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Unit Overview:
Quarter TMLDirect One TMLDirect Two
X Three TMLDirect Four / Instructional Time: 10 days - block / 20 days – AB/YR long
Course/Grade Level: Spanish I
Unit Theme: What you like to do? ¿Qué te gusta hacer? / Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy: I, II, III, IV, VI
Unit Summary: Students will start the chapter with an introduction to vocabulary related to likes and dislikes. They will also learn vocabulary related to what they want to do on their daily activities. Student will also learn vocabulary related to sport and everyday activities. They will focus on communicating in speaking and writing about what they like and want to do. They will also communicate with others about what they like and dislike and what they want to do and not to do. Student will read short stories that focus in like and dislike and want .Student will incorporate a deeper understanding of the verbs gustar, querer. The student will learn the uses of verbs ir, jugar and regular AR verbs in the present tense. Students will move into a study of vocabulary related to daily activities. In addition, students will work with weather expressions to express their view on how the weather affects their everyday activities. They will continue to incorporate the grammatical points learned in the chapter to communicate around the topics in this chapter. They will talk about the activities they like and dislike and want to do or not to do. During the chapter, the student will focus on the products, practices and perspectives of Texas. The culture of Texas will be integrated into learning activities throughout the chapter. There should be regular use of technology and a focus on proficiency based and interactive learning activities.
North Carolina Informational Technology Essential Standards:
HS.SI. 1.1 HS.SI.1.3 HS.TT. 1.2
NC Essential Standards:
NL.CLL.1.1 NL.COD.1.1 NL.CLL. 2.1 NL.CLL. 2.2 NL.CLL. 2.5 NM. CLL. 1.1 NM.CMT 1.1 NL.CMT 4.4
Essential Question(s):
1.  How do I say I like to do something?
2.  How is the verb “gustar” use with other verbs?
3.  How do I say I want something?
4.  How is the verb “querer” use with other verbs?
5.  How do I talk about the weather?
6.  How do I talk about going places?
7.  How do I say I play sports?
8.  What are some action words in Spanish?
9.  How do I use regular AR verbs?
Enduring Understanding(s):
I Can Statement(s):
I can do short conversations about what I like and dislike. I can do conversations about what I want to do.
I can write short descriptions about what I like and dislike. I can write short descriptions about what I want to do.
I can understand written descriptions about sports I can understand short conversation about the weather.
I can understand readings about the weather. I can exchange information about my likes and dislikes.
I can describe my daily activities in speaking and in writing. I can talk about sport that I play.
I can ask other about sport they play. I can say where I am going.
I can ask other where they are going. I can talk about some products, practices and perspectives of Texas.
Vocabulary: 3.1 – Likes and dislikes - Expresate 1, Unit 3 Optional vocabulary Clothes when using weather expressions
3.2 - Everyday activities - Expresate 1, Unit 3
Interdisciplinary Connections
Art music math Social studies.
Evidence of Learning (Formative Assessments):
work Samples
oral presentations
group and individual projects / Summative Assessment(s):
Performance Tasks
Unit Test
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Unit Implementation:
RESOURCES for this unit:
Expresate 1 C. 3
www.sascurriculumpathways.com # 3- AR verbs #22 - Likes and dislikes #49 Selena - Tejano music Queen.
What you like to do?: Week 1/block - Weeks 1-2 YR/AB – All activities are offered as options. Teachers may use any of these activities or create their own.
Using visuals students will interact with the target vocabulary. Students may view video clips from text to hear the language in context. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saSkDql4MfA
Digital Project – Sports – Create a power point presentation with 8-10 scenes to illustrate sports. Include sport that you like and dislike. Include teams that you like or dislike. Ask student question about if they like or dislike the sport or the teams. Include items used for each sport and place where is practice. Make individual pictures with your with visuals depicting the actions. Include one complete sentence for each panel including the sport, an item used for this sport and the place where it is practice. You may use www.eduglogster.com www.prezi.com or a site of your choice.
Simple Conversation exchange- likes and dislike. Create a question graph with things your students like. Have studenst walk around class asking each other what they like and dislike. After everybody is done create a classroom graph with the answers to know what each other like and dislike.
Game/group activity – Use your pictures to play a fly swapper game where you say the name of the sport or daily activity and they have to swap the picture. You can also play a concentration game where they have to match the name of the sport with the picture.
Students simple Writing – Student will have 5 pictures of sports. 1) They will write a simple sentences using like and dislike. 2) Write one piece of equipment use on the sport 3) Say where the sport happen. Exp. Me gusta el fútbol. Necesito un balón. Juego el fútbol en un campo. This can be use a simple assessment tool.
Using AudioDropbox found at http://clear.msu.edu or Voki found at www.voki.com student will record in Spanish a conversation in what they like and what sport they like. (There is a 30 second maximum) This will need to be set up in advance by the teacher but can then be accesse by any computer.
Students may complete SAS Curriculum Pathways Module #3, at www.sascurriculumpathways.com
Daily activities : Week 2/block: Week 3-4 YR/AB All activities are offered as options. Teachers may use any of these activities or create their own.
Digital projector – Daily activities- Create a power point with 8-10 scenes to illustrated daily activities. Include activities that you do when you do it and when you do it. Ask student if they do these activities, where they do it and when they do it. Make individual pictures with your with visuals depicting the actions. Include one complete sentence for each panel including when and where the activity is done.
Simple Conversation exchange -Student will engage in speaking activities with partners to find out what daily activities he or she does and compare to his or her own. Using the data you collect, create a bar graph to demonstrate your findings.
Students will write simple sentences using pictures of 5 activities student will write about the activity using if they do it when they do it and where do they do it. Using www.fotobabble.com students will upload a photo of themselves doing the activity or some other visual to represent the activity. They will record their writing activity on www.fotobabble.com site.
Listening and writing activity. Students listen to a weather report in the target language and will create a text message in the target language to warn their friend that is playing soccer outside of the incoming weather.
Reading Selections- pp. 106/107. Pre-reading, making predictions- Teacher read at loud. Student read article by itself or with a partner. While reading think about how this article relates to you. Answer question.
Writing activity - page 107
Game – 2 corners – 1) Sport you like. (yes or no) 2) Activity you do. ( yes or no)
Using AudioDropbox from http://clear.msu.edu or voki at www.voki .com students will record their responses in Spanish to these questions: ¿Cuál son tu actividades diarias? ¿Cuándo las haces? ¿Por qué las haces? ¿Dónde las haces? Student will record and submit response.
Culture- Introduce Selena as a repesentative of Latino influence in Texas. Use s www.sascurriculumpathways.com # 49 to do a research.
Present the movie Selena as part of the culture. Use question to make student responsible for movie.
Culture- The Alamo- Spanish/ American war http://www.studyspanish.com/comps/alamo.htm
www.readinga-z.com for additional supplement readings
Me gustas tú song by Manu Chao Youtube video of Manu Chao for gustar http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGsQaqViiwU
You tube. Videos on verb conjugation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saSkDql4MfA
Other activities to engage with vocabulary
1. Make a set of picture flash cards for vocabulary.
2. Make a rebus picture story using at least 6 vocabulary works and have some read it back to you in Spanish
3. Call my voice mail and tell me about three or four things you like or dislike.
4. Write me an email telling me about your favorite sport or activity to do.
5. Create a collage of thing you like and dislike.
6. Create a poster presenting the different types of weather according to the 4 seasons.
Other activities for reading comprehension
Teachers may use any of the textbook resources to support student learning.
Supportive Unit Resources: (Please note that these are resources that can be used to supplement instruction before or during a lesson.)
Scaffolding Option 1:
Intervention / Scaffolding Option 2:
Maintenance / Scaffolding Option 3:
Instructional Activities: / Draw a chart with gustar and querer conjugation / Make a collage with thing you like and dislike using vocabulary
Make a weather poster by illustrating the seasons and the different activities that can be done in each season. / Compare your likes and dislike with other in your class and present a Venn Diagram to the teacher with your findings.
Technology Integration: (Please note that these are resources that can be used to supplement instruction before or during a lesson.)
Multimedia Activities: / www.Wordchamp.com– website with flashcard and pronunciation practice
http://www.comjuguemos.com / http://quizlet.com
http://www.studyspanish.com / www.sascurriculumpathways.com activities for research.
www.fifa.com – soccer 1 sport in the world.

Supplementary Ideas:

1)  Gustar game

Have students label index cards with the following: a ti, a mi ect.

Have students label index card with gusta and gustan.

Have students label index card with singular nouns and plural nouns.

Have the students use the card to form a variety of complete sentences.

As you hold up a picture of something, ask ¿ A quien le gusta (n)………?

The first to respond gets to retrieve and hold the picture. After all the items are done as the question again and the students must point to the person with the picture and answer So and so likes ……..


2)  Reading

¿Qué le gusta hacer a Marta?

A Marta no le gusta hacer nada. Ella quiere dormir todo el día. A Marta no le gusta ni correr ni bailar. A ella no le gusta ni cantar ni tocar un instrumento musical. A ella no le gusta ni montar en bicicleta ni jugar al fútbol americano.

Un día, Marta va al supermercado Kowalski’s. Ella necesita algo de chocolate y agua. Carla trabaja en el supermercado. Carla y Marta son amigas. A Carla le gusta mucho practicar deportes. Carla invita a Marta a jugar al golf.

Carla y Marta juegan al golf por la tarde. A Carla le gusta mucho jugar al golf. A Marta le gusta también jugar al golf. ¿Y a ti? ¿A ti te gusta jugar al golf?