Certificate IV in Training & Assessment

Your Personal Learning Plan

What is it?

You are you. That means that your course of study should closely match what you need.

When we understand a bit more about you, we are better able to create for you a course that better meets your needs.

This survey helps us to do that.

What do you need to do?

Just answer the questions as best you can, and send it in.

We will create your course based on this information, so the more information you give us, the more relevant will be your course. Feel free to take up as much space as you like – we have deliberately not included much formatting so you can add as much information as you like and easily as possible.

The turnaround time with your Personal Learning Plan is no more than 1 business day, so you can commence your course as soon as possible.

If you have any questions or need some clarification, then do contact me, your trainer:


Phone: 1300 141 994

We look forward to getting your Personal Learning Plan together.


Modified on:19 October 2016 / Modified by:A. Weeks / / Authorised:B. West
Filename: YYYY_MMM_DD_YOURNAME_PLPSurvey / Review Date:October 2017 / Version3.3



E-mail Address
We have developed a Learning Styles Quiz specifically linked to our course, click on the following link to access it:

From this quiz, what is your preferred learning style?
Are you interested in exploring Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)? Please highlight.
Please continue on with the Survey / No
You do not need to continue on with the Survey.
Current Occupation and Industry
Other relevant roles
Qualifications related to Training and Education, or that you think could be relevant. / Year / Qualification
Is there anything else you would like us to know?


These questions are specifically for students seeking RPL and that will allow us to better see what types of training you have been involved in.

Please highlightthe YES/NO as required.

1. Have you been involved in designing any learning programs in the VET sector based on Units of Competency? (Please note that these Learning Programs must be authentic documents that you have designed, not just programs that you have used to deliver training).
Yes- Continue on with questions / No- Continue on to Question 2
1a. When was the last time you did this?(select the most appropriate answer)
Within the last 6 months / Within the last 2 years / More than 2 years ago
1b. Please list the codes of two Units of Competency you have designed training for
Unit1: / Unit2:
1c. Are you are able to provide documented evidence showing these learning programs that cover at least 2 full units of competency?
Yes / No
2. Have you designed learning programs for your use in work that are not competency based? (ie. no formal qualification was issued for this learning.)
Yes- Continue on with questions / No- Continue on to Question 3
2a. When was the last time you did this?(select the most appropriate answer)
Within the last 6 months / Within the last 2 years / More than 2 years ago
2b. What was the Learning Program for? (please briefly explain the nature of the learning program)
2c. Are you able to provide us with a copy of the Learning Program you designed?
Yes / No
3. Have you delivered training or facilitated presentations to groups of adult learners (whether accredited or non-accredited training?)
Yes- Continue on with questions / No- Continue on to Question 4
3a. When was the last time you did this?
Within the last 6 months / Within the last 2 years / More than 2 years ago
3b. How often do you deliver this group training?
Daily / Weekly / Monthly
3c. Areyou able to provide documented evidence of a minimum of 3 sessions/and or presentations, such as PowerPoint presentations, handouts, session plans, resources, self-reflection and feedback from adult learners?
Yes / No
4. Have you delivered any work-based instruction to an individual on at least two occasions? (Individualised training for an employee of your workplace?)
Yes- Continue on with questions / No– Continue on to Question 5
4a. When was the last time you did this?(select the most appropriate answer)
Within the last 6 months / Within the last 2 years / More than 2 years ago
4b. Can you document how you identified the need for learning, analysed the work practices and created a learning plan to suit the needs of the learners and the employers?
Yes / No
5. Do you know a person who holds the Cert IV TAE (or equivalent qualification) and would be willing to verify that you delivered these sessions?
Yes / No
6. Have you been involved in assessing adult learners in a VET context based on Units of Competency?
Yes- Continue on with questions / No- Continue on to Question 6
6a. When was the last time you did this?
Within the last 6 months / Within the last 2 years / More than 2 years ago
6b. What Unit/s of Competency do you assess? (please list Units and Unit codes)
6c. Are you able to provide documented evidence such as student assessments that have been marked by you?
Yes / No
7. Have you been involved in conducting an RPL Assessment for one or more adult learners in a VET context based on Units of Competency?
Yes- Continue on with questions / No- Continue on to Question 7
7a. When was the last time you did this?(select the most appropriate answer)
Within the last 6 months / Within the last 2 years / More than 2 years ago
7b. Which Unit/s of Competency did you assess via RPL? (please list Units and Unit codes)
7c. Are you able to provide documented evidence such as student RPL applications that have been assessed by you?
Yes / No
8. Have you participated in a minimum of 2 Assessment Validations using the Rules of Evidence and Principles of Assessment?
Yes- Continue on with questions / No- Continue on to Question 8
8a. When was the last time you did this?(select the most appropriate answer)
Within the last 6 months / Within the last 2 years / More than 2 years ago
8b. Are you able to provide documentary evidence including meeting minutes, samples of the tools, instruments or processes that were validated, including the validation plan?
Yes / No
9. Do you know a person who holds the Cert IV TAE (or equivalent qualification) and would be willing to verify that you conducted these assessments and validations?
Yes / No
10. Would you like to add the following unit of competency: TAEASS502B– Design and develop assessment toolswhich can be included as a standalone unit and is a core unit within the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (This is optional).
Yes / No
FIELD D: Address Adult Language Literacy Numeracy
11. Have you been involved in addressing the Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) skills of a group of learners?
Yes- Continue on with questions / No– Survey complete!
11a. When was the last time you did this?(select the most appropriate answer)
Within the last 6 months / Within the last 2 years / More than 2 years ago
11b. Have you evaluated the LLN demands of the training you deliver based on the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) or an equivalent framework?
Yes / No
11c. Have you evaluated the LLN levels of your learner/sbased on the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) or an equivalent framework?
Yes / No
11d. Have you modified your course to meet the needs of your learner/s while using this framework?
Yes / No
11e. Are you able to provide documented evidence of this?
Yes / No

PLP Survey complete!

Please save this document and submit to your Dashboard for your Trainer to review.

Modified on:19 October 2016 / Modified by:A. Weeks / / Authorised:B. West
Filename: YYYY_MMM_DD_YOURNAME_PLPSurvey / Review Date:October 2017 / Version3.3