DUE: Friday, December 9, 2016 In Class Project Using I-pads
DESCRIPTION: Each student signed up for a specific earthquake in class. Then students will research the event and create a trailer on I-movie.
My event is: ______Year:______
My partner(s) is/are: ______
Project Parts:
1. Research: Here you will gather data and statistics to display about your event. Keep all information organized with the correct titles on a separate sheet of paper stapled to this one.
Research Data Must Include:
- Date:What is the exact date of the event? Include Day, Month and Year. If known, include the time of day the event occurred.
- Death Toll:How many people died due to the event? If you can’t find any of this information about your event than find a similar event and report that information instead. If there was not a large death toll what made this event significant?
- Magnitude(Mercalli intensityscale and/or Richter or Moment Magnitude Scale): If you can’t find any of this information about your event than find a similar event and report that information instead. If so, please state what earthquake you used as a similar one.
- Cost:What was the monetary cost of the damage caused by the event? If you can’t find any of this information about your event than find a similar event and report that information instead. If the information is reported in a different country’s money, go to an online converter to determine the cost in American dollars. If there was not a large cost, what made this event significant?
- Aftermath:Several years after the event, were the people able to continue life as normal in that city or was it completely destroyed? If you can’t find specific information about the time immediately following your event, report on the current state of the city. Include in the report the population, average income, general state of success or decline.
- Prevention:What could the people of that city have done to prevent so much death and destruction? We now have many ideas about prevention and safety that they may or may not have known during that time in history. List at least three tips they could have followed to help prepare for such an event. This won’t be on the trailer.
2. Presentation
Required Presentation type: I-movie app trailerbut also turn in research andAbove and Beyond on separate sheets of paper.
First, review how to make an i-movie trailer at:
Font:Make sure that the lettering you use is readable to the audience.
Title: Make the title catchy like “Killer Quake” or “Death Toll 10,000”
Pictures/Videos:Pictures and videos of the earthquake or similar earthquake aftermath, Diagrams of tectonic activity that caused event, video of earthquake shaking, personal artistic rendition of event or aftermath, magnitude scale. Make sure the pictures are to scale for size and shape required for the movie. To get the video you want you may need to take a recording of the picture you found (since the conversion process takes too long for our purposes).
Map: Map with location of event pinpointed or highlighted. You can video record the map.
3. Above and Beyond: For the “A+” submit at least 5 paragraphs (on your own paper) including all or some of the following information:
Historical relevance:What was happening in the world around that time in history? Were there any other significant historical events that occurred at or near that time in history?
Other interesting facts:What additional information can you provide about this event?Did it cause any other social, health, or economic problems that were significant?
Report on the City: Give interesting facts and information about the city that the event occurred near.
A+ Completed all above requirements with accuracy plus the Above and Beyond requirement.
A Completed all above requirements with accuracy.
B Completed most above requirements with accuracy.
C Completed some above requirements with accuracy or mostly accurate.
D Didn’t complete above requirements with accuracy but made an attempt.
F Did nothing towards the project or very little.