5.1 ENGLISH - Homework - Macbeth
1) What mood is established in the opening scene and how is it established?
2) What purpose do the witches wish to pursue?
1) Who was fighting whom in the battle that we hear reports about ?
2) What do we learn about Macbeth?
3) What does King Duncan arrange to happen at the end of the scene?
1) How does Shakespeare establish the witches as agents of evil at the start of this scene and what do we learn about their power over people?
2) What predictions do the witches make for Macbeth and Banquo?
3) What are the reactions of Macbeth and Banquo what do we learn about them from those reactions?
4) What 'horrible imaginings' do you think Macbeth has and what signs are there that he is a man of conscience who is struggling with a dangerous list for power and status?
1) What is your impression of Duncan in this scene?
2) What is Macbeth's reaction to Duncan's announcement that Malcolm is heir to the throne?
3) Basing your answer on the first four scenes of the play would you agree that Macbeth is a conflicted character?
1) What is your impression of Lady Macbeth from this scene?
2) What is Lady Macbeth's view of her husband?
3) In Act 1 Scene 4 Macbeth says "Stars hide your fires/ Let not light see my black and deep desires/ The eye wink at the hand." Write down a quotation from Lady Macbeth in this scene that expresses a similar idea.
4) Why do you think Lady Macbeth asks evil spirits to "unsex" her ?
5) What does Lady Macbeth mean when she tells Macbeth to "look like the innocent flower.But be the serpent under't?"
6) How would you describe the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth? Refer to this scene in your answer.
Find one quote that you could use to write about the three witches creating a dark and evil atmosphere at the start of the scene
Find the line that Macbeth says to Banquo that indicates the weather is bizarre on this day.
Select one quote from Banquo that shows the witches have a fearful appearance.
1) comment on the dramatic irony of this scene.
2) What advice given by LMB to MB in Act 1,5 does she follow herself n this scene.
1) List 5 reasons MB offers in his soliloquy for not killing Duncan.
2) How does LMB try to convince MB to kill Duncan?
3) What is LMB plan for avoiding suspicion for the murder of Duncan?
4) From this scene alone, who do you think is more responsible for the decision to murder Duncan?
1) What changes have occurred in the relationship between MB and Banquo?
2) Do you think the appearance of the dagger is a supernatural phenomenon or is it a product of MBs imagination?
Changes in MBs mood during the dagger speech
If you were directing the scene would you have the dagger appear to the audience or not?
1) How does LMB feel after murdering Duncan?
2) How does LMB react after the murder?
3) What reason does LMB give for not killing Duncan herself?Does this soften her character?
4) Would you agree that LMB is the dominant character in this scene?
5) how does Shakespeare create tension in this scene?
1) Who is Macduff and why has he arrived at the castle ?
2) How does MB act when Macduff arrives at the castle?
3) How does Macduff react to the discovery of Duncan's body?
4) Consider how each of the characters who enters after the ringing of the alarum bells react to the murder of Duncan?
1) Using quotations list all the strange and unnatural events that have happened since D murder?
2) What evidence is there that Maceuff is suspicious of MB?
1) Summarise the main points of Banquo's soliloquy which begins this scene?
2) Why does MB arrange the murderers of Banquo and Fleance? Use quotations.
3) What reasons does MB give the murderers for not publicly ordering the death of Banquo?
Act 3 Scene 2
1)Would you agree that Lady Macbeth is clearly troubled in this scene? Explain your answer.
2)Describe Macbeth's emotional and psychological state in this scene.
3) Describe the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth as revealed in this scene.
4) Why do you think Macbeth does not include Lady Macbeth in his plot to kill Banquo?
5) Find quotations from the scene that illustrate each of the following ideas:
A) Lady Macbeth is worried and has found no contentment.
B) Macbeth and/or Lady Macbeth must put on a brave face for those around them.
C) Macbeth is worried and restless.
D) Lady Macbeth envies the peace Duncan has found in death.
E) Macbeth envies the peace ....
Act 3 Scene 3
In what ways does this scene advance the action of the play.
1) What is Macbeth's reaction to the news that Fleance escaped the murderers?
2) How does Macbeth react to the appearance of the ghost and how does Lady Macbeth try to explain his strange behaviour to the other Thanes? Where else in the play has she intervened to protect him?
3) Lady Macbeth considers Macbeth's vision to be merely the 'painting' of Macbeth's fears. Do you agree with her?
4) Examine Macbeth's behaviour after the first appearance of the ghosts and his behaviour after its second appearance. Is there any difference?
5) Find two quotations that suggest Macbeth intends to shed more blood?
What final changes occur in Macbeth's character in the Banquet scene? Explain your answer with reference to the text and quotation.
Act 3 Scene 6
Pick out any examples of imagery associated with heaven or God in this scene. Who is this imagery related to and what point is Shakespeare making.
1) Describe each of the apparitions that appear before Macbeth. What do they say to him, put it in your own words.
2) What effect do these apparitions have on Macbeth?
3) How is the decision to murder Macduff's family different from the decisions to murder people earlier in the play? What does it tell us about how Macbeth has changed?
Act 4 scene 2
1) Considering they play little part in the play overall why do you think Shakespeare devotes an entire scene to Lady Macduff and her son?
2) Both Ross and Lady Macduff make reference to society in general.What is their view of how Scotland is being run?
Act 4 scene 3
1) 'Malcolm is wisely much more suspicious of others compared to his father' . Do you agree with this statement , explain your answer.
2) Using the evidence of this scene describe the state of Scotland under Macbeth's rule.
3) Describe the portrayal of King Edward in this scene. Use quotations in your response.
4) What do we learn about Macduff from this scene?
5) What do you think this scene says about the issue of manliness?
Act 5 scene 1
1) How does Shakespeare reveal Lady Macbeth's guilt in this scene? Describe what she does and what she says.
2) Write about how imagery relating to light and dark, blood and sleep run through this scene. Explain what purpose that imagery has served throughout the play.
1) What evidence is there in this scene that Macbeth's control over Scotland and his own troops is slipping?
2) Shakespeare uses clothing imagery, a medical image and an image of natural fertility in this scene. Write down each image and explain what is been expressed through each image.
Act 5 scene 2
1) What evidence is there in this scene that Macbeth's control over Scotland and his own troops is slipping?
2) Shakespeare uses clothing imagery, a medical image and an image of natural fertility in this scene. Write down each image and explain what is been expressed through each image.
Act 5 scene 3
1) Describe Macbeth's state of mind as he thinks about the pending attack. ( a mixture of confidence, certainty and gnawing fear)
2) Trace Macbeth's mood changes through this scene and illustrate your answer with reference to the text and quotes.
3) Which word do you think best describes Macbeth's state of mind ; brave, reckless, desperate or hopeless. You may say that the predominant mood is a combination of two of these words.
Act 5 scene 5
1) After seeing Banquo's ghost (3;4) Macbeth proclaimed " My strange and self abuse is the initiate that wants hard use, We are but young in deed." What evidence is there that this is no longer the case?
2) How does Macbeth react to the news that Lady Macbeth has died?
3) Using quotations describe Macbeth's outlook on life in this scene?
4) Rewrite Macbeth's "Tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow" soliloquy in modern English.
5) What is Macbeth's reaction to the news that Birnam Wood is moving?
Act 5 scene 7
1) increasingly throughout the play Macbeth is associated with hell and the devil. find examples of that in this scene.
2) Describe Macduff's attitude in this scene.
3) Rewrite Macbeth's final lines in this scene using modern English. " But swords I ...... "
Act 5 scene 8
1) why does Macbeth refer to the witches as "juggling fiends?"
2) What evidence is there in this scene that Macbeth feels guilt for the murder of Macduff's family?
3) Macbeth has changed during the course of the play but are there any similarities between Macbeth in this final scene and The Macbeth that is discussed in Act 1 scene 2?
4) Do you feel sympathy for Macbeth at the close of the play?