How you can use RePEc | RePEc information for participants | Major participants and activity
RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a collaborative effort of over 100 volunteers in 61 countries to enhance the dissemination of research in economics. The heart of the project is a decentralized database of working papers, journal articles and software components. All RePEc material is freely available.
You may add your own materials to RePEc through a department or institutional archive -- all institutions are welcome to join and contribute their materials by establishing and maintaining their own RePEc archive. If your institution does not yet participate in RePEc, you may submit your own papers to MPRA (the Munich Personal RePEc Archive), and they will automatically be included in RePEc. RePEc does not support personal archives (only institutional archives).
RePEc now collaborates with the American Economic Association's EconLit database to provide content from leading universities' working paper series to EconLit. If your university does not contribute its working paper series to RePEc, please contact us for assistance, or view the "step by step" instructions at IDEAS.
Please note that RePEc does not contain full-text journal articles; RePEc services provide links to many full text articles, but you may need a personal or institutional subscription to follow those links. If a working paper or journal article is not indicated as "downloadable", please contact the author or publisher for assistance.
The RePEc database holds over 558,000 items of interest, over 448,000 of which are available online:
227,000 / working papers327,000 / journal articles
1,500 / software components
2,900 / book and chapter listings
15,000 / author contact and publication listings
10,500 / institutional contact listings
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How you can use RePEc:
The following web sites offer all or part of the RePEc database for you to browse or search:
RePEc Author Service: Author registrationMunich Personal RePEc Archive: Authors in institutions lacking a RePEc archive can submit their papers to have them included in the RePEc database.
IDEAS: the complete RePEc database at your disposal. Working papers, journal articles, software components, author information, directory of institutions.
EconPapers: Economics at your fingertips. EconPapers provides access to RePEc, the world's largest collection of on-line Economics working papers, journal articles and software.
NEP (New Economics Papers): Free email notification of new downloadable working papers for over 40 specific fields. NEP Archives are available.
EDIRC: Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World
LogEc: Detailed access statistics for RePEc items and authors.
CitEc: Citations from items in the RePEc database.
RePEc information for participants
What is RePEc?
The RePEc blog
Authors: register yourself and link to your works with the RePEc Author Service
Providers: please note these restrictions on use of RePEc data.
How scholarly societies may benefit from collaboration with RePEc.
Who is involved with RePEc? Learn more about the RePEc Team.
To make it easy: Step by step instructions to create a working paper archive.
To make it even easier: templates for copying and pasting.
Once you are participating: Tips and tricks for RePEc archive maintainers.
To check the validity of your archive's materials in RePEc, use these helpful automated reports.
To keep up to date on current events in RePEc: the repec-announce mailing list.
Looking for scripts to automate access to research information? See RePEc scripts.
To contact us: email .
Recent activity
LogEc list of the top 25 RePEc series last month (in terms of the number of file downloads)
LogEc's complete statistics of last month's activity on all RePEc archives
Major participants
Among the many participating institutions and publishers providing over 1,900 RePEc series, the 40 largest contributing RePEc archives are:
- Elsevier
- Wiley Blackwell
- Springer Verlag
- Federal Reserve System (Fed) in Print (USA)
- Taylor & Francis Journals
- WOPEBI (Canada)
- National Bureau of Economic Research (USA)
- Oxford University Press
- American Economic Association
- University of Chicago Press
- EconWPA (USA)
- International Monetary Fund
- Centre for Economic Policy Research (UK)
- DEGREE (Netherlands)
- MIT Press
- WoPEc (non-UK)
- Econometrica
- S-WoPEc (Sweden)
- World Bank
- WIFO (Austria)
- Cambridge University Press
- Economic Journal
- Iowa State Department of Economics (USA)
- Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (Austria)
- IZA (Germany)
- Palgrave Macmillan
- Munich Personal RePEc Archive (Germany)
- Berkeley Electronic Press
- Society for Computational Economics
- WoPEc - Colombia
- Canadian Journal of Economics
- Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
- UCLA Department of Economics (USA)
- CESifo (Germany)
- Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
- Boston College Economics (USA)
- Indian Institute of Management (India)
- Penn Institute for Economic Research (USA)
- University of California eScholarship Repository (USA)
- ILR Review
RePEc emerged from the NetEc group, which received support for its WoPEc project between 1996-1999 by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the UK Higher Education Funding Councils, as part of its Electronic Libraries Programme (eLib).
This page maintained by Kit Baum and Christian Zimmermann. Last modified 2007-12-21.