Name______Hour ______Date______
Unit 1: Writing Workshop
Autobiography Essay
Use the prompt below to write an essay.
Description of a Significant Experience: Think about an experience you had in school that changed previously held beliefs. In an essay, explain why this learning experience had special meaning to you.
Write a seven-paragraph essay using the prompt above. After mapping out your essay (prewriting), write a rough draft. Then complete the writing process by carefully working through the revision and editing checklists.
Length: Seven paragraphs (Introduction, five body paragraphs, Conclusion) 500-800 words. Each paragraph must be at least five sentences long.
You will type your final draft into the Essay Scorer program online. Your will need your Prentice Hall user name and password for this. ( This link can also be found on the CIHS Homepage.
You must also submit your essay to ( Directions for this can be found in the classroom. Record your class ID number here: ______.
This essay is worth 72 points over-all on a six-point scale using the Six Traits of writing. You will receive 6 points per trait. This adds up to 36 points, which is then doubled in the grade book. Be sure to consider the following traits when composing your essay:
- Ideas—Clear, thorough content
- Organization—introduction, body, conclusion
- Voice—personality and originality
- Sentence Fluency—variety of sentence types and lengths and transition usage
- Word Choice—variety, vocabulary
- Conventions—spelling, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, usage, appearance
Write your rough draft here:
Revision Will Make or Break Your Paper
Revising your paper means to reorder, reword, add, cut, and refine. The most important question to answer is—How can I improve what I have written so far? Place a check in the blank when you feel you have completed each one carefully.
______1. I have met the requirements of the assignment.
______2. I have made all the important points in a logical and interesting order.
______3. I have written a great attention getter as my opening sentence.
______4. I have written a thesis statement in the introductory paragraph, directing the route and
content of the paper.
______5. I have solid topic sentences for all of the body paragraphs.
______6. I have excellent, well-developed body paragraphs with good examples.
______7. I have revised my paper for fluency by making sure I have used good transitions between and within paragraphs.
______8. I have revised my paper for fluency by checking for sentence variety, mixing in simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentence types
______9. I have revised my paper for fluency by eliminating repetition of words and sentence starters.
______10. I have revised my paper for word choice by selecting strong verbs and adjectives.
______11. I have written an excellent conclusion by summarizing my main points and helping the
reader understand the significance of my topic.
______12. I have asked another person to help me in the revision process by giving me feedback on
the content, style, and fluency of my paper.
Editing Checklist:
______1. I have not started any sentences with a conjunction.
______2. I have not ended any sentences with a preposition.
______3. I have checked the essay for correct capitalization.
______4. There are ZERO spelling mistakes.
______5. I have checked the essay for correct punctuation.
______6. I have checked the essay for correct grammar.
______7. I have checked the essay for typing mistakes.
______8. All of my sentences are complete thoughts. (I have eliminated run-ons and/or fragments.)
______9. I have double-checked for word variety.
______10. I have indented for each paragraph. (Do not use tab key with essay scorer—only space bar)
______11. I have eliminated second person from my essay. (you, your, you’re)
______12. I have titled my essay.
______13. A second editor that assisted me was ______