Kidlington Forum Table Tennis Club

Minutes of the Committee meeting of 25th February 2016

1. Apologies:Christine Scaysbrook.

Present: John Duncalfe, Karl Bushell, Chris Smith,Bob Hallett, Joe McKenna-Jones,Ben Pritchard and Ryan Hambridge.

The meeting began at 7.00pm.

2. Minutes, a true record?It was agreed that the minutes of 11-11-2015 were a true record.

3. Matters arising from the minutes:1.JD said the KFTTC sign was now in place by the entrance. Thanks are due to KB.

4. Coaching:KB said his sessions were going well. There were 10 last Tuesday. Cooper, Adam and Pelin had been advanced to his sessions making a core of 13-14 players. There were no more spaces to advance any more at the moment. JD said the beginners’ session had 9 last Tuesday. Farshad Shaddel had a new job which meant he could only make KB’s sessions. Only BP and JD were available for coaching beginners. RH said he and JMcK-J wanted to become coaches. KB said he would mention to Gemma at TTE that they wanted to become coaches to aid their qualification procedures.

5. Pavilion Issues:KB said painting the windows was the preferred replacement for the damaged blinds. It was agreed that JD to chase Les Dent at the PC for permission to paint the windows. KB said RH’s Grandad had bought 6 mugs for club use. KB said the smoke detectors were activated by Footballers using the showers so the football managers now have keys to reset the alarm.

6. Treasurer’s Report:KB said we had £17600 in the Coventry bond which had two years to run. Satellites had £1341.27 and the main account had £6674.81. All match fees for the first half of the season had been paid. We are well covered.

7. Open Sessions:JD said he was frustrated that he had only 2 volunteers out of 120 members for sessions in March and April. BP suggested targeting specific members for specific sessions. The Committee was happy with threatening cancellation if there were no volunteers.

8. Oxford League Issues:JD reported that the League had received suggestions about improving the match experience by making matches more social. Selling refreshments had been proposed. There was no support for that from the Committee. RH said starting on time was more important and JMcKJ said punctuality of all players was important. JD said analysis of match cards showed that end times were not an issue as only one match has ended after 11pm so far.

JD said that the League had invited CSc to be T & G organiser again as she had done a good job this season.

JD said the League was looking for a new Secretary for next season as Janet Brown was retiring from that post. It was agreed to canvas members on it.

JD said the Div KO matches had been fixed at the Pavilion in April but wouldn’t clash with coaching or open sessions, except Finals night. KB said the League had paid for the matches as per last year.

9. Junior League:JD said the League would be run on Mondays from 18th April. He would canvas juniors soon. It was agreed that JD would email Committee members to ask for help in running the League. CS said that only one volunteer was needed on each night.

10. New Tables:He said he could replace our 4 Donic tables with Bribar tables at £700 each but we needed to dispose of the 4 Donic tables before ordering new ones. Hanney TTC wanted 2 tables and would collect. The new Finstock TTC wanted one and asked for KB to do an introductory session as well. Tables would be sold for £100 each. The Bribar tables have a two week delivery and someone will need to be here to help unload. KB will order 4 more nets as well. KB brought a tub for open session balls. It was agreed that only 6 match balls would be put out for each session to ensure they were conserved, and be replaced, as necessary, by training balls if there were breakages. JD said Kevin Giles wanted to buy a new table for Gladiators and he had advised him to contact KB. KB would ask Kevin Giles to contact Bribar to arrange the sale but have the discount via KFTTC.

11. Defibrillator:It was agreed not to pursue a defibrillator at the Pavilion. JD would ask the PC where there was one at Exeter Hall.

12. Pre-match practice arrangements:BH was concerned that such practice needed to be controlled and charged for - £1 a member was agreed. Anyone wanting to play before matches should set up a match table, match net and surrounds at one end in a match position. Practice should stop at 7pm or earlier if match players were present and wanted to knock up. It was agreed that JD would email members to tell them about the opportunity to practice.

13. AOB:1. It was agreed that JD ask Klair Price for a set of keys for RH to use.

2. BP said juniors should be encouraged to watch good competitions. KB said the 1st Div KO Final should be played earlier to facilitate the above.

The meeting ended at 8.10pm

Signed………………………………………………Bob Hallett,Chairman
