World History: Review Sheet
China / Sun Yat Sen / Reformation, 1517 / OPECChina Middle Kingdom / 2nd Pd of Warring States / Martin Luther / India
Period of Warring States / Chiang Kai-Shek / Islam / Hinduism
Dynastic Cycle / Nationalists / Muhammad / Castes and Dharma
Mandate of Heaven / Mao Tse-Tung / Mosques / Karma and Moksha
Legalism / Long March / Koran and Shariah / Polytheism
Taoism and Lao Tzu / 1949 China Goes Communist / Hajj to Mecca / Sacred Cows
Confucius and the analects / Great Leap Forward, 1950s / 5 Pillars / Buddhism
Golden Rule / Famine Kills 30 Million: Mao’s reaction / Fundamentalists / Reincarnation
Five Relationships / Cultural Revolution, 1966-76 / Secular View / Nirvana
Xenophobia / Deng Xiaoping / Jihad / Four Noble Truths
Ming Dynasty / Black Cat, White Cat, Who Cares? / Sunni and Shiite / Ganges Holy River
Tribute Empire / Tiananmen Square 1989 / Middle East / BEIC
Kow Tow and Canton / Hong Kong / Israel 1948 / Sepoys
Opium and War / Religions / 1967 Six Day War / Sepoy Mutiny 1857
Treaty of Nanjing 1842 / Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve / 1973 Yom Kippur War / Indian National Congress
Unequal Treaties / Moses and the Escape from Egypt / West Bank, Golan Heights / Amritsar Massacre 1919
Extraterritoriallity / Ten Commandments / Anwar Sadat and Camp David / Mohandas Gandhi
Taiping Rebellion / Anti-Semitism, Pogroms / Benjamin Netanyahu / Non-violence
Hung Xiuchuan / Holocaust of WWII / Iranian Revolution 1979 / Civil Disobedience
Foot Binding / Zionism / Iranian Hostage Crisis / Salt March
Empress Cixi / Roman Catholicism / Afghanistan 1979 / Pakistan
War with Japan / Pope/ 7 Sacraments / Taliban / Kashmir and Violence
Loss of Korea and Taiwan / Great Schism / Iran-Iraq War 1980s / Muslims vs. Hindus
Boxer Rebellion, 1900 / Eastern Orthodox / Saddam Hussein
Spheres of Influence / Protestant Faiths / Seal Team Six
Pakistan / Zaire and DRC / Geography
General Zia ul-Haqled / African World War / Know blank map of Asia. This portion of exam will be given on June 12th
Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan / HIV/AIDS
Madrassas / Polygamy
Africa / Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Middle Passage / Uganda
Slave Trade in Africa / Malaria
Berlin Conference / Guinea Worm
Social Darwinism
White Man’s Burden
Scramble for Africa
Independence/Decolonization of Africa
African National Congress
Nelson Mandela
World Cup
Nelson Mandela
Battle of Mogadishu
Bill Clinton
Hutu vs. Tutsi
In regards to the last box, only study the countries that we have located on quizzes from the Middle East and Asia. (No African Countries and No European Countries will be on the Final Exam). NO CAPITALS WILL BE ON THE MAP PORTION OF THE FINAL EXAM. YOU WILL ONLY NEED TO KNOW THE LOCATION OF EACH OF THE COUNTRIES.
YOU WILL ALSO NEED TO IDENTIFY THE FOLLOWING BODIES OF WATER; Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Red Sea, and Persian Gulf.
Here is the list of the countries that you need to study for the Map Portion of the Final Exam:
1. Russia 29. Jordan
2. Japan 30. Iraq
3. China 31. Iran
4. Vietnam 32. Yemen
5. Laos 33. Oman
6. Thailand 34. United Arab Emirates
7. Malaysia 35. Qatar
8. Brunei 36. Bahrain
9. Indonesia 37. Kuwait
10. Philippines 38. Saudi Arabia
11. Taiwan
12. Myanmar
13. India
14. North Korea
15. South Korea
16. Bangladesh
17. Nepal
18. Bhutan
19. Pakistan
20. Sri Lanka
21. Mongolia
22. Cambodia
23. Singapore
24. Afghanistan
25. Turkey
26. Syria
27. Lebanon
28. Israel