Confirmation of Research Higher Degree Candidates (PhD & MPhil)
Candidate’s Name: / Click here to enter text. /FIRST NAME FAMILY NAME
Date of Commencement: / Click here to enter text / Student Number: / Click here to enter text /
Program: / PhD / MPhil
Recommendation: / Confirmation of Candidature / Extension of Provisional Candidature / Change of Candidature / Termination of Candidature
Confirmation of Candidature
–Please complete all parts of this form and provide the written advice given to the candidate that details the feedback from the committee on their confirmation report. Please attach a copy of this advice.
Extension of Provisional Candidature
–Please provide the written advice given to the candidate that details what work must be completed by what deadline before the school can consider confirmation. Please attach a copy of this advice.
Change of Candidature
–Please complete all parts of this form and provide a Change of Research Higher Degree Program form available from:
Termination of Candidature
–If you wish to terminate candidature, please confirm that the conditions set out in the UQ guidelines for Confirmation of Candidature have been met:
Confirmation Committee
- Chair of committee(academic at least at level C, or B only if approved by the PGC)normally from the Candidate’s research group, ideally will be chair of assessors at thesis submission
- Preferably two Research Group Leaders (or nominated deputy) from research groups other than the candidate’s
- At least one otherPhD or equivalent qualifiedcolleagues from the UQ/school/research group/collaborators
- Advisory teamincluding all associate advisors (note the chair of committeemay not be a current member of the candidate’s advisory team)
- Postgraduate coordinator or deputy if requested by either the advisory team or candidate
Designation / Title / Full Name / Email Address (if not UQ)
Chair of Committee / Title / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Research Group Leader 1 / Title / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Colleague/Other Staff / Title / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Principal/Co-Advisor / Title / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Associate/Co-Advisor / Title / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Associate Advisor / Title / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Research Group Leader 2* / Title / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Postgraduate Coordinator* / Title / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
2ndColleague/Other Staff * / Title / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
* optional
Written Feedback from the Confirmation Committee (complete with candidate not present)
Part A – Feedback on the candidate’s confirmation report
Please attach a copy of the written feedback you have previously provided the candidate with on their report.
When composing your feedback please provide constructive comments on the quality of the written work. For example has the candidate demonstrated capacity to effectively report original research? Is the candidate able to critically evaluate research literature and develop a theoretical framework for the research? Please include any suggestions on how the candidate could improve their report.
The principal advisor (or the candidate under the principal advisor’s guidance) is responsible for checking the thesis
in Turnitin and must attach a copy of the Originality Report for the attention of the Chair.
A match rate >20% requires investigation. The principal advisor should differentiate self-plagiarism in the report from plagiarism-other. If there is evidence of plagiarism-other at higher than 20% the candidate will need to justify this in an interview with the principal advisor and the Chair of committee, or revise their report to the satisfaction of both parties.
Part B – Feedback on the candidate’s presentation
Please write below andattach a copy of the written feedback you have provided to the candidate.
Yes / NoWas the story clear and easy to follow?
Was the pitch/technical content of the talk appropriate to the audience?
Was the talk within the allotted timeframe and did the candidate allot enough time for each section?
Was the research presented in a clear and logical fashion?
Did the candidate effectively explain their research proposal?
Did the candidate build a convincing case for their methodological approach?
Was the candidate able to answer the questions posed by the committee effectively?
Were the visual aids used well? Were the slides informative?
Part C –Feedback on the candidate’s project
Please write below and attach a copy of the written feedback you have provided to the candidate.
Yes / NoIs the scope of the proposed research appropriate for a PhD/MPhil program?
Has candidate established a viable research plan?
Has the candidate established appropriate aims and methodology for the research project?
Has the candidate developed an adequate timeline for completing the project and writing the thesis?
Are there any anticipated difficulties for the candidate completing within the allowed time?
i.e., 36-48 months from commencement full-time equivalent for a PhD, or 12-24 months for an MPhil
Have all the necessary resources to complete this project been secured?
Will the research make an original contribution to knowledge in the field?
Please provide comments on the overall project and presentation. In particular, how it could be improved, any developmental needs, issues not addressed above or any questions answered no above.
Click here to enter text. /
Part D–Feedback from the Advisory Team
Yes / No / NAHas the candidate been made aware of all issues of intellectual ownership and commercialisationrelated to their project?
Has the candidate obtained, or is in the process of obtaining, ethical clearance for their project?
Has the candidate completed all necessary Occupational Health & Safety requirements?
Do you meet regularly with the candidate?
Has the candidate undertaken all parts of the School’sCompulsory Writing Skills package?
Has the candidate proactively and diligently undertaken the project?
Has the candidate shown initiative consistent with the requirements of the research program and level of study?
If you answer no to any of the questions above please provide some explanation below:
Click here to enter text. /
In signing this you:
- Certify this candidate has satisfactorily completed all parts of the indicated milestone process to the appropriate academic standard for their current program and has met all candidature conditions set to be achieved by this milestone.
- Confirm that the candidate has received written feedback on their performance and progress that summarises their strengths, achievements and developmental needs, offers suggestions towards the successful completion of candidature, and identifies the tasks to be completed and by when for the next milestone.
- Certify that the Originality Report has been sighted by the Chair and that any plagiarism issues (if applicable) have been resolved to the satisfaction of the Chair and principal advisor.
- Certify that achievement of the next milestone is feasible within 9-15 months (PhD) or 4-8 months (MPhil) full-time equivalent.
- Certify that thesis submission is feasible within36-48 months full-time equivalent PhD candidate, or 12-24 months (FTE) MPhil from commencement.
- Have expressed any additional concerns in an attached document.
Chair of the Committee / Date / Colleague from Candidate’s
Research Group / Date
Research Group Leader #1
or nominated deputy / Date / Research Group Leader #2
or nominated deputy / Date
Principal Advisor
Or Co-Advisor / Date / Associate Advisor
Or Co-Advisor / Date
Postgraduate Coordinator
Or Deputy / Date / Associate Advisor
Or Colleague / Date
Candidate’s Comments (complete with advisory team not present)
Yes / NoDo you meet regularly with your advisory team?
Do you have access to the necessary resources and/or funding to complete your project?
Have you been given explicit feedback as to your progress?
Do you agree with this feedback?
If you answer Noto any of the above or have any other concerns, please provide comments or further details below.
Click here to enter text. /
Candidate’s signature / Date