Apr 2015doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0530r1doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0530r0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

TGah Teleconference Apr21, 2015 Minutes
Date: 2015-04-21
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / Email
Zander Lei / Institute for Infocomm Research / 1 Fusionopolis Way,
#21-01 Connexis (South Tower),
Singapore 138632 / +65 6408 2436 /

March3, 2015(Tuesday) PM8:00–10:00, EDT

  1. Yongho Seok (NEWRACOM) is the chair ofTGah and was running this conference call. Chair called the meeting to order at 8:00 PM, EDT.
  2. Chair reviewed the proposed agenda below for the teleconference, which was circulated through the TGah email reflector. Chair asked if there is any objection or new items to be added on. None was heard.
  3. Call for secretary
  4. IPR and other relevant IEEE policies
  5. Attendance Reminder (send an email to and )
  6. Review the LB211 comment spreadsheet (11-15/525r0)
  7. Submissions to address comments received on Draft 5.0

- tgah-lb211-comment-resolutions-part1 (11-15/527r0)

- tgah-lb211-comment-resolutions-part2 (11-15/528r0)

- tgah-lb211-comment-resolutions-part3 (11-15/529r0)

  1. Call for Secretary
  2. Zander (I2R) volunteered to be the secretary for this session.
  1. IPR and other relevant IEEE policies
  2. Chairreviewed the administrative items and presented the links for accessing the related documents.
  • IEEE Patent Policy -
  • Patent FAQ -
  • LoA Form -
  • Affiliation FAQ -
  • Anti-Trust FAQ -
  • Ethics -
  • IEEE 802.11 Working Group Operations Manual –11-14-0629-08-0000-802-11-operations-manual.docx
  • Chairreviewed the patent policy and meeting guideline.
  • Chair presented the Call for Potentially Essential Patents slide. Chairasked: “Are there any patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for the use of that standard?”Chair asked: “Does anybody want to speak up now?”None was heard.
  • Chair reviewed other guidelines of the IEEE WG meetings.
  1. Attendance Reminder
  2. Chair reminded members who wanted their attendance recorded to send an email to d/or
  3. Review the LB211 comment spreadsheet (11-15/525r0)
  4. Chair overviewed the comments received for LB211. There are total 107 comments received, amongst which 34 comments are technical and 73 comments are editorial. The Approval Rate of LB211 is 93% with marginal increase from last LB.
  5. Chair reviewed the breakdown of the comments in terms of commenters. The most comments are from David Hunter who contributed 82 out of total 107 comments. The rest are from several others with single digit comments each.
  6. Chair has divided the comments into 3 documents, i.e. part 1 (11-15/527r0) containing all 82 comments from David, part 2 (11-15/528r0) consisting of 4 comments not directly relevant to the Draft 5.0, and part 3 (11-15/529r0) housing the rest 21 comments.
  7. Chair mentioned that Eugene Baik and Mitsuru Iwaoka had withdrawn their comments as announced in the 11ah email reflector. Shoukang Zheng also indicated that he would withdraw his comments and send to the reflector soon.
  8. Chair compared the current 11ah status with that of 11ac when it was planning for the sponsor ballot 2 years ago. With the help of 11ac document 11-13/320r2 “p802-11ac-report-to-ec-on-conditional-approval-to-go-to-sponsor-ballot”, he showed that 11ah is in the similar situation to 11ac at that time and 11ah could follow a similar approach in resolving Letter Ballot comments and proceeding to Sponsor Ballot.
  9. Regarding the time line and the procedure to Sponsor Ballot, Chair updated to the group that he had consulted 802.11 Chair through emails. It was suggested that a similar approach as in 11ac could be taken and see whether the comments could be resolved with minimal changes to the Draft. This will allow the group to go for another recirculation after May F2F Meeting and table it for EC’s approval for Sponsor Ballot in the July meeting. Chair asked if there is any objection to follow this suggestion in order to keep the time line unchanged. None was heard.
  10. Chair mentioned that he had scanned through the comment database and found that most of the comments are invalid and can be rejected based on the“Procedural Rejections”. Chair shared the document “Comment Resolution Tutorial” (11-13/230r1) with examples for“Procedural Rejections”.
  11. Chair planned not to assign the comments to contributors as in last recirculation. Instead, he suggested that11ah Chairs, including Chair and 2 vice chairs, would worktogether to resolve all comments, referring to the “Comment Resolution Tutorial” document. Chair asked if there is any objection to this approach in resolving the comments. None was heard.
  1. Submissions to address comments received on Draft 5.0
  2. The group starts to the discussion on the submissions to address comments.
  1. tgah-lb211-comment-resolutions-part1 (11-15/527r0, Yongho)
  2. This document contains 82 comments submitted by David Hunter. Yongho had prepared resolutions for the following29 CIDs: 7027, 7028, 7030, 7032, 7033, 7040, 7041, 7042, 7043, 7044, 7045, 7046, 7047, 7049, 7086, 7087, 7088, 7090, 7093, 7095, 7097, 7099, 7100, 7101, 7103, 7104, 7105, 7106, 7107
  3. He presented the resolutions for the 29 comments.
  4. Chair asked if there is any objection to thepresented resolution for the 29 CIDs above in the document 11-15/527r0?
  5. No objection heard.
  1. Yongho skipped the document tgah-lb211-comment-resolutions-part2 (11-15/528r0) as the resolution was not ready.
  1. tgah-lb211-comment-resolutions-part3 (11-15/529r0), Yongho)
  2. This document contains 21 comments. Yongho had prepared resolutions for the following10 CIDs: 7027, 7013, 7014, 7018, 7004, 7005, 7006, 7007, 7015, and 7017. He presented the resolutions for the 10 comments.
  3. Chair asked if there is any objection to the presented resolution for the 10 CIDs above in the document 11-15/529r0?
  4. No objection heard.
  1. AOB
  2. Chair reminded 2 announcements for the group to participate.
  3. Wednesday PM2 time slot has been scheduled for 802.11ah members to participate Smart Grid TG (802.24) meeting, for the discussion and contribution toits white paper. Signing in the 802.24 meeting will be counted as 802.11 attendance credit.
  4. TGah had received discussion request from RFID Alliance on the potential impact of 11ah to RFID. Engineers involved in RFID ( will introduce their related issues in next week’s TGah Conference call.
  1. The call was adjourned at 9:15pm EDT.
  1. Attendance list
    Yongho Seok –NEWRACOM

Alfred Asterjadhi – Qualcomm

Zander Lei – I2R, Singapore

Shusaku Shimada – Schubiquist Technologies Guild, Japan

Mitsuru Iwaoka –Self employmentYokogawa, Japan

Li-Hsiang Sun – InterDigital

Bo Sun –ZTE, China

Minutespage 1Zander Lei (I2R, Singapore)