Regular Meeting ofMay 24, 2006
Council Members Present:Donal MacAdam, President, Ramona Hall, Secretary; Mary Johnson, Treasurer; Peg Spry, Ze Gonzales
Council Members Absent:
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE / The regular meeting of May 24 2006 was called to order by President Don MacAdam at 7:00 PM.
APPOINTMENT OF SECRETARY / President MacAdam appointed Elodie Buck as Secretary Pro-Tem for the meeting.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA / MJ moved to approve the agenda as presented. / M: MJ
S: ZG / In Favor: 5
Against: 0
APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES / MSP – Minutes May 11, 2006 were approved as amended. / M: MJ
S: DM / In Favor: 5
Against: 0
REPORT FROM SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT / No Sheriff’s report presented. / Information only.
REPORT FROM THE CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL / Patrol Officer Rick Miller presented:
1)Office has received a packet in the mail regarding a new track of homes on Sierra Hwy; there will be 75 homes and a traffic light. They estimate 300 new residents;
2)Reminder that all fireworks are illegal in the county. If it explodes or leaves the ground it’s illegal;
3)The power outage on the 21st was due to a fatality traffic accident;
4)The CHP had a Spear Team on Sierra Hwy. recently and they gave many, many tickets;
5)Questions regarding memorials on Sierra Highway; Public Works usually handles them;
6)With respect to CHP units on Hwy. 14, there is normally one car in each direction and they can not keep up with the violations-80+ is the norm;
7)The current detour is part of a slope abatement brush clearing plan that will finish by 2008. / Information only.
5TH DISTRICT REPORT / Senior Deputy Millie Jones reported:
1) Stated that the Regional Planning Hearing went well with Mary Johnson representing the ADTC;
2) Ms. Jones received the ADTC letter of 4/24/06 regarding arsenic in wells. She forwarded the letter to Philip Chan, Policy director for Health Services and to Paul Novak. Ms. Jones suggested that the ADTC and Acton TC might want to arrange a joint meeting. The tentative dates are 6/28 and 7/12/06.
3) Ms. Jones apologized to Council and community if she overstepped her bounds re: signage issues. County agencies are complaint driven. The complaint about the sign in on Agua Dulce Cyn. Rd. has been investigated and CountyCounsel is looking at the issue from a Freedom of Speech/First amendment Rights perspective. If the violation to the property owner was issued in error, the county will retract the violation.
4) Electronic voting has started at the public library
5) Announced the Supervisors Trail Ride to take place on June 11 at CastaicLake. / By consensus, RH will contact the Acton Town Council to set joint meeting. / Information only
FIRE DEPT REPORT / No Report / Information Only
SECRETARY REPORT / No Report / Information Only
TREASURER REPORT / MJ presented two possible scenarios for the Town Council Treasurer Report, a) the Treasurer makes regularly occurring monthly payments of $565.00 and incurs a negative balance; b) the TC reduces the regular $500 payment for attorney fees and keeps a positive balance in the checking account. After discussion, the TC agreed to reduce the monthly attorney payment to $200.
MSP that the amount to attorney fees will be reduced to maintain a positive bank balance. / M: DM
S: MJ / In Favor: 5
Against: 0
COUNCIL MEMBERS REPORTS / PS reported on a luncheon held by Supervisor Antonovich where he asked for input fro the District’s Town Council Presidents. DM related that there were 12-14 Presidents there and 4 Aides to Supervisor Antonovich. Items were of general interest. Staff from the Whitehouse was there to discuss support for the President’s Social Security package. PS indicated that she would like to see Council Members notified of such meetings in the future.
PS related that there will be a presentation on mandatory trash pickup o 6/20/06 and 6/24/06. / Information Only
ADJOURNMENT / MSP to table rest of items and adjourn pending completion of the Special Election Candidate Speaker Forum / M: PS
S: RH / In favor: 5
Against: 0
COMMITTEE REPORTS / 1. Community Standards (Mrs. Johnson): The committee anticipates finishing the document by August or September, and then they will have the timeline for public input. They do not want to meet with County officials until there is a finished project. At this time, there is no route for delivery of the document to the community.
2. Parks & Trails (Mrs. Johnson): RPC report regarding the Backbone Trails project. 312 letters and a petition were received in support of the document. A few developers spoke in opposition to some parts of the map. Planners explained that it is just a wish list. The RPC voted 5/0 to approve the plan w/changes. / Information Only
OPEN FORUM / No speakers
Before & After School Care Facility
Water Quality Mtg
SOS site
ADJOURNMENT / The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 PM. / M: RH
S: ZG / Approve: 5
Against: 0
Prepared by Ramona Hall, Secretary, AguaDulceTown Council 2006. Certified by the Town Council as amended on September 13, 2006
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ADTC Minutes of May 24, 2006