- Type directly your answers on the space provided. If a question does not apply to you, type N/A.
- Upon completion of this form, save the file as “KRV101-<your surname>”, then please email it to .
- We will get back to you as soon as possible for the preliminary assessment result, which is FREE OF CHARGE.
NOTE: The personal details you will provide will be held in the highest degree of confidentiality.
Surname / :First Names / :
Home Address / :
Email Address / :
Home Phone / :
Mobile Number / :
Office Phone / :
1). Age:
Date of Birth:
Gender: ___Male ___Female / Status: __Single __Married __Divorced/Separated __Widowed
Licensed Profession (Engineer, CPA, Dentist, etc.):
Total Years and Months of Work Experience: / KRAVIS
use only
2). Your Employment History
(1) Employer’s Name:
Industry (eg. banking):
Location(city and country):
Job Title/Designation:
Nature of Job:
No. of years and months:
From (day/month/year):
to (day/month/year):
(2) Employer’s Name:
Industry (eg. banking):
Location(city and country):
Job Title/Designation:
Nature of Job:
No. of years and months:
From (day/month/year):
to (day/month/year):
(3) Employer’s Name:
Industry (eg. banking):
Location(city and country):
Job Title/Designation:
Nature of Job:
No. of years and months:
From (day/month/year):
to (day/month/year):
(Please add more lines, if you have more than 3 employers.) / Please start with your current employment.
3). Do you or your partner have a relative in New Zealand who is a permanent resident or a citizen of New Zealand? / ___ YES If Yes, what is his/her relationship to you?
(for example: brother, sister-in-law, mother, etc.)
Is this relative willing to sponsor you? ___Yes __No
Address in New Zealand:
___ NO
4). Your Educational Attainment
Note: Please give the complete title of your degree/s and the complete name and address of your school/s. / Bachelors Degree:
Average Grade:
From (day/month/year):
to (day/month/year):
Date graduated:
Masters Degree:
Location (city and country):
From (day/month/year):
to (day/month/year):
Date graduated:
Location (city and country):
From (day/month/year):
to (day/month/year):
Date graduated:
Vocational/Trade Certificate:
Training Institute:
Location (city and country):
From (day/month/year):
to (day/month/year):
When Completed:
(Add more vocational/trade courses below, if necessary.)
5). Are you currently in New Zealand? / ___YES If yes, under what type of visa (work, student, or visitor)?
What’s the expiry date of your visa/permit?
___ NO
6). If you are currently in New Zealand, are you currently employed by a New Zealand employer? / ___ YES If YES, please answer the following:
Employer’s Name:
Industry (e.g. mining):
Business Address:
Job Title/Position:
Nature of Job (e.g. programming):
Years/months Employed:
Status of Employment (eg. contractual):
Annual salary is $45,000 and above? __Yes __No
___ NO
7). Have you worked in New Zealand before? / ___ YES If yes, what year and for how long?
___ NO
8). Partner’s Educational Attainment / Bachelors Degree:
Location (city and country):
Average Grade:
From (day/month/year):
to (day/month/year):
Date graduated:
Masters Degree:
Location (city and country):
From (day/month/year):
to (day/month/year):
Date graduated:
Location (city and country):
From (day/month/year):
to (day/month/year):
Date graduated:
Vocational/Trade Certificate:
Training Institute:
Location (city and country):
From (day/month/year):
to (day/month/year):
Date graduated:
(Add more vocational/trade courses below, if necessary.)
9). Your Partner’s Personal Details / Name:
Date of birth:
Total Years of Work Experience:
Licensed Profession (e.g. Engineer, CPA, etc.):
His/Her Current Employer:
Location (city and country):
Job Title/Designation:
Nature of Job:
From (day/month/year):
10). Do you have any children? / ___ YES If YES,
How many?
What are their ages?
___ NO
11). Are you, your partner and your children all healthy? / ___ YES
___ NO If No, please provide details below.
12). Are you, your partner and your children free of any criminal convictions? / ___ YES
___ NO If No, please provide details.
13). Have you been deported from any country or denied entry to any country? / ___ YES If Yes, please provide details below.
___ NO
14). Have you or your partner lived and worked in another country other than your present country of residence? / ___ YES If Yes, please provide details.
___ NO
15). What is your level of competence of the English language? / You Your Spouse/Partner
___ Fluent ___ Fluent
___ Above Satisfactory ___ Above Satisfactory
___ Satisfactory ___ Satisfactory
___ Below Satisfactory ___ Below Satisfactory
Note: If you have taken IELTS tests, please complete details below:
Scores: Reading__ Listening__ Writing__ Speaking__
Date (month/year) IELTS Test was taken:
16). How much settlement funds can you bring to New Zealand?
NOTE: Your total funds may include cash plus the estimated cash value of all your other assets (free of debts) should you liquidate them prior to immigrating to New Zealand. / ___Less than US$5,000 ____US$40,000 – 60,000
___US$ 5,000 – 10,000 ____US$60,000 – 80,000
___US$10,000 – 15,000 ____US$80,000 – 100,000
___US$15,000 – 20,000 ____More than US$100,000
___US$20,000 – 25,000 ____More than US$500,000
___US$25,000 – 30,000 ____More than US$ 1 Million
___US$30,000 – 40,000 ____More than US$ 2 Million
17). Any other information you wish to share which you think is relevant to enhance your immigration chances to New Zealand?
18). How did you learn about Kravis Corporation’s free preliminary assessment advisory service? / ___I was referred by a Kravis Accredited Agent:
Please specify name of Agent: ______
___Thru my friend, officemate, brother, cousin, etc.
His/Her Name - ______
Relationship (friend, officemate, brother, etc.) - ______
___Thru newspaper advertisement
Please specify name of newspaper: ______
___Thru handouts/flyers distributed around
Please specify place where you got the flyer: ______
___Thru seminar/road show conducted by: ______
___Thru bulletin board/poster
Please specify place of poster/bulletin board: ______
___Thru general surfing/search on the Internet
___Other (please specify): ______
Thank you for completing this form. Please email this to .
Feel free to recommend our website to your work colleagues, friends and relatives who are interested to migrate to New Zealand for our free preliminary assessment service.
(For KRAVIS use only)
COMMENTS / REMARKS:Assessed by: ______Date: ______
© Copyright 2007 Kravis Corporation Ltd.
Form KRV101-Sept2007.doc