Procedures for Obtaining Construction General Permit Coverage

for SDCCD projects in SMARTS

SMARTS Roles and Responsibilities

The Storm Water Multiple Application and Report Tracking System (SMARTS) is the online database used by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) for administering stormwater permits. SMARTS utilizes different account holders with different permissions. Account holders are one of the following: Legally Responsible Person, Approved Signatory, Data Submitter and General Public. The following table indicates the anticipated account holders, their role and purpose in obtaining permit documents, and the recommended person filling those roles within the SDCCD construction management organization.

Role / Person / Purpose
Legally Responsible Person (LRP) / Dave Backensto / Signs NOI’s.Certifies annual reports, Administer SMARTS account
Approved Signatory[MD1] / Approves information submitted by data submitters in absence of Dave Backensto.
Data Submitter-Project Manager or Administrator / Campus Project Manager or SDCCD administrative staff. / Uploads information and submits data to SMARTS website/admin edits.
Data Submitter-Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) / A-E, Civil Design Engineer or administrative staff. / Inputs NOI information, Risk Determination, Post-Construction BMP information and uploads final SWPPP after review comments made.
Data Submitter-Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) / Designated Project QSP, / Submit sampling reports, non-compliance reports, quarterly monitoring reports, draft annual certification requirements.
Data Submitter-Oversight Consultant / Patricia Samora, Jerry Pitt, Thalya Parrilla / Reviewing adequacy and/or consistency of information and documents submitted.
Data Submitter- / Construction Manager PM or administrative staff. / Review information/violations, non-compliance.

1. To obtain a SMARTS account linked to the SDCCD

To be added as a new data submitter, have the data submitter register for a SMARTS account at . Once received, e-mail the user name of the individual and the project name to which the data submitter should be linked to David Backensto at .

2. Reviewing NOI Information and SWPPP

All available information required to submit the NOI should be input into SMARTS at the time the SWPPP is submitted for review. The SWPPP should not be uploaded into SMARTS until the SWPPP review is complete and all comments are resolved and incorporated. The Stormwater Design and Management Consultant (URS Corporation) will review the NOI information during the SWPPP review.

3. NOI Payment

A check should be prepared for the appropriate amount of the filing fee. Preparation of checks by the San Diego Community College District requires a 3 week lead time.

New NOIs will not be certified until the check for the filing fee is available.

4. Routing Final SWPPP for Final Signature

At the time the NOI is filed, the contractor is typically on board, although this is not always the case. If the contractor has been selected prior to filing the NOI, the A-E/Civil Design Engineer should collect the project specific information and update the SWPPP prior to fling the NOI. Information to be updated includes:

  • Contractor: Name of company: PM and contact information
  • Qualified SWPPP Practitioner: Name, company, contact information and evidence of qualifications
  • List of Subcontractors:
  • Laboratory to be used for sample analysis: If needed as part of sampling strategy
  • Other project specific information

The final updated copy of the SWPPP should be submitted to Dave Backensto for signature with an electronic copy of the SWPPP document. The electronic copy can be a CD included in the hard copy binder or an electronic file transferred to the SDCCD. Once Dave Backensto is satisfied with the document, he will sign the SWPPP. This SWPPP with all signatures is the copy of the SWPPP that should be uploaded with the NOI certification in SMARTS.

5. Certification

The LRP, David Backensto, will certify the project in SMARTS using the Certification Tab and coordinate the mailing of the check for the registration fee to the State Water Resources Control Board.

6. Obtaining WDID#

The State Water Resource Control Board (SWRCB) will issue a Waste Discharge Identification Number (WDID#) for the project. Construction cannot start until the WDID# has been received. A hard copy of the letter issuing the WDID# should be filed with the master field copy of the SWPPP.

7. SWPPP Distribution

The final copy as the SWPPP should be distributed as follows:

a. A single hardcopy of the final SWPPP with all signatures is to be provided to contractor responsible for SWPPP implementation and maintained as the master field copy.

b. Other hard copies, as desired (for District inspector, PM, etc). Note: These should be limited as they will not be updated nor maintained during project construction.

c. An electronic copy should be filed to the project file in Sharepoint under Construction Documents, 12-SWPPP.
SDCCD Specific Guidance for SMARTS NOI input/SWPPP Review

To initiate a new NOI, log onto SMARTS at:

Select“ Enter New NOI” and the select “Construction Stormwater General Permit.”

The data submitter will be asked to choose a SDCCD address, choose the address that includes the Suite number.

San Diego Community College District

3375 Camino del Rio South, Suite 310

San Diego, CA92108-3883

The data submitter will now need to fill in all the information in each tab of SMARTS. Every effort should be made to fill out all fields in all of the tab sections. SMARTS will not allow the record to be uploaded without the required fields (denoted by an *) completed. If information is not available, the field should be input with “To Be Determined, or TBD” with an explanation as to why the information in unavailable. The data submitter should “Save and Continue” or “Save and Exit” once the information available is entered.

Owner Information Tab

The Owner’s information should list the contact information for David Backensto.

David Backensto

Property Agent

San Diego Community College District

3375 CaminoDelRio South, Suite 310

San Diego, Ca 92108

Private Business


Developer Information Tab

Developer Name*:

Street Address *:

Contact Name*:


Telephone* and Extension:


Site Information Tab

The Project Name input here should be the Bond Project name or a descriptive project name if there is not a single bond project. The Developer should be the Construction Manager (CM) or the Prime Contractor for a Design Build or hard bid contract. The Site Contact could be the Project Superintendent or the Campus Project Manager. The Site Phone Number should be the site (trailer) phone and Emergency After Hours Phone Number should be the (PM or CPM cell.)

Site Name*:

Street Address*:

Contact Name*:


Telephone* and Extension:

Emergency Telephone*:


Regional Board:Automatically populated

Project Size*(acres of Square feet):

Latitude and Longitude*:

(Decimal degrees only, minimum 5 significant digits Ex: 99.99999)

Total Area to be disturbed* (acres):

Percent of Area disturbed:Automatically calculated

Impervious Area Before Construction*:

Impervious Area After Construction*:

Track Number:

Mile Post Marker:

Is the construction site part of a larger common plan of development*? Yes No

Name of plan of development:

Construction commencement date*:

Complete grading date:

Complete project date*:

Type of Construction* (select one)

ConstructionOther*: Education Facility

Linear Underground/Overhead Project Other*: Education Facility

Additional Site Information Tab

If applicable, has the local agency reviewed/approved a required erosion/sediment control plan?

Yes No N/A

Does the erosion/sediment control plan address construction activities such as infrastructure and structures?

Yes No N/A

Name of Local Agency:

Telephone (XXX-XXX-XXXX)

Is this project or any part thereof, subject to conditions imposed under a CWA Section 404 Water Quality Certification? Yes No

If Yes, please explain:

Regulatory Status:

Is this project or any part thereof, subject to conditions imposed under a CWA Section 404 Water Quality Certification? Yes____, No______

If yes, provide details:

Receiving Water Information

Does the storm water runoff from the construction site discharge to (check all that apply):

Indirectly to waters of the US

Storm drain system - Enter owner's name:

Directly to waters of the US (e.g, river, lake, creek, stream, bay, ocean, etc)

Name of Receiving Water (river, lake, creek, stream, bay, ocean):______

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)

Name of Qualified SWPPP Developer*

Risk Tab

Input the information obtained from the Risk Determination on this tab. Include a print out of the final screen showing the EPA Erosivity Risk Calculator results with the project name, address or latitude and longitude and construction dates used to calculate the R Factor. Include the Risk Determination Worksheet and Receiving Water Risk Factor Work Sheet to show how the Project Sediment Risk, Receiving Water Risk and Total project Risk were derived.

Billing Information Tab

Click the Same as Owner button for this information.

Attachments Tab

The SWPPP is the attachment that should be uploaded on this tab. The final SWPPP with all SDCCD review comments incorporated and LRP signature should be uploaded just prior to requesting certification. The maximum files size is 10 Megabytes. SWPPPs that are larger than 10M should be broken into smaller files less than 10 Megabytes.

Revised 1/31/11 - 1 -

[MD1]Tricia – Do we need an AS contact person?