P.O. BOX 443
PORTAGE, WI 53901-0443
SREA Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, July21, 2015, 6:00 p.m.
Location: Portage Public Library, Sanderson Room
Present: Miles Oakey, Micki Fuerst, Margie Druce, SarahMautz, Gary Guckenberger, JoeDuesler, Roger Lochner
Guests:General Engineering Representatives: Jerry Foellmi, Kory Anderson, Lynn Bradley, LukaszLyzwa
Bud Lawrence, unit6001
Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. and guests welcomed by president, Miles Oakey.
Guests: Representatives of General Engineering came to introduce themselves and become acquainted with current SREA board, in the wake of Mike Kenseth’s retirement. Handed out copies of existing site utility plan maps for SaddleRidge sanitary sewers and water mains.
Bud Lawrence, unit6001, came to observe a board meeting.
Secretary’s Report (Sarah Mautz): Copies of Juneboard meeting minutes furnished. Discussion. Motion made by MilesOakey, seconded by MargieDruce, to approve minutes. Motionpassed70.
The date for SREA’s annual meeting is Tuesday, September 15, at 7:00 P.M.
Treasurer’s Report (Micki Fuerst): Copies of June 2015 balance sheet, fiscal-year-to-date income statement and budgeted reserve account reportfurnished. Discussion. Copies of preliminary FY2016 budget furnished. Motion made by Miles Oakey, seconded by Joe Duesler to approve treasurer’s report and preliminary budget. Motion passed70.
Discussion of comparisons and increases in insurance premiums for SREA’s residential community association policy, commercial liability umbrella, and fidelity bond policy, as detailed in email Micki sent to the board recently. After a discussion, the Board Members agreed to pay the Commercial Liability Umbrella Policy and Fidelity Bond out of general funds. Motion made to approve this by Margie Druce and seconded by Gary Guckenberger. Motionpassed70.
Unit105has been sold to Michael and Sherran Dille. Unit211 has been sold to Jaime Myers. Unit6031 has been sold to James and Terri Amend. Salesare pending on units314, 621, 6020.
SREA Plant Beautification Fund Account balance:$201.54.
Buildings and Grounds Report (Joe Duesler): Sample of copper pipe with pin hole in it was brought as an example of the type of leak that recently occurred in 4-plex building 113-116. SREA will be invoiced for those plumbing repairs.
Davis Construction examined the erosion of cart path and proposed installing blacktop a length of 40feet, in a way that would funnel water more effectively. Discussion of entering a legal agreement with Mr. Kirk. Various unit owners have volunteered monetary donations to help with costs. Board approved proceeding with this project.
Outside faucet ruptured at unit618 repaired by Zimmerman Plumbing.
Owner of unit504 talked with buildings and grounds director about trees/bushes at his unit.
Concrete work at units211, 212, and 307 is done.
Duplex units 6021-6023 re-shingling work on south face of roof started today.
Unit6018 siding project is complete. Next vinyl siding project discussed. Joe Duesler made a motion, seconded by Roger Lochner, that duplex units617-619 will be the next building for siding. Motion passed70.
Saddle Ridge front entry way has been trimmed back at request of Columbia County.
No response from owner of unit 634 to letter the board sent offering to have painter re-do painting project touch-up work.
Installation of cedar split rail fencing throughout SREA is planned to be completed and stained by mid-September.
Owner of unit502 submitted work request to replace storm windows on the house and the sun porch at unit owner expense; andto request removal of dead tree in yard. (Tree is already on the list to be removed when tree service comes out later this year.) Joe Duesler made a motion to approve replacement of storm windows on house and sun porch at unit owner expense, seconded by Margie Druce. Motion passed70.
Utilities Report(Margie Druce): No report.
Roads Report (Gary Guckenberger): Gary emailed Gasser Construction proposal to the board recently. Discussion. Miles Oakey made a motion, seconded by Joe Duesler, to approve Gasser’s proposalfor paving to be done in Court1 and Court4 circles plus a small section of road in front of Court3. Motionpassed70. This includes a cost savings of $900.00 from combining with The Forest Association to share fees to haul the equipment out to Saddle Ridge.
President’s Report (Miles Oakey): To date, the board has received letters from six candidates asking to have their names put on the ballot for the upcoming annual meeting election to the board of directors: LindaBrzezinski, unit506; MargieDruce, unit6005; Gary Herwig, unit6004; Anastasia Kinney, unit609; Bernard(Bud) Lawrence, unit6001; RogerLochner, unit205.
Old Business: Continued discussion of installing swing sets/playground equipment.
Continued discussion of progress and placement of free little library and benches.
New Business: None.
Next Scheduled Meeting: Tuesday, August11, 6:00P.M., Portage Public Library, Sanderson Room.
Adjournment: Motion made by Gary Guckenberger, seconded by Joe Duesler, to adjourn meeting. Meeting adjourned 8:03P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sarah Mautz, Secretary, SREA Board of Directors
July 21, 2015 SREA Minutes - page 1