Draft PPG network meeting notes for 5 September 2017 meeting
held at 6.30-9pm at the Dugdale Centre, Enfield
Sign in, welcome and refreshments
Litsa Worrall (LW) welcomed attendees to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Monty Meth and Tim Fellows
Notes from meetingheld on
Minutes of last meeting were approved with no amendments.
Update on North London Partners in Health and Care – Will Huxter, Director of Strategy, North Central London Sector (Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington CCGs)
Will Huxter explained that:
- He was part of a small team that worked across all five CCGs.
- The STP was called North London Partners in Health and Care,
- The Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) was not an organisation in its own right, but partners working together.
- There was alarge programme of work to be delivered at a local level.
- NHS England had provided funding for an individual to do more engagement on the STP.
More information was available in the presentation attached.
Members had a number of questions and comments including:
How many groups are in place?
The team will be looking at this, the cost and the numbers involved. This will be reviewed.
A very large amount of money is required to be saved.
STP is the way to make the savings.
With regard to the estates workstream, a large amount of land was being sold off by hospitals.
Theestates workstream was looking at how the estates were being used e.g. new plans at St Anne’s Hospital and St Pancras Hospital sites. Any sale of estates would be made by the organisation which owned it.
Does the money that comes from selling estates stay within the organisation?
Foundation Trusts keep their assets, but the situation was more complicated for NHS Trusts; these organisations did not necessarily keep the estates sales monies. It was expected that all proceeds of estates sales would remain in North Central London (NCL).
Patient Engagement/Involvement Perspective on the STP – Patricia Mecinska, Chief Executive, Healthwatch Enfield
PM explained that:
- NHS England (NHSE) had accepted that the gap would not be met
- NCL will have to produce a balanced budget
- The plans were to invest in primary care
- Savings could not be achieved in one year, but over five years.
- Patients and the public did not feel involved with the process
- The work streams have met 3 times and there have been 8 events
- The STP Advisory Board members included councillors and 5 Healthwatch. The board had met twice. The board was working on how it would influence the North London Partners in Health and Care programme
Members had a number of questions and comments, including:
It is about time that people understood that patients were the people who were paying for this service; patients should be at the core of decision making; the people on the boards were not operational and did not deliver services. There are even people on the ground who didn’t know what was happening.
Part of the savings of the STP was Adherence to Evidence Based Medicine, services were going to be cut; this wasgoing to be challenged.
More cuts were coming; Enfield was leading the way on adherence to evidence based medicine.
Part of the challenge was that as residents we could deselect councillors but we can’t deselect people that work in the NHS. Who recruits them?
PMoffered to speak to groups about the STP and providedetails of how people could get involved with the process. It was explained that work around the redesign was taking place now and information about the STP was going to be created in bite size format. It was identified that the public have to be listened to. This matter was also going to be taken to the Health and Wellbeing Board in October.
In terms of making people more informed, the group Defend Enfield NHS has written to the press and attended CCG meetings. The group is affiliated to a bigger health campaign group. There has been sufficient progress where NHS England has been forced to back down. If questions continue to be asked then things will turn around. Therefore the work of PPGs is extremely important.
Action: Send out the website information on the STP.
Action:Presentation pack to be sent to Healthwatch.
PPG election for PPG representative to sit on Governing Body
Gail Hawksworth (GH) advised members that the PPG representative current Term of Office ran for 3 years, i.e. May 2018. Members noted that this term could be extended to a further 3 years. This would make this in line with the GP elected Members on the Governing Body who could also serve 2two 3-year terms. Members agreed that they wanted Litsa Worrall to remain in place as PPG representative on the governing body. It was also agreed to let the PPG network members know about
this decision and to give all PPGs in Enfield the opportunity to confirm that they were happy with the decision of the PPG Network members who had voted unanimously that Litsa Worrall should remain for another 3 years until 2021.
Patient Navigator Pilot
Item moved to the next meeting (5 December 2017).
Pharmaceutical needs assessment
LWdiscussed and noted members’ comments on the pharmaceutical needs assessment and said that she would send this to the London Borough of Enfield.
Topics for PPG collaboration
The group identified the following topics:
-What has worked well in PPGs– this information to be shared with the network
-Volunteer role who works to help people – LW to send details of the role.
Issues to send back to the Governing Body:
The group identified the following issues to be sent to the Governing body:
-The public reaction to the Adherence to Evidence Based Medicine consultation
-Some patients being refused prescriptions for common ailments at their GP surgery
-Increasing awareness of the flu campaign; specifically starting it earlier, in September rather than October.
Date of next meeting:
Tuesday 5 December 2017, 1.30-4pm, Dugdale Centre, London Road, Enfield, EN2 6DS.
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