generally do not make a person feel completely healthy. For most users, BAF resolve heart problems within 3-12 months.
In one Siberian city in 2009, the lives of 5 children suffering from stage 4 cancers were saved when the children already had no chance of survival. This very important result allows us to predict with a high degree of probability that if BAF are used to provide the required help for children with complex forms of cancer, i.e., are distributed everywhere, starting with intensive care units in clinics and ending at home, 60-70% of the children who die today could be saved. (According to statistics, at present, 20% of children with cancer die). In the next few years, the effectiveness of BAF in this area is expected to increase to the level where the death of children from cancers will be a rare occurrence.
(This objective is quite realistic and not in the realm of fantasy. The deciding factor in accomplishing it is the availability of sufficient cash resources).
There are obvious positive effects for adults suffering from cancer, including cases of recovery of hopelessly ill patients, but the overall effectiveness of using BAF on adults is less than for children. The most likely cause of this phenomenon, but not the only one, is the difference in blood composition between adults and children. Very good results have been achieved from small-scale application of BAF in rehabilitating patients after strokes in intensive care units (BAF No.1+5+11+5). In 70% of patients using BAF, the process of regaining speech, digestive functions and mobility was considerably faster than under the standard action of drugs only. In the same place, the use of BAF restored kidney function after acute renal failure (BAFNo.4+5+11+20) in situations where standard methods produced no results and the patient was doomed to death.
This experience shows that the implementation of BAF in resuscitation practice will help shorten rehabilitation periods after strokes and rehabilitation value (and costs, of course), reduce the number of fatalities from acute renal and heart failure, and in many other situations. Moreover, there is no doubt that the use of BAF will eliminate the demand for kidney transplants for many people in need of them today. Given the existing positive experience in individual areas, we are fully justified in predicting that the use of Vorsunov’s BAF will also be highly effective in many other areas of operation of intensive care units. Incidentally, it was noted long ago that in most cases, the worse a patient’s condition, the more effective the application of BAF. Still another pattern: the older the BAF user and the more problems in the organism, the more slowly the processes of harmonization of the organism proceed. But the important thing is that they proceed. In 2010, 3 months after starting the application of BAF one user (BAFNo.2+7+5) had almost no need for her heart medications; the outstanding feature of this case is that the user was 84 years old and did not remember exactly how many decades she had been taking daily medication for heart conditions. A leg ulcer that had troubled this user for many years also cleared
up.BAF are very effective in eliminating chronic headaches (BAFNo.1+5+11) and weather dependence and improving the health of diabetics (BAFNo.6+16+21) (dizziness almost completely disappeared or was reduced, and feeling in the legs was restored). In those who followed a diet for 6-8 months and used BAF, the need to take medication disappeared and the illness receded.
One user aged 91 recognized her son who had come to visit her, although for 2 years before this meeting she had not recognized him and could not remember him (BAFNo.1+2+21). Restoring memory, improving the psychoemotional state and overall health and increasing the ability to work in elderly people using BAF are unique effects of BAF (BAFNo.1+5+12). Therefore, there is a high probability that many incurable illnesses associated with brain dysfunction may become curable with the help of BAF, including age-related memory loss, multiple sclerosis, etc. This experience allows BAF to be marketed as an absolutely safe means of extending active longevity and renewing the organism. Another important example is a woman who had been using BAF for 2.5 years when she was detained at border control in Domodedovo International Airport because “Your appearance doesn’t match your passport photo” (BAFNo.21+6).The passport photo had been taken 5 years before, and the user looked much younger, appearing to be 45-47 years old, when her actual age was 62. She had not had plastic surgery. Most BAF users start looking younger (the speed and degree of rejuvenation are different for everyone), and the process can be recorded by means of photos taken by one or another method. Friends and acquaintances who have not seen the user for 6 months or more also notice the rejuvenation. One user aged 58, who had a problem with her hip joint, was visited by relatives who had not seen her for 10 years. When they saw her, they were amazed at how much younger she looked than 10 years before.
Rejuvenation and improved condition very often happen suddenly; i.e., weeks or months pass without any major changes, and then there is a sharp improvement in the organism’s condition. For about 15-20% of users, the organism’s condition at first is sometimes better and sometimes worse, with a gradual reduction of changes for the worse. This usually happens if there are many anomalies in the organism or they are very complex.
Rehabilitation after strokes that occurred many years before the start of BAF use is very slow.
There are 2 cases of two clearly positive effects of using BAF in treating patients with hepatitis C. (Both were outside Russia) (BAFNo.3+15+21).
Very slowly, 6-12 months or more after starting to use BAF, the condition of the joints and spine improve (BAFNo.7+20+13). There are several cases of improvement in the condition of hip joints, where no other methods of modern medicine helped and the users were recommended to walk with crutches in the short tem and then get a hip replacement.
One user (BAFNo.6+4+21) passed a kidney stone 4.5 mm in diameter without blood or pain. Ten years before this, he had had major surgery to remove the same sized stone.
At present, the use of BAF cannot solve all the problems of everyone in need (but can solve most problems of most people) and is not a magic wand, although the effectiveness of BAF quite often resembles one. However, even today, based on available practical experience, we can state that if you take a certain hypothetical integral indicator that includes comfort and ease of use, effectiveness, cost and negative side effects to compare the effectiveness of medical methods with the effectiveness of BAF and compare these indicators with one another, BAF will be far superior in many areas of
application. This is especially true when dealing with problems of the heart (BAFNo.2), brain (BAFNo.1), kidneys (BAFNo.4), liver (BAFNo.3), juvenile cancer (BAFNo.8+5+11+22), certain kinds of viral infections (BAFNo.14+3+16), post-trauma rehabilitation, major surgery and burns (BAFNo.19+4+5). It is especially worth noting that it is impossible in principle for BAF fields to cause damage to the organism. Whereas nearly all medications have harmful side effects; suffice it to recall that cancer patients quite often die not from the disease itself, but from the inability of their organisms to cope with the chemical preparations, and this applies to both children and adults. In many difficult situations (although not in all), BAF are actually the only possibility for saving life and preserving good health. In combination with good medical care, large-scale application of BAF will quickly achieve a dramatic improvement in the health of the population, substantially reduce (by tens or hundreds of times) the number of fatalities from heart and other problems, extend active longevity and considerably reduce health care costs by reducing the following by many times: incidence of disease, consumption of medications, use of complex, expensive equipment, number of complicated, expensive operations, demand for donor organs, etc. It is worth noting that there are quite a few cases where a person dies while waiting for a donor organ, and the use of BAF will reduce the number of these situations and eliminate them altogether within several years. Many users note that they rarely become ill during epidemics.
Another important advantage of BAF is that there are no language barriers. People of various nationalities speaking different languages react equally well to them. (The versions of Vorsunov’s BAF existing today contain no audio information whatsoever).
An organism’s reactions to the fields generated by BAF, along with diagnostic methods used in medicine, are absolutely clearly registered using K.G. Korotkov’s gas discharge visualization cameras (GDV cameras). Measurements of the area of the energy field before and after the action of a BAF field are clearly different from one another. This kind of camera is manufactured in Russia and Germany.
Fields generated by BAF are reliably detected by the geophysical anomaly measuring device (IGA-1) invented by Russian engineer Yu. P. Kravchenko(
Needless to say, the cardiograms of people with heart problems improve simultaneously with the improvement in their health.
One user’s doctor, on examining an image of her injured hand, was amazed at the condition of her bones, since she had absolutely no age-related changes, although she was 58 years old at the time (BAF1+2+21).This same user no longer had constant acute precordial pain, which appeared after two microinfarcts and which had not responded to any medications or other treatments.