2006 Community Investment Operating Grant - Individual Applicants Report
Applicant #: 1
124th Street Drop-In Association of Edmonton
Funding Recommendation: That a 2006 Community Investment Operating Grant be awarded to the 124th Street Drop-In Association of Edmonton in the amount of $1,991.
Organization Objectives: The 124th Street Drop-In Association's mission is to work together to support residents of the 124th Street corridor as they take responsibility in identifying and addressing their issues and concerns. The residents and partners work together to create opportunities to build community strengths and capacities, identify their issues and concerns and implement and deliver programs and services that address those issues.
REPORT: The Community Services Advisory Board commends the 124 Street Drop-in Association for their efforts in reaching out to the community and plans for board development. The Board encourages the organization to pursue development of a strategic plan that includes strong measures to assess achievement of goals.
Applicant #: 2
Abbottsfield Youth Project (AYP) Society
Funding Recommendation: That a 2006 Community Investment Operating Grant be awarded to the Abbottsfield Youth Project (AYP) Society in the amount of $10,238.
Organization Objectives: The goals of Abbottsfield Youth is to provide community outreach programming for children aged 6 to 12 years, whom are experiencing problems at home, in school, and/or in the community. Participants are encouraged and taught to develop effective living and social skills, make constructive use of their leisure time and become productive members of society.
REPORT: The Community Services Advisory Board is impressed with the Abbottsfield Youth Project's initiatives to expand into new sites. The organization is commended on their plans for board development, and encouraged to diversify funding sources (e.g. apply to provincial grant programs).
2006 Community Investment Operating Grant - Individual Applicants Report
Applicant #: 3
Aboriginal Youth & Family Well Being & Education Society
Funding Recommendation: That a 2006 Community Investment Operating Grant be awarded to the Aboriginal Youth & Family Well Being & Education Society in the amount of $6,797.
Organization Objectives: The mission of the Aboriginal Youth & Family Society is to promote Aboriginal youth's success in completing their education by advancing the value of education through the provision of a positive learning experience. Their goals are: to provide a visible and inviting place so youth and families can feel a sense of pride and ownership in the project; to nurture well-being and development in each individual participant in order for them to appreciate their own strengths and to realize their capabilities; and to provide opportunities for children to remain in school and become confident.
REPORT: The Community Services Advisory Board commends the Aboriginal Youth & Family Well Being & Education Society on providing preventative and intervention programming and on the success of getting funding for the Leadership program. The Board suggests development of a human resources strategy (volunteer and staff) to address the demand for services. The Board recommends the applicant attend the fall grant workshop and/or meet with a Community Grants Coordinator to address development of their application as more specifics and details would have helped evaluators with their assessment.
Applicant #: 4
African Business & Resource Institute of Alberta
Funding Recommendation: That a 2006 Community Investment Operating Grant to the African Business & Resource Institute of Alberta be denied.
Organization Objectives: The objectives of the African Business & Resource Institute of Alberta is to create knowledge-based projects that will generate jobs and businesses for our impoverished community. They also assist their adults and children with everyday complex career, social, personal, academic, and employment issues using a blend of African and Western methodologies.
REPORT: The Community Services Advisory Board commends the African Business & Resource Institute of Alberta on their progress in terms of involving participants in the organization. The Board suggests developing or exploring partnerships with other organizations to enhance services to participants (e.g. shared office space, program development, development of communication tools, communicating/advertising services). The Board recognizes the merits of the services provided by the applicant, however the nature of this organization's activities are "business development" and therefore does not fit the definitions or the mandate of this grant program. Funding is not recommended.
2006 Community Investment Operating Grant - Individual Applicants Report
Applicant #: 5
Alberta AdaptAbilities Association
Funding Recommendation: That a 2006 Community Investment Operating Grant to the Alberta AdaptAbilities Association be denied.
Organization Objectives: The mission of Alberta AdaptAbilities Association is to provide a wide variety of goal-oriented programs for children and youth with special needs that focuses on an encourages growth and independence through the development of the whole child; socially, physically, mentally and emotionally.
REPORT: The Community Services Advisory Board commends the Alberta AdaptAbilities Association on providing services to children with special needs. Documentation from this organization shows that the transition process between AdaptAbilities Consulting Group Inc. and Alberta AdaptAbilities Association is incomplete in that there is not a clear distinction of roles, responsibilities and functions of the staff and the board. As the transition process continues from a private consulting company to a registered not-for-profit company, it is recommended that Alberta AdaptAbilities Association develop a stronger community base by involving more community people on its board and as volunteers. Due to the lack of clarity between the service delivery of the for-profit and not-for-profit entities, it is recommended that funding be denied.
Applicant #: 6
Alberta Caregivers Association
Funding Recommendation: That a 2006 Community Investment Operating Grant be awarded to the Alberta Caregivers Association in the amount of $4,617.
Organization Objectives: The Alberta Caregivers Association objectives are to: empower caregivers to normalize their lives as much as possible; provide encouragement information and education to caregivers to assist them in their caregiving responsibilities; liaise with professionals and other service organizations in the assessment of current resources, gaps and duplications relating to caregiver services; advocate for caregivers' needs; encourage and facilitate opportunities for peer support among caregivers; and promote communication among caregivers' groups.
REPORT: The Community Services Advisory Board commends the Alberta Caregivers Association for their focus on identifying emerging issues and plans to address them. The application could have been enhanced had program descriptions been provided as requested. The Board recommends the organization diversify their funding sources. Outreach efforts are great - keep up the good work!
2006 Community Investment Operating Grant - Individual Applicants Report
Applicant #: 7
Alberta Cheerleading Association
Funding Recommendation: That a 2006 Community Investment Operating Grant to the Alberta Cheerleading Association be denied.
Organization Objectives: The mission of the Alberta Cheerleading Association is to promote and grow the sport of cheerleading in the province of Alberta by acting as the regulating body for cheerleading rules, safety guidelines and training while encouraging sportsmanship and respect among athletes, coaches, school staff and parents.
REPORT: The Community Services Advisory Board would like to commend the Alberta Cheerleading Association on its services and program delivery. However, the organization is provincially mandated and serves a relatively low percentage of Edmontonians, therefore funding is not recommended.
Applicant #: 8
Alberta Conflict Transformation Society
Funding Recommendation: That a 2006 Community Investment Operating Grant to the Alberta Conflict Transformation Society be denied.
Organization Objectives: The objectives of the Alberta Conflict Transformation Society is to provide community conferencing and a community-based conflict transformation process for offenders and victims, which can take place directly from the community, police discretion, a diversion from the courts, sentencing option, or an aspect of probation or parole.
REPORT: The Community Services Advisory Board commends the Alberta Conflict Transformation Society on their program direction and the quality of partnerships as well as their strategic plan reflecting a long-term goal to address immigrant issues. Diversifying funding sources is recommended. The organization has more than a one year unrestricted operating cash reserve that has not been designated for any specified projects or programs and therefore funding is not recommended.
APPEAL RECOMMENDATION: That the appeal of the Alberta Conflict Transformation Society be denied.
APPEAL INFORMATION & JUSTIFICATION: After careful consideration of the Alberta Conflict Transformation Society’s appeal, the Appeal Committee recommends upholding the original decision of the Grant Review Subcommittee and therefore does not recommend any funding under appeal. The Community Investment Operating Grant guidelines state that “Those Applicants that have more than one year of unrestricted operating cash reserve will not normally be considered for a 2006 Community Investment Operating Grant.” In their letter of appeal, the Alberta Conflict Transformation Society did not demonstrate a misunderstanding on behalf of the Grant Review Subcommittee regarding the Society’s unrestricted operating cash reserve.
Applicant #: 9
Alberta Genealogical Society
Funding Recommendation: That a 2006 Community Investment Operating Grant to the Alberta Genealogical Society be denied.
Organization Objectives: To Alberta Genealogical Society promotes the study of genealogy and genealogical research within the province of Alberta. The objectives of the organization are to encourage & instruct members in effective and ethical techniques of genealogical research, assemble a library of reference & resource information and to produce seminars & workshops as may be helpful to the members.
REPORT: The Community Services Advisory Board would like to commend the Alberta Genealogical Society on its variety of quality programs and partnerships. However, the organization has more than a one year unrestricted operating cash reserve that has not been designated for any specified projects or programs and therefore funding is not recommended.
Applicant #: 10
Alberta Northern Lights Wheelchair Basketball Society
Funding Recommendation: That a 2006 Community Investment Operating Grant be awarded to the Alberta Northern Lights Wheelchair Basketball Society in the amount of $15,000.
Organization Objectives: The Alberta Northern Lights Wheelchair Basketball Society is dedicated to enhancing the lifestyle of persons with a physical disability by concentrating on the development of that person as a whole. The vehicles used to deliver these programs are public education & community awareness, participant programs, rehabilitation, and partnerships.
REPORT: The Community Services Advisory Board would like to congratulate the Alberta Northern Lights Basketball Society on receiving the Donner Canadian Award for excellence in the delivery of programs and services to persons with disabilities. In future applications, the committee would encourage the organization to demonstrate how it is reaching culturally diverse populations.
2006 Community Investment Operating Grant - Individual Applicants Report
Applicant #: 11
Alberta Safety Council
Funding Recommendation: That a 2006 Community Investment Operating Grant to the Alberta Safety Council be denied.
Organization Objectives: The Alberta Safety Council has merged with the Edmonton Safety Council and it's vision is to make Alberta a safer place to live, work, and play. Its mission is to provide excellence and leadership in reducing injury at work, home and at play.
REPORT: The Community Services Advisory Board would like to congratulate the Alberta Safety Council for its children's bicycle safety programming. The Board also noted that although the programs and services are of a high quality, the Society is becoming increasingly focused on Occupational Health and Safety and no longer fits within the guidelines of the Community Investment Operating Grant program to fund organizations with a Sport/Recreation, Social or Multicultural mandate. Therefore, funding is not recommended.
APPEAL RECOMMENDATION: That the appeal of the Alberta Safety Council be denied.
APPEAL INFORMATION & JUSTIFICATION: The Appeal Committee recommends upholding the original decision of the Grant Review Subcommittee and therefore does not recommend any funding under appeal. The Appeal Committee would like to echo the comments of the original review committee and commends the Council on the quality of their programs and services. However, as per City Policy C211E, limited financial assistance is available to organizations whose primary mandate is in the area of Social Services, Multicultural or Recreation/Amateur Sport. After careful consideration of the Alberta Safety Council letter of appeal, the Appeals Committee has determined that the Alberta Safety Council’s programs and services are of a safety/educational nature and does not fit within the scope of a Recreation/Amateur Sport organization, according to Policy C211E.
Applicant #: 12
Alberta Schools Cricket Association
Funding Recommendation: That a 2006 Community Investment Operating Grant to the Alberta Schools Cricket Association be denied.
Organization Objectives: The purpose of the Alberta Schools Cricket Association is to promote Cricket to children & youth.
REPORT: The Community Services Advisory Board would once again like to see the Alberta Schools Cricket Association attend the annual workshops hosted in the fall and/or meet with a Community Grants Coordinator to review grant application procedures and discuss the application they have submitted. This organization's application does not provide sufficient detail to assess the organization's merits. Ensuring questions are answered adequately would strengthen the application. Funding is not recommended.
2006 Community Investment Operating Grant - Individual Applicants Report
Applicant #: 13
Alberta Society for Promotion of Sexual Health
Funding Recommendation: That a 2006 Community Investment Operating Grant to the Alberta Society for Promotion of Sexual Health be denied.
Organization Objectives: The Alberta Society for Promotion of Sexual Health strives to promote optimal sexual and reproductive health and well-being throughout the lifespan for all through; promotion of comprehensive sexuality education, public education; advocacy; distribution of information and resources; networking and support.
REPORT: The Community Services Advisory Board commends the Alberta Society for Promotion of Sexual Health for important work done in fulfilling their mandate and for efforts in reaching out to the immigrant population. The Society does not meet the eligibility criteria of this grant program as per City Policy C211E, whereby the applicant shall have an open membership to its organization. The Society's membership is that of professionals and therefore does not meet this aspect of the criteria. In addition the organizations primary mandate is health, which is outside the scope of this grant program. The Board therefore, does not recommend funding.