Uniform Policy
It is Governing Body policy for children to wear school uniform as this provides a sense of identity and equality for all children. The following items are our school uniform: -
GIRLS / Grey or black skirt, pinafore dress or trousers;White polo shirt or blouse;
Dark blue(navy) cardigan, sweatshirt or jumper;
Blue and white checked dress for summer or
Grey or black shorts (not leisure or sports shorts) during the summer.
BOYS / Grey or black trousers
Whitepolo shirt or formal shirt
Dark blue(navy) jumper or sweatshirt.
Grey or black shorts (not leisure or sports shorts) during the summer
Only black footwear should be wornexcept in the warmer weather where sandals can be worn. Sandals should have a heel strap – no mules or backless sandals / shoes. The heel of the shoe or sandal should be no higher than 4cm. Heels higher than this are dangerous for children when going up / down stairs or to run around in at playtimes. Footwear should be wherever possible shoes.
If boots are worn, they should be black and functional rather than fashion i.e. not covered in fur or tassels. The same heel height restriction applies to boots.
Any girls wishing to wear a headscarf for religious reasons should wear a dark blue, dark grey or black headscarf only.
School Logo
Appropriately badged school uniform is available from A. Oakes and Online from Tesco. However, having uniform that is badged is not a requirement.
It is the responsibility of parents to ensure all clothing and personal belongings are named. School does not accept any responsibility for lost items.
The wearing of jewellery is strongly discouraged. The following requirements are in line with BALPE guidance which aims to maintain the safety of children whilst in school.
One pair of discrete earrings – studs only – no hoops, creoles or hanging earrings may be worn. Children must be able to remove studs when required to. Children cannot take part in PE lessons whilst wearing earrings or jewellery.
No necklaces or bracelets (including thread and friendship bracelets) unless worn specifically by religious obligation or for medical identification.
Bracelets worn for religious obligation i.e. Kara – 1 only. School recommends strongly that Kara are removed for PE. Alternatively the child can move the Kara up the arm (to restrict its movement) and cover it with a sweatband. It may be necessary to secure the sweatband with tape such as micropore. Sweatbands and tape should be provided by parents. In the event of a child not providing a sweatband, parents will be contacted regarding the Kara and the child will be given alternative activities to complete until the Kara can be suitably covered.
In medical emergencies, any Kara worn in school must be large enough to be removed easily by medical personnel.
Under NO circumstances are Kirpan permitted to be worn.
All jewellery must be removed for any physical activities. Any jewellery worn will be at the discretion of the Headteacher and no responsibility will be taken for its loss or safekeeping.
Rules for the wearing of jewellery run throughout the school year including non-uniform / non-uniform days.
Physical Education
There is no specific uniform for the wearing of PE. Appropriate clothing is detailed below. There are no specified colour restrictions.
Indoor P.E. / A change of clothing and footwear:T-shirt and shorts
P.E. pumps – P.E. footwear must be worn for all P.E. lessons
Outdoor Games / A change of clothing and footwear:
T-shirt and shorts / tracksuit
P.E. pumps – P.E. footwear must be worn for all P.E. lessons – for outside P.E. Trainers can be worn as an alternative to P.E. pumps (for outside PE only)
Swimming / Swimming costume
Swimming hat (optional)
Large named waterproof bag to store clothes
Lost property
School will make every effort to return lost items to their owners. This is obviously difficult when items are unnamed.
School will hold “lost property” events each term where lost and unclaimed items can be searched by children and parents.
After this time, any remaining property will be disposed of.
School bears no responsibility for the safekeeping of lost property.
Enforcement of School Uniform
All staff have the responsibility for the enforcement of the Uniform Policy. In some cases immediate action will be taken i.e. for the wearing of jewellery that could cause harm or pose a safety risk to the wearer.
Children may also be encouraged to wear the appropriate uniform by any of the following:
Individual conversations with children
Group conversations
Where a child persists in wearing items that are not uniform, a letter may be sent home reminding the parents of the child what items are necessary in order to meet uniform requirements.
No child will be excluded from an activity because of wearing incomplete school uniform. A child may be excluded from a school activity because of jewellery i.e. a child unable to remove earrings will be excluded from PE lessons until the earrings can be removed.
ERegan March 2009 Agreed by Governing Body
Reviewed 7/2014
Review 2024