II Samuel 13

What Controls You?


1. Are you being controlled by anything other than Jesus Christ?

2. Lust: ‘strong desire’… “Sinful desires, an insatiable hunger for pleasure, profit, power,prestige, and sex.” In short ‘lust’ (addiction) is an insatiable desire for anything that Godforbids. II Samuel 13 is a chapter of ‘psychological disorders’. The problem is spiritual!

Are you being controlled by anything other than Jesus Christ?


A. The whole plan flowed from a legitimate need…so he thought.

1. Amnon ‘loved’ is infatuated, sensual desire for Tamar.

2. Tamar wouldn’t pay any attention to him. She was a virgin. The Levitical law

prohibited marriage between a step-brother and sister (Lev. 28:9, 10; Ex.

20:17)Her purity was a real problem. He fell sick over her.

3. Jonadab was very crafty. There is always someone who will tell you what you

want to hear. (v. 4) What does God say? v. 5 Here’s the plan!

B. Lust generally flows from a perceived legitimate need.

*You want to eat a piece of cake…then you ate the whole thing!!!

*Hunger was legitimate. You set out to meet that need…and then…

Are you being controlled by anything other than Jesus Christ?


A. This whole scene flows from pretense. I will have what I want, even if I have to


1. Pretense to David 6-7

2. Pretense to Tamar 8

3. Pretense to the Servants 9

B. Lust is never satisfied, it always wants more.

1. More Attention 8

2. More Service 9

3. More Alone 10

4. He is fed from her hand!

It wasn’t enough until Amnon disgraced her!

C. Lust acts without reason 11-13


1. Israel…God’s chosen nation. Israel was to be a holy nation. 12

2. Think of me…not so with lust. Shame and contempt would meet me

everywhereI go.

3. Think of yourself. You will be one of the biggest fools.

4. In desperation…Go see the king. He wouldn’t listen!

*Lust doesn’t listen to reason: cigarettes…cancer; anger…destruction;

bitterness… ruining lives and your testimony; drugs or alcohol…destroying


D. Lust can never wait! Lust acts on impulse!

Are you being controlled by anything other than Jesus Christ?


A. The pain is always greater than any moments of pleasure!

B. There really isn’t that much pleasure in lust. So many people are affected!

1. Amnon 15 “Hated…Hated…Hated”

2. Tamar 16, 19 Tamar was the innocent party. Amnon is making it look as

though it was her fault. The blame game is so common! Tamar was innocent,

but she felt dirty, guilty. She is emotionally and mentally exhausted. She

would be scared for life!

3. Absalom 20, 22 He hated Amnon!

4. David 21 Became very angry…but he does nothing!! Rape was punishable

by stoning. He was too soft…perhaps because of his own sin. He doesn’t

comfort Tamar.

C. No man is an island. There is always the ‘ripple effect’. Like on a pond when

you throw in a stone, the ripples become an ever widening circle. It will touch

life after life!“It’s my own business what I do.” It’s your family's business. It’s

your children’sbusiness. Like it or not, what you do is everybody's business.

Sowing brings reaping.

D. In lust, the prize once seized soon loses its glamour and attraction. It will eat

you alive!

Are you being controlled by anything other than Jesus Christ?

IV. THE PENALTY OF LUST 13:23-29, 37-39

A. In each area of your life in which your senses are controlling you, there is a

price to pay! In this case it took two years.

1. Amnon: “Come to the feast.” He is now dead!

2. Absalom: lust took over. Follow his path of lust:

Avenge…Revenge…Murder…Exile for 3 years.

3. I can’t tell you exactly what your price will be, but it will be much greater than

anymomentary pleasure. (James 1:13-15)

B. It always costs! When you sin, you will suffer!

Freedom…Victory…Potential…youcan never live up to your full potential or

design until you repent (turn around).

C. A Crisis must lead to a Process. Practical Suggestions:

1. Mortify (put to death) Sin (Rom 8:13) make no provision for the flesh.

If you don’t want to fall, don’t walk where it is slippery!

2. Fix your heart on Christ. You become like the object you worship.

3. Meditate on God’s Word (Ps. 119:11) thy word have I hid in my heart that I

might not sin against thee.

4. Watch and Pray…identify the circumstances that lead you into sin and pray

specifically to appropriate God’s power for that sin. Pray for a holy hatred of

sin.Pray that God would show you the real state of your sinful heart…confess

and repent!

5. Exercise self-control…temperance…self control is a fruit of the Spirit.

6. Be filled with the Holy Spirit…this is utterly, totally, completely yielding to

His control. Take your hands off your life!

Quit making excuses and blaming others!

Take the responsibility and call SIN…SIN!

REPENT…intentionally turn from your sin. Quit making provisions for the flesh!

GUILT: the only cure for guilt is forgiveness!!